Bishop of the Devil

Chapter 311 The Difficult Golden Dragon (Guaranteed Three Updates 2)

The golden dragon took his time and stood upright with his back straight.

He has experienced a lot in the past two years, and he is no longer the Wall Street intern he was before.

Not long after, Stern appeared with Xiao Hua. Seeing the boxes on the floor at the door, he couldn't help but feel angry.

"Where is Richard? Where are the others!" Stern asked the Golden Dragon, his face flushed with anger.

Huang Jinlong smiled lightly, "Mr. Richard has given me full authority to take care of his personal financial matters. Naturally, I will handle the fine this time."

Facing Stern, the young golden dragon was neither humble nor overbearing.

He has the confidence to be neither humble nor arrogant, and he doesn’t eat Stern’s rice...

On the contrary, Golden Dragon has always been quite puzzled as to why Richard has been hanging out in the NBA. This seems to him to be totally unreasonable.

Richard's previous two investments made a lot of money, which is enough to prove Richard's ability to get involved in the financial market.

In the financial market, those with vision will definitely be the biggest winners!

Richard now has capital and vision. In Huang Jinlong's view, Richard may become a financial giant in just a few years...

Why do you still want to stay in the NBA? What’s the point?

How much money do you make in the NBA in a year? A salary of five million US dollars may seem like a lot, but it is obviously nothing to Richard.

"Is this your idea to move so many coins?! Don't tell me, Richard has no idea about this!" Stern had already lost his mind.

The golden dragon still smiled and nodded.

"Yes, Mr. Richard has no knowledge of this matter at all!"

"What? Don't you NBA league accept coins? Well, it seems that I should find my friends on the Mint Committee and ask them whether what you are doing is illegal..."

Stern jumped in anger and pointed at the golden dragon, "You..."

"What's wrong with me?"

"You have imposed false punishment on my client, Mr. Richard. On behalf of Mr. Richard, I reserve the right to sue the NBA Management Committee!"

"In my opinion, you have imposed the most serious punishment on Richard in the history of the NBA, and it is still an unreasonable punishment. This is based on Mr. Richard's yellow identity. You are exploiting the hard-working Americans. Yellow citizens, if Mr. Richard hadn't been unwilling to cause more trouble this time, I think we would have met in court!"

Stern was about to faint. He didn't know where Richard found the sharp-tongued Chinese agent!

"Huh!" Stern snorted coldly, turned around and left...

Xiao Hua was speechless. When Stern said that Richard would be severely punished, he once advised him, saying that this matter should be dealt with slowly and not in a hurry.

Now it's okay, Richard's actions have completely made it impossible for the NBA Management Committee to step down.

It would be strange if the media from all sides don’t report on such a big battle tomorrow. Where is the face of the NBA