Bishop of the Devil

Chapter 128 Daben’s dominance

Seeing the referee shrugging his shoulders, Fratello knew that it would be useless for him to shout any more, and would instead arouse the referee's disgust.

Kobe stepped to the free throw line and made an easy free throw.

2+1 tie!

The Cavaliers fans at home are a little confused at the moment...

What happened at the start of the game? Something doesn't feel right.

At the beginning of the game, the high school guard hit a three-pointer, and then this kid scored another 2+1 in the Blazers' offensive round!

Is this definitely a high school student? !

Cavaliers fans haven't even gotten into the mood to watch the game yet, and this kid just scored six points? !

And what is most difficult for them to understand is not Kobe...

But the short insider with bulging muscles and a fierce look on the court!

Kobe scored six points in two offensive rounds, which is quite acceptable.

But this short inside guy got two blocks and a defensive rebound in one defensive round? !

Are you sure you're not kidding us? !

Are you sure you're not match-fixing? !

Some people may be wondering, two blocks are no problem, but where did this rebound come from...

Protruding from the pegboard cap.

So Ben really got two blocks and one rebound in one defensive round!

Even Richard felt a little incredible...

Of course, this must be because West is old and weak. If it were an insider like Kemp, Ben would definitely not be able to achieve such a feat.

"Why does it feel like not only Ben has awakened, but Kobe has also awakened? This offensive efficiency is a bit scary..." Richard thought in horror.

At the beginning, within one minute, the Trail Blazers directly beat the Cavaliers with a score of 6:0!

The Trail Blazers players on the court swept away the haze of the previous three consecutive losses!

Next, Ben truly explained what the strength of the top blue-collar players in history is. The old, weak and short combination of the Cavaliers' inside line was directly crushed by Ben.

At the end of the first half, Ben had already recorded 9 rebounds and 4 blocks!

Among these 9 rebounds, there are 4 offensive rebounds!

Four blocks stunned the Cavaliers' old, weak and short insiders. At the end of the second quarter, these two insiders did not dare to take action even if they had the ball in their hands...

Neither of these two has the ability to shoot from a long distance. Even if they want to shoot, they are not far from the three-second zone...

In this case, it is not easy for Da Ben to defend!

The Cavaliers' home fans were all stunned to see this...

Just a fucking second-round pick? !

Why do you feel like this guy is just a replica of Rodman? !

Cavaliers fans are not too familiar with Rodman. They faced the Bulls in the second round of the playoffs last season. As a result, Rodman was left alone to cause trouble in the paint, averaging close to 16 rebounds per game!

Moreover, the shot-blocking ability displayed by this second-round rookie seems to be even better than Rodman's!

How can it be? !

Is there really such a strong second-round pick? !

If this is a third-year player, then the fans can still accept it. It is normal for second-round picks to have leftovers...

But now Daben is a first-year student!

After just playing a few games in the league, he has already shown such dominance in the penalty area. Is this even possible? !

These fans know very well that the Cavaliers are finished in this game, and now it depends on when the game will enter garbage time!

The Cavaliers' old, weak and short inside combination is now basically a decoration.

The inside line was completely blown away. How can the Cavaliers win? Although their backcourt is not bad, they don't even have an All-Star level player...

Soon, with four minutes left before the end of the game, and seeing a 22-point difference, the Cavaliers gave up the game.

No chance!

One Big Ben can crush the Cavaliers inside, not to mention that Big Ben also has O'Neal Jr. as his partner!

Fratello's head was dizzy. He knew that the Cavaliers' season was completely over. Because of the departure of Michael Cage, their inside line collapsed...

It is estimated that this season, let alone the top four in the Eastern Conference, they will have a lot of fun if they can break into the top eight in the Eastern Conference!

From the Cavaliers' decline in strength, it can be clearly seen how important a qualified blue-collar player is to a team in this era.

Michael Cage's strength cannot even be said to be particularly strong among blue-collar workers, it can only be considered above average.

But without Cage, the knight is completely on a different level!

Richard also took his favorite player off the field.

In this game, Richard allowed Ben to play almost the entire game. Before the game entered garbage time, Ben took a total of three minutes of rest.

A full forty-one minutes were played on the court.

5 points, 18 rebounds, 3 assists, 6 blocks and 1 steal are amazing statistics!

Among the five major positive data, Daben broke three of his own personal records today!

In the six games that Ben played before, his best rebounding data was the game against the Nuggets. He scored 11 rebounds, and this time it was directly improved to 18!

And the blocking data has also improved tremendously!

6 blocks in a single game is a very difficult statistic, even more difficult than 18 rebounds in a single game!

As for the five-point score, it actually broke Big Ben’s record...

Ben’s scoring in the first six games was a bit embarrassing. He scored 10 points in six games...

He scored a total of 10 points, averaging less than 2 points per game.

The highest game was the game against the Suns. Ben scored three points, got a dunk opportunity under the basket, and made 1 of 2 free throws.

But today's score "exploded"...

He actually scored two goals under the basket...

There is no doubt that Ben played a perfect game today. I am afraid that in the history of the NBA, there are not many first-round picks who can play such a dominant game in their rookie season.

Won the game and ended the three-game losing streak!

My own data is also extremely dazzling!

But there was no expression on Daben's face, as if these things had nothing to do with him. He just sat quietly on the sidelines, his eyes blank and he didn't know what he was thinking...

If it were the former boss, this would definitely not be the case. He would talk and laugh with his teammates, beat his chest and shout!

Richard looked at Da Ben, and the current Da Ben gave him a familiar feeling...

The previous book gave Richard a sense of déjà vu with Garnett.

There is no doubt that Ben, who is as calm as Mount Tai, is even more terrifying. This is definitely the best spiritual leader of a team!

"Ben, you did a great job!" Richard stood beside Big Ben and patted Big Ben on the shoulder.

"Coach, within three years, I, Ben Wallace, will definitely win a championship for you!" Ben suddenly said this in an angry voice!

Richard didn't know what Ben was thinking now, but he nodded without hesitation.

"Okay! Three years!"

"Let Iverson and the others take a closer look. The two of us have not grown in vain!"

Richard laughed heartily. He was very happy to continue coaching Daben.

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