Bionic Era

Chapter 342 Opinion


It's not quiet.

A muffled cough echoed through the street.

The artificial sun of the dome is dimmed, and the world has no moon.

Lu Wen stood in front of the old window, looking straight at the outside, clasped his hands behind his back, and cleared his mind.

Nothing to say all night.

It was dawn at six o'clock in the morning.

The artificial sun on the sky began to glow slowly.

There were a few more corpses on the street, hanging at the entrance. The blood stains on the ground had a deep color, not blue, but closer to black.

Lu Wen witnessed everything last night.

But he didn't stop it.

The residents living nearby seem to be used to dead people, and they are also used to people of blue race, so they are not surprised.

Occasionally, a few words of discussion reached Lu Wen's ears.

"The one hanging there, the first one on the left, borrowed money to buy genetic medicine, and there is no money to pay it back."

"Secondly, he didn't borrow any money, but last month he was on credit for the genetic medicine, and he couldn't make up the money this month, so he died."

"The third……"

These corpses are all related to genetic medicine.

To be precise, it's about money.

Many blue people are short of money.

In the early hours of the morning, when the sky was slightly bright, several groups of people came to ask for money, and some people paid back the money, so they survived.

There is still not enough money, but I can make up part of it, and I promise to make it up one after another, so I was only warned.

And the few who died... didn't have any money at all.

The family is destitute and has no source of income.

Even so, they still dare to borrow money to buy genetic medicine injections.

Maybe they know that they don't live long, but they don't want to be tortured to death by illness, so they would rather live easily for a month.

Lu Wen opened the door and walked to the street.

He glanced at the corpses, most of them were fatal with a single knife.

This method of death is still relatively easy, and the degree of pain is not high.

At the same time, he also confirmed his own judgment, the blood in the body of the blue people is black, and the color of their skin may be related to this blood.

If you can bring some samples back this time, you can ask Dr. Jiang to help study it.

Dr. Jiang's previous research direction included biological and genetic engineering, and he should be very interested in these.

Most of the residents on the street know each other.

Getting up early to cook and waiting for the meal to be ready, they sat outside their dilapidated hut and communicated with each other.

Neighbors, nothing more than that.

Regardless of race, it is still harmonious.

Early risers also start to play in the streets.

Children of blue races and dwarfs can play together without distinction.

They are not afraid of the few hanging corpses, and sometimes they will use the branches to stain the dried blood, and write and draw on the ground thank you.

These children have the concept of death, but like adults, they are used to seeing death.

Lu Wen seemed a bit out of place on this street.

He is well-proportioned, fair-skinned, expensively dressed, and plain-looking, giving off a dignified and unapproachable feeling.

Several children looked at him curiously.

Perhaps they were seeing pure humans for the first time.

There is a generally accepted truth circulating in the underground world, pure human beings are the most perfect evolved, every pure human body is perfect, and other races have their own flaws.

So in the eyes of these children, apart from curiosity, there is also a bit of envy.

"I'm very sorry, distinguished guest, the children are still young and not very sensible."

An old lady of the dwarves apologized to Lu Wen.

She was worried that the sizing and prying eyes of those children would cause dissatisfaction with the pure human in front of her.

Lu Wen looked down at the old lady.

The clothes are tattered, but they are still clean. They are taller than the dwarf trader he saw yesterday, and should be over one meter old.

The house behind the old lady is also very small. A few simple pillars seem to be metal parts dismantled from a giant machine. Dark yellow and dark red rusts are all over the surface of the pillars. One circle, this is considered a room.

Lu Wen said calmly, "It's okay."

The old lady asked cautiously again: "Are you from Christo's family?"


"What a lucky girl."

The neighbors saw that Lu Wen had no airs, so they would come up to have a chat.

Lu Wenhui will deal with it simply, and get some news about this world by the way.

Not long after, he returned to the room and said to Christo, who had just woken up, "I'm going out for a walk to collect information. I may come back, or I may not. You decide."

After that, he turned and left.

Lu Wen is very interested in the mixed area, this kind of place where good people and dragons are mixed, and many things can be done with money.

He needs to go buy some news.

Christo knew what Lu Wen meant.

If she told the news about Lu Wen to the upper echelons of this world, then she might get a generous reward.

She can also choose to be silent.

This is the choice Lu Wen asked her to make.

During the conversation last night, Lu Wen had already taken back the dagger, and now there were only a few gold bars on the table.


The dawn of this day in Mowu City did not come easily.

At least in the eyes of ordinary people, that is the case.

Because many people are now using translators to chat with residents of the other three cities.

