Bionic Era

Chapter 407 Border Town

many years ago.

It was also such a cold evening.

In that hospital.

Before dying, Yin Mu leaned on the hospital bed, held Yin Long's hand tightly, and told him: "The mechanical body with human memory is uncontrollable, don't try it lightly..."

This is what his father in this life, the first-generation bionic engineer, said.

As one of the true creators of bionics, Yin Mu's words are quite authoritative.

Yin Long remembered these words for a long time.

But then...

Time can wear away many memories of flesh and blood creatures, making people forget those pasts.

So there was Lu Wen in front of him.

A masterpiece of perfection.

"Why didn't you escape?" Lu Wen asked.

"Is the golden cicada shedding its shell?" Yin Long smiled, the dry skin on his face squeezed together, "The same method will not be fresh if you use it too much, not to really lost."

Lost to the bionic man he created.

Decades of layout turned into bubbles.

Maybe it was frustration, so Yinlong didn't run away anymore.

"Is there anything you want to ask?"

"About A00... She's pretending to have amnesia, right? She knows I'm afraid of her, so she pretends to have amnesia, so that I can continue planning without any scruples, and it's convenient for you to act."


After getting Lu Wen's affirmative answer, Yin Long had no problem.

Although it was the first real meeting between the two, they already knew each other very well.

Subsequent processing does not need to be handled by Lu Wen.

The troops belonging to Mowu City entered the bottom of the deep pit and controlled Yin Long.

In fact.

After Lu Wen's simple calculation, this old guy has only a few months to live, and now his body doesn't have much room for resistance.

When Wei Boan went down to the bottom of the pit, he glanced at Yin Long inside the gate, and then asked, "Are you sure it's the real Yin Long this time?"


"How are you sure?"

"Rely on feeling."



It's all over.

Yin Long was imprisoned.

After follow-up testing, it was determined that this was the real him.

There are countless secrets in this old time traveler, just time travel is enough to make people yearn for, as well as his mechanical technology, other talents, progress in the direction of immortality, etc...

Lu Wen might meet the old man in a few months before he died.

But now, he needs to get serious about enjoying life.

A00 shared the permission with him again.

Reconstruction began around the world.

People also knew that Lu Wen was No. 9.

The three-legged world pattern is slowly taking shape.

"The third city and the fourth city of bionics are being established, which are no-man's land outside the west and east respectively..."

"The underground forces have begun to relocate. After multiple inspections, 90% of the contaminated areas are safe, and the radiation indicators are normal, suitable for survival..."

"Nine cities jointly signed an environmental governance treaty, striving to conquer no-man's land within the next 100 years..."

A month passed.

The whole world is on the right track and developing in an orderly manner.


Baker outside.

No man's land.

Lu Wen drove an old off-road vehicle, and No. 0 sat in the co-pilot seat.

The yellow sand was billowing, and raging dust slapped on the car windows.

The destination is here soon.

It is the empty ruined city where the No. 0 main body is located.

The little toy robot remained unchanged, the black paint shell peeled off, the mechanical surface was stained with rust, and it limped, searching for food in every corner of the city.

In the central square of the city, the body of a skinny little boy lay among countless rotting food.

Time seems to freeze here.

Only the passing yellow sand can make people feel a little warmth of life.

Lu Wen pointed to the tall buildings in the city.

"Just stay here, don't come out in the future, if you want to continue to live, I can provide you with blue blood on a regular basis."

"Number 9, what's the difference between letting me wait to die here and killing me?"

"A big difference."

Lu Wen slowly returned to the car.

He closed the car door, and the outside world was filled with yellow sand.

"The difference is that you want to die now, or wait until the battery runs out."

After all, Lu Wen drove away.

There are his eyes in the sky.

Zero can't get out of here, this city is her eternal prison.

Or maybe it's not forever, the blue blood must be changed every five years, it depends on whether the zero can endure the long-term loneliness.



It is still snowing heavily in the north.

The outskirts of Kerry City.

Scores of maple trees have lost their leaves, leaving only dry trunks and branches.

White ice crystals accumulate on the branches.

The snow on the ground is also ankle deep, and there are thick maple leaves under the pure white snow.

Fatty Jiang was wearing a thick polar bear suit, standing in the snowdrift, his fat face was flushed from the cold, he was breathing out heat, and teaching Lu Yang who was trembling all over.

"...Like this...first choose a good location on the tree trunk to drill a hole, then put a metal cannula in it, hang a big iron bucket on the cannula, and the maple tree sap will slowly drip out..."

Lu Yang was shivering from the cold, and while jumping his feet, he asked tremblingly, "Brother Jiang, we...we much maple sap to make one kilogram of maple syrup?"

"I haven't survived it either, maybe forty or fifty kilograms."

"Is this... so many...? Why don't we eat sucrose?"

"You know a hammer, it's mainly because of a sense of ritual." Fatty Jiang slapped Lu Yang, "Think about it, when it's snowing heavily, living in a cozy cabin with your lover, digging a little ice every day, Cut some maple syrup, or go hunting in the forest with the hounds..."

"But Brother Jiang...I'm single, I can't imagine it."


Fatty Jiang's wedding was held simply like that.

Next to this snowy log cabin.

There is no church.

Just a group of friends and family.

very simple.

