Bishop of the Devil

Chapter 188 A home court without a home whistle (if the alliance is named 4)

Biquge, the fastest update of Devil Bishop!


"Richard is shameless!"

"Shameless Richard, the most shameless head coach I have ever seen in my life!"

"You shouldn't be on the basketball court, you should be running for f****** President of the United States!"

"I believe you can definitely lead the United States to become stronger. Resign as soon as possible. Don't be the head coach..."

At the end of the first half, Richard led the players back to the locker room, and the fans on both sides of the aisle were screaming wildly.

Richard was smiling and waving to these crazy fans.

This made Lakers fans feel like they were insulting the Huskies. Their words seemed to have no effect on Richard at all...

With a smile on his face, Richard seemed to enjoy the scene of fans yelling and scolding him!

This is a bit too shameless...

Why are you not ashamed, but proud? !

Richard is indeed very honored and proud now, because after halftime, the Trail Blazers led by eight points, which is a pretty good lead.

In the next second half, as long as we can hold on, this life-and-death situation will basically be settled...

Before the start of the game, Richard had a lot of worries. For example, this game is the Lakers' home court. Will the home whistle be serious?

After all, the Lakers are definitely the richest aristocrats in the league. The league's elbow is biased towards the Lakers, and Richard has no place to reason...

Complaining about the referee? !

Congratulations, when you get up the next day, you will receive a league ticket. Regardless of whether the referee blew a black whistle, as an NBA practitioner, you can’t complain...

Judging from the situation in this half of the game, there were only one or two home whistles, but they were harmless and were purely within the normal range.

This made Richard very relaxed. He didn't whistle in the first half, so he probably wouldn't whistle in the second half.

As for why this situation occurs, Richard is definitely not narcissistic enough to think that the league wants to promote the Trail Blazers...

This is obviously impossible, and the Blazers' cards haven't reached that point yet.

The only explanation is probably the call the Management Committee made to Olshey.

Stern wanted to open up the Chinese market, and finally took advantage of Richard, a yellow-skinned Chinese, to get CCTV to broadcast the life-or-death game in the first round of the Western Conference playoffs...

If everything on the court is aimed at the Trail Blazers and Richard, then the Chinese fans are still looking at it, but they will be angry to death. They are looking at your NBA!

It’s been going on for a long time, you NBA are here specifically to mess with us Chinese...

It's so obvious that the team is targeting the Chinese Richard, and no one will be able to watch your games from now on.

This is a situation that Stern never wants to see. He has made countless efforts to open up the Chinese market and finally has some improvement. If it collapses because of a small first-round playoff game in the Western Conference, then I think Stern will go crazy...

It took countless twists and turns in 1989, until now, a full eight years of hard work!

In the minds of fans, Stern can be said to be the dictator of the NBA. Not only fans think so, but also many players do not have a good impression of Stern.

For example, the "infamous" draft envelope folding door, in order to open up New York's television broadcast market, Stern "manipulated" the Knicks to obtain the No. 1 pick and sign Ewing.

No one can tell whether this is true or not, but it has some credibility...

Another example is the "dressing door", which made many black players dissatisfied. In their view, Stern was erasing their nature.

However, under Stern's high-pressure rule, even if they are dissatisfied, they can only accept it and have no other choice.

It can be seen that Stern is not a very popular manager, but his role in the development of the NBA is unquestionable!

It can be said that without Stern, the current NBA may not be as big as it is today, and it may have been eliminated by history.

No matter how you look at this life-and-death situation, Stern has no reason to give the Lakers a lot of home calls.

Of course, Stern wouldn't go out of his way to get rid of the Lakers, a wealthy team, because of Richard's Chinese identity...

If the Lakers win, it's naturally a good thing. The NBA can earn more ticket money.

The Lakers lost, and the management committee didn't lose much. Anyway, the Lakers were unlikely to go too far in the Western Conference playoffs this season...

Therefore, in this game, the referee's whistleblowing can be said to be quite fair and completely impartial.

Richard was of course very satisfied with this. The team was leading by eight points and the referee did not blow the home whistle. This perfect situation made him not care about the boos from the Lakers fans at all.

Just boo if you want, you won't lose any meat anyway.

The fast magic ball tactics currently used by the Trail Blazers are actually a big challenge to the physical fitness of their own players.

A total of three people played in the backcourt, Kobe, Curry and Bowen. The three basically divided the 48 minutes of playing time in the first half of the backcourt evenly.

Kobe and Bowen didn't have any big problems, but Curry was a bit struggling...

Under the normal pace of the game, the old Curry could still tolerate playing for 16 or 17 minutes in the half, but now that the pace is so fast, he, a thirty-year-old veteran, is also a little tight in terms of physical fitness.

But Richard doesn't have any good ideas at the moment. Old Curry will definitely have to appear in the second half...

At the beginning of the second half of the game, O'Neal started directly, Richard also played in the Magic Ball lineup, and Lao Sa was put on the bench.

After the halftime break, O'Neal's physical fitness recovered a bit. Coupled with the decline of old Curry's physical fitness, his hand became colder. When the game reached 7 minutes in this quarter, Harris replaced O'Neal again...

The wretched Richard immediately picked up Sabonis.

Harris's eyes are already on fire. Sabonis, a veteran, is so good at beating rotten tomatoes and eggs, and the efficiency is quite high.

In the first round of the playoffs last season, Sabonis faced not Postman Malone, but Jazz starting center Felton Spencer. He was definitely a rotten-tomato-level player, so Sabonis only got 23 Averaged 11 points and 11 rebounds per game...

After O'Neal came off the court, Lakers power forward Campbell took over as center. His strength was not much better than Spencer's, and his offensive efficiency was quite poor. His average field goal percentage in this series was less than 30%!

(It’s true, Campbell’s offense is really bad. Under normal circumstances this season, the Lakers advance to the Western Conference semifinals after beating the Trail Blazers. When they played against the Jazz, this guy averaged 10 shots per game and his shooting percentage was really less than 30%. He is considered a Laker. An important reason for being eliminated by the Jazz!)

In this case, Campbell was like dough in front of Lao Sa, and he could handle it at will.

O'Neal just came off the court and took a three-minute rest. Sasha immediately scored 6 points on Campbell. Harris was so angry that he jumped on the sidelines...

It was simply unbearable. Richard's vulgarity refreshed Harris' cognitive limit.

In this series, Harris felt that Richard was extremely sinister. In his memory, it seemed that the old men in the league were not as sinister as Richard...

Now Harris wants to know what Richard has experienced in less than thirty years since his birth. !

What kind of environment could produce such a shameless and unrestrained head coach!

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