Bionic Era

Chapter 273: Lower Boundary

The airship is closed.

Pure white interior.

The light blue screens on both sides show what the outside world looks like.

Everyone's vision is getting higher and higher.

There are also monitors overhead, allowing them to see the distance to that city.

"How?" Lu Wen asked with a smile.

"A little excited." Lu Yang was very honest.

He's not the only one excited.

Many people on the flying boat were excitedly communicating with each other.

Some are locals, while others come here to try their luck.

The floating city has been floating in the sky for so long that it has been deified, and many people yearn for life in this city.

Not long after.

The airship rose to a sufficient height.

The appearance of this futuristic city gradually emerged on the screen.

Many people stared wide-eyed.

The scene in front of me is far more than shocking.

"Oh My God……"

Lu Yang was almost lying on the screen next to him, wishing to send his eyes out to look at it.

It was a huge transparent sky.

Artificial sky.

It looks like it is spliced ​​​​by pieces of glass, covering the entire floating city below.

The crimson sunset reflected on the sky.

The psychedelic color, like a crystal inlaid under the sky, is dazzling.

within the sky.

Four huge mechanical instruments are floating.

It looks like four eyes looking down on the gods in the world. Countless precision metal instruments are combined to form a ring structure with a diameter of a thousand meters. A huge mechanical arm with tens of thousands of lengths is stretched out around the ring, and it is slowly rotating.

"That's the eye of God, the artificial sun!"

Someone made preparations in advance, recognized it, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

The flying boat came before the sky.

I saw layers of water-like ripples on the transparent sky.

The gate of the sky opened.

The airship passes through the gate.

Inside this transparent sky, there is actually a second layer of sky.

"Double-layer canopy, this is to control air pressure!"

The four God Eyes that everyone saw were between the two layers of sky.

This is a buffer zone.

Thousands of metal instruments flew between the two layers of sky, revolving around the entire floating city.

"Some of these instruments are used to monitor the city, and some are used to make the weather."

The weather in this city can be completely man-made.

The transparent sky on the inner layer glowed with a faint blue light.

The flying boat moved forward slowly.

A glass-like transparent block on the sky shot out a scanning light, scanning the entire flying boat.

Immediately afterwards, a mechanical female voice sounded in the airship.

"Blue Whale 0056, welcome back."

The inner canopy ripples with wavy lines.

The passage of the floating city opened to everyone.

As the flying boat slowly drove in, the whole picture of the city gradually emerged in front of everyone.

The first thing that catches the eye is the strong color contrast.

White is the main color of this world.

Other colors are just to set off this noble and pure white.

Huge and winding tracks criss-cross in the air, like a giant python in mythology, hovering in the sky.

The track is pure white throughout.

On both sides are light blue transparent glass barriers.

Hundreds of suspended cars are like tireless ants, driving rapidly on the track, with white lines flowing on the black body.

Countless flying tools come and go in the sky, shuttling freely.

Even some huge buildings are floating in the air.

"The floating city is the brainchild of countless outstanding architects, and every inch of space in this city is the product of the fusion of reality and art."

The robot on the flying boat spoke.

He is responsible for guiding everyone to visit these days.

"Next, please sit down and fasten your seat belts, the flying boat is about to accelerate."

The voice just fell.

The flying boat accelerated violently, and raging flames spewed out from the rear.

The world around me began to reverse rapidly in an instant.

The flying boat drew an elegant arc in the sky, passed through floating buildings, and jumped over the arm of the mechanical giant.

Shuttle between splendor and fantasy, swim under the blue and white sky.

Like a giant whale flying across the sky.

Surrounded by countless manned vehicles also flying under the dome.

This psychedelic city seems to exist in everyone's dreams.

"It's worth it! This trip is really worth it."

Lu Yang murmured in a low voice.

The city fulfilled all his fantasies.

"What we are about to arrive at is the Holy Church."

The robot stands at the hatch.

This is a robot in the traditional sense, with a silver-white appearance and a steel skeleton, it looks far from human beings.

At this moment the end of the sky.

A huge humanoid building stands above the city, and countless flying tools shuttle around him.

The white robe hangs down on the surface, turning into an entrance to the ground.

Vigorous and powerful arms are stretched out, and the criss-crossed steel forms blood vessels and meridians, and the palm of the hand is where the flying vehicle stops.

This building is the sanctuary.

The place where the history of the floating city is recorded.