In the season of heavy snow, simple and warm.

Simple wedding, this is proposed by the bride Christina, she said that she especially likes Phoebe's wedding in "Friends", in this heavy snow, it doesn't need to be too complicated, there is no traditional cumbersome etiquette, there is a group of friends, Just be happy.

Christina didn't have parents, so Lu Wen temporarily acted as her father and took her on stage.

Lu Wen also served as a pastor and best man by the way.

Doppelgänger can indeed be willful.

Small light bulbs glowing a warm yellow light hang from the surrounding trees.

The cabin is also decorated quite warmly.

Everyone stood up with smiles on their faces.

Falling snowflakes dance in the air.

With Christina on his arm, Lu Wen walked slowly into the wedding hall composed of snowdrifts and relatives and friends to the music of the wedding march, and handed over the bride in a white wedding dress to Fatty Jiang in a black suit.

The bride faces the groom.

Lu Wen, who plays the priest, needs to speak.

"Family, friends, and the terrier..."

"Woof!" The little black dog Lu Yang was holding barked.

"Thank you for being here to witness this heaven-sent marriage..."

Lu Wen, who played the role of best man, was on the side of the groom, and he was responsible for handing over two wedding rings.

Xia Chuluo was on the bride's side, wearing a simple bridesmaid outfit.

She chose a lot of styles this month, all kinds of bells and whistles, but in the end she chose a simple one, not to steal the limelight from the bride, and return to simplicity.

The wedding is over soon.

Everyone gathered around the bonfire in the snow. The fire was shining warmly. On one side of the shelf was the prey that had just been hunted, and on the side was light wine in a clay pot.

Talking and laughing, although the weather in the north is cold, the atmosphere is harmonious and warm.

It's a rare scene where everyone comes together.

Life will eventually return to normal.

The daily chores can drown out a lot of joy.

At the beginning of Xia Xia, Luo huddled beside Lu Wen, drinking non-stop, and rubbing his fair hands from time to time. His cheeks might be frozen, or they might be flushed red by the light of the fire.

Lu Wen whispered: "Actually, it's not impossible to wear a more beautiful wedding dress, just hold a wedding yourself."

Xia Chuluo shook his head when he heard the words: "Forget it, I'm too lazy to do it."


Time passed by like this.

Come to May.

In May of last year, Lu Wengang started the machine outside Li Meng's villa.

Before you know it, it has been a year.

Things are different.

Some people get married and some get divorced.

Lu Wen is busy with the construction and capital turnover of various cities, and sometimes participates in some major decisions in Mowu City.

More often, he would use a clone to wander around the corners of Mowu City, walking slowly with his hands behind his back, watching the world and enjoying the life of the elderly as Dr. Jiang said.

After the heavy industry ceased, Mowu City has less rain and smog.

There is more sunshine.

Just at dusk this day.

Lu Wen and Xia Chuluo were walking in the city and unknowingly came to the Fanshi Machine Repair Factory.

The bench at the entrance of the machine repair shop is still there, but it is a little more mottled.

Yun Yang is still busy in the machine repair shop.

"Are you divorced?" Xia Chuluo saw it after just a few glances at the first meeting.


Yun Yang was not too embarrassed and admitted it frankly.

The husband and wife have different personalities, and they discussed the divorce long before the end of the war. It was very peaceful and nothing happened.

In modern society, everyone has the right to pursue their own life.

There is a lot of noise in the machine shop, the rumbling of machinery.

The three talked at the door.

The setting sun shines on the dilapidated streets.

When I meet old friends, I always say a few more words.

Xia Chuluo has a lot of friends, and his contacts spread all over Mowu City.

But Lu Wen didn't know many humans.

"I'll make enough money in the future. I want to move to District 15 and build a house near the sea. Life will be easier..." Yun Yang talked about his future plans.

"Okay, I just happen to be the chief of the fifteenth district, and I'll give you some connections then."

Lu Wen is used to using small powers.

The three chatted briefly for more than ten minutes.

Before parting.

The sun was setting.

Encounters are always accidental.

It may be another chance to meet again.

Yun Yang looked a little hesitant, he hesitated to speak, he looked at Lu Wen.

"That... Lu Wen, do you have the addresses of everyone in the world?"


"I think, I find someone, it may not be very easy to find, maybe she changed her name..."

This is a difficult question to answer.

Lu Wen glanced at Xia Chuluo, but Xia Chuluo averted his gaze in good time.

So this matter can only be decided by Lu Wen himself.

He said slowly: "She went to a farther place."

Yun Yang was taken aback.

"Is it another city? It was really far away before, but now it's okay, there is no barrier between the nine cities, will she come back?"

The crimson sunset slanted on the outline of Mowu City, making this cold and dilapidated city look a little warmer.

Heavy machinery leaned against the side of the sloping high-rise building, and the heavy shadow was stretched very long. Workers came and went on the ruins of the building.

Lu Wen leaned against the gate of the machine repair factory, and people came and went on the road ahead.

The red sunset is just beyond the end of the road.

Distant and vague.

Let this city road seem to never end, noisy and lonely.

For some reason, he thought of the border town described by Mr. Shen, and the old ferry.

And that more classic ending.

"She may be back tomorrow..."


(End of the book)

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