Bishop of the Devil

Chapter 112 Kobe Bryant with 13.5 points and 7 assists

Richard could admit other things, but he wouldn't admit it even to death!

It's so evil to encourage young players in other people's teams to play the top star in the team...

The reporters all rolled their eyes. The person who refused was very straightforward and not sloppy at all.

The press conference was over, and when the reporters left, their heads were in a mess...

How should I write about today’s news? !

The league's penalties came out the next morning.

Ben was suspended for five games and Rashid was suspended for three games. Fortunately, neither of them was fined!

On the contrary, Richard was fined an additional US$15,000!

Richard doesn't even want to know the reason why the league punished him. There is a 80% chance that Stern feels that Richard is a little shameless...

Let's just fine it, it's just fifteen thousand dollars...

As soon as this penalty came out, Iverson and Rahim spoke at their post-game press conferences respectively!

Both of them called Da Ben and asked what happened...

Iverson was trained as the absolute core by the team as soon as he joined the team. He is the boss of this weak 76ers, even if there is a Stackhouse in the team...

"Sprewell, clean your ass!"

"You messed with someone you shouldn't mess with!"

Raheem's situation is similar to that of Iverson. In the Vancouver Grizzlies, who don't even have any star hair, he is the absolute boss!

"I know what happened and it makes me even angrier!"

“We brothers from West Lafayette don’t come to the NBA to be bullied!”

"Sprewell, what Iverson said, I won't say it again!"

"Looking forward to the next game against the Warriors!"

The entire league was shocked. Good guy, what kind of unreasonable thing did Sprewell do? Why did the stars of so many teams denounce him...

And they all looked like they were going to fight!

Many fans who were still confused at first suddenly understood what happened when they thought of the identities of the players involved in the whirlpool this time...

Sprewell must have provoked newcomer Brad Miller in the team!

As a result, a Miller was provoked, and a group of villains were provoked, a group of villains headed by Richard...

Their nickname of the West Lafayette Gangster really wasn’t given to them for nothing!

This is simply the style of gangsters. When a brother is bullied, a group of people come out to take the lead...

For a moment, the fans felt extremely sympathetic to Sprewell, the unlucky guy!

You said it's not good for you to offend anyone, but you have to offend those guys...

Don't you ask people before you mess with them? Don’t you know how domineering the players from the NCAA’s dominant boilermakers are...

During their two years in the NCAA, they have become accustomed to other people's submission to them. Now if you dare to bully their people, it would be strange if they don't fight with you!

Of course, if these fans knew that Sprewell had made a move on Brad Miller, I'm afraid they would never feel sympathy...

Portland Trail Blazers, Philadelphia 76ers, Vancouver Grizzlies, by the time Sprewell realized what happened, he had completely offended three teams!

And that’s just West Lafayette players in the NBA…

Among the seven All-Stars left behind by the NCAA, each one was furious. Under the leadership of Philip Sr., they held a press conference and promised that after they enter the NBA, they will definitely deal with Sprewell!

When these NCAA stars with excellent draft prospects enter the league in the future, half of them will directly take the position of boss or cornerstone of the team!

By a conservative estimate, Sprewell has offended at least six or seven teams this time!

This made Sprewell very painful. Did he poke a hornet's nest...

Even if you poke a hornet's nest, it's not that serious. This is not a hornet's nest. It's like breaking into a pride of lions!

The first game of the preseason is over. After a big storm, the Trail Blazers still won their first victory of the season!

Trail Blazers fans see hope!

Originally, what they were most afraid of was that after Richard knocked down the Blazers and rebuilt them, they would start to embark on a path of complete ruin...

Although fans also know that a bad performance is good for the future of the team, but who wants to spend money to watch a game that is destined to be abused? !

Judging from the momentum of the Trail Blazers in the first game, they will definitely not fail!

In the next three games in which Ben and Rasheed were both suspended, the Blazers lost all...

After Rasheed returned, the Trail Blazers won one of the last two preseason games!

After six preseason games, Richard only led the team to two victories!

It looks a bit miserable, but the fans don't care. Who really cares about the preseason record? What they want to see is the potential of this new Trail Blazers team!

Judging from the current situation, the newcomers Richard selected this time are all quite capable!

In particular, the strength displayed by the two high school students far exceeded the expectations of Trail Blazers fans.

Originally, Trail Blazers fans predicted that Kobe Bryant in the backcourt would be good if he could get 8+3+3 in this preseason game. As for the regular season schedule, this young boy might only be able to get about 5 points and 3 assists. The data……

As for the younger O'Neal, fans are even less optimistic. The position of center is too difficult for young people to play.

But after these six preseason games, the results were beyond people's expectations.

Although the performance of these two high school students is not as exaggerated as the performance of the top three picks, it is completely worthy of their picks!

After six games, Kobe averaged 13.5 points and 7 assists per game. Just looking at this data, fans even doubted whether Richard chose a young magician for the Trail Blazers...

Although Iverson averaged 25 points and 8 assists in the preseason, and was definitely going to overwhelm Kobe, he couldn't stand up to Kobe's youth...

Two years younger than Iverson, Kobe may be able to double this number in two years!

However, those fans who actually watched the Trail Blazers game know very well that it seems that Kobe averaged 7 assists per game and his organizational skills should be very strong, but in fact he is not as strong as he thought...

Kobe's many assists are entirely a blessing from Richard's tactics...

The data of assists is difficult to say, but in simple terms, it is not that difficult. The definition of assists is the act of helping the first player to touch the ball to score when the ball is in the live ball stage. This is called Assist!

But it depends on the situation. If you score a field goal without dribbling, or score a layup in three steps, or dribble once consecutively and then score a layup or dunk in three steps, it will be counted as an assist!

But if you score a jump shot after dribbling, or score a layup with incoherent dribbling, such as being blocked by the opponent's defensive player, dribbling away from the defensive player and then scoring a layup, this touch of the ball will not be counted as an assist!

This can explain why Kobe has more assists...

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