The flying boat slowed down slowly, approaching the humanoid building.

The closer you get, the more you can feel the majesty and grandeur of that building.

In contrast, the flying boats that everyone was on looked smaller than flying ants, and hundreds of flying boats of all sizes were docked in the palm of this giant's outstretched palm.

The flying boat hovered slowly at a docking position.

The hatch opens.

Soothing, peaceful, and without any discomfort.

The outside air pressure is the same as that on the ground, which is one of the functions of the double-layered canopy.

"Please come and visit with me, don't run around."

The robot was the first to get out of the airship.

Since Lu Yang went in earlier, he was the one sitting at the front among the crowd.

He was a little excited, got up and came to the hatch, looking at the outside world.

"Go on, or the rest will have to wait." Lu Wen reminded.

"oh oh……"

Lu Yang took a deep breath to calm down.

He stepped on the steps outside the cabin door step by step, looking around.

This gorgeous world of light and shadow is reflected in his pupils, as if the splendid future described in those classical science fiction.


Lu Yang stepped on the ground.

Although it was real, he still felt like he was dreaming.

A dream that he had often had since he was a child. At that time, he would sit on the roof of the dilapidated second floor every day, looking up at the city high above.

Now he's finally up.

"Everyone calm down, the church is a very sacred place, and it is also the starting point of your journey."

The robots lead the team.

He told everyone to move closer together for easy cleaning.

"Cleaning? What cleaning?"

Everyone was a little puzzled.

But the robot didn't explain.

"This time there are three days in total. We will go to many places. I will explain to you the architectural style of the floating city, humanities and art, and life benefits."

On this thick arm is the broad road.

Standing on the top and looking down, I deeply feel my own insignificance.

At the end of the road is the entrance to the sanctuary.

The robot walked in front, and said as he walked: "I know that what everyone cares about most is the quota of permanent residence. Don't worry about this, there is no limit to the quota. As long as your ability can be recognized by the floating city, then you can stay. , become permanent residents of the floating city, including your descendants."

"When will the assessment of personal ability begin?"

Someone asked aloud.

Many people are a little anxious.

They saw the prosperity of the city.

This is a futuristic city compiled from the dreams of countless people. Although they have only been here for less than half an hour, they are all deeply fascinated by it.

"Don't worry, I will invite you to take a test tomorrow. I believe that you are all very good people in the lower realm." The robot said.


The word circled in Lu Wen's mind for a moment.

It seems that the engineers of this city replaced the city on the ground with the name "Nether" when designing the robot.

Sure enough, it was arrogant from the inside out.

There are many people on this wide road supported by huge arms.

Those are the residents of the floating city.

Most of these residents are dressed in white, with a relaxed expression, no tension or anxiety, and a relaxed life without any pressure.

"Mom, the clothes those people wear are so strange. There is something red on them, is it blood?" A little girl asked her mother.

"Stay away from them, they are people from the lower world, don't be polluted by them."

The mother remembered that these days were the days when invitations were issued.

And the sanctuary was the first stop every time those people came, so she couldn't help but change her face, and pulled her daughter away in a hurry, as if avoiding the plague.


Everyone's faces were a little ugly.

This is no longer arrogant, it can be said to be insulting.

Before coming here, everyone has heard that the residents of Floating Void City are quite arrogant and look down on the people below, but only after coming here and feeling it personally, they understand that this kind of arrogance is really deep in the bone marrow.

On the wide passage, many residents of the Floating Void City saw their group.

"If the time is correct, those are people from the lower realm."

"Sure enough, the book is right. The lower realms are full of vulgar barbarians, and there are blood stains on their bodies."

Those scrutinizing eyes looked weird.

It was like looking at a dirty monster crawling out of a mud pit, with contempt and disgust.

"Is there a virus on my body? Do these people have brain problems?"

A burly man couldn't bear those gazes anymore, so he couldn't help but cursed in a low voice.

"Brother, keep your voice down."

Someone in the crowd comforted him.

After all, everyone wants to stay, so let’s do as little as possible.

"Everyone, follow closely and don't get separated, otherwise you may be regarded as illegal immigrants by the deacon, and you will be shot dead on the spot."

As the robot walked, it reminded everyone.

Lu Wen has been at the front of the team and has not made a sound.

He is looking around.

There is a rather interesting phenomenon.

Behind everyone followed closely a group of clean and white cleaning robots.

These robots have been spraying disinfectant, covering the path of people walking.

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