This hearty online battle made them feel like they were defending their home and country. Although it was hard work, they were quite happy.

Just this morning.

Another city that sprayed each other has been added.

It belongs to Baker City in the south.

[Early this morning, an explosion occurred in the Baker City Council Building, and the number of casualties is currently being counted]

[According to eyewitnesses...]

The big bang was not weaker than the warehouse explosion that happened in West City.

Many surveillance cameras near the parliament building have recorded it.

It is not uncommon for an explosion to occur in Baker City. After all, various underground forces are intertwined, but the strange thing is the place where it happened.

The underground forces have no brains, and they will not attack the gate of the parliament. They are seeking their own death. If they really want to annoy the parliament, they will directly create public opinion, win the support of the people, and then pull the army into the city.

It is not difficult to get the public to support the siege and suppression of underground organizations by means of the parliament.

I don't know where the gossip came from.

It is said that the explosion was caused by people sent by Mowu City.

Then the gossip became the big news, and the madness spread on the Internet.

In a very short period of time, it reached the top of the hot searches on various social platforms.

[Baker City has yet to issue an official statement]

[Mowu City has not made any response to the public opinion on the Internet]

[According to relevant sources, several congressmen were killed in the explosion this time, and others...]

There was indeed no response from Mowu City.

Baker City is also inconvenient to disclose information.

Once it is made public, the relationship between the two cities will drop to an all-time low in an instant.

Because that grapevine is indeed true.

So they are now meeting privately to communicate.

"Seven people were unfortunately killed, including two congressmen, and more than a dozen people were seriously injured. Three people were out of danger, and the others are still being rescued."

"Through monitoring, we have caught the murderer. He confessed that Mowu City asked him to do it."


At the projection meeting, Baker City is presenting all relevant information.

The killer's confession.

On-site monitoring.

There are also eyewitnesses and testimonies of survivors at the scene of the explosion.

Everything is obvious.

But everyone knew well that Mowu City couldn't do this.

"Did he say that some force in Mowu City told him to do this, whether it was an individual, a company, or a team?"

"It is stated in the confession materials that he only said that the parliament asked him to do this."

"Parliament is just a code name, and each member of parliament has a part of the right to represent the parliament."


After everyone in Mowu City got the materials, they started talking.

There are also people who will ask appropriate questions.

"The security situation in your Baker City's parliament building is so simple, let an outsider enter the building casually?"

Baker City responded: "Please read the interrogation materials carefully. The criminal has the official seal of your parliament in his hand."

"Parliament has many official seals."

"But as long as one is enough, there is a problem within you."

"Official seals can also be counterfeited."

"But this matter has to come to a conclusion, and now the people of the two cities are waiting for us to make a statement."

"Someone is targeting Mowu City."

"But the people can't control that much. They need to vent their emotions and pressure now."


In this meeting, there were hundreds of people on both sides.

Some MPs, and some experienced old executives.

Speaking of this, there is nothing to say.

The conclusion must be given, but Mowu City cannot suffer such a slander for no reason.

The first two times were fine, as if a three-year-old child came up with it, but it was disgusting, and it didn't hurt the root.

All the people here are old conspirators, and they don't even look down on those methods of splashing dirty water.

But this time it was the real deal... two congressmen died.

Wei Bo'an said in a deep voice: "Suppress the matter, and don't give the result for now."

Baker City replied: "But it won't last long. Now is not a time of peace, and the mood of the people is very unstable."

"We will urgently set up an investigation team."

The old executives present are all experienced.

They can form a team, plus professionals in all aspects, and fly to Baker City at the fastest speed.

"But in this case, who is capable of leading the team?"

Those who lead the team will be under a lot of pressure.

This requires great ability and courage.

Everyone here is a little hesitant.

Once they are not handled well, they are likely to be caught in the vortex of public opinion and caught between the two cities.

The meeting room slowly fell silent.

Modern people pay more attention to their own reputation, and this incident is very likely to affect their reputation.

The world cannot be full of people like Feng Fugui, there are really too few people with his indifferent temperament.

For example, before, everyone knew that the position of mayor was actually very good, but at this special time, no one wanted to be the mayor, so Wei Boan could only be asked to come forward.

Xia Chuluo sat calmly in the corner of the conference room.

She was wearing headphones, closed her eyes and meditated, with her long legs resting on the stool in front of her, very comfortable.

After a moment of silence.

She just opened her mouth lightly.

"Let me come, give me three days, whoever has an opinion can put forward it."


Good night, fellow readers!

Thanks to book friends Unknowingly 9 for their rewards.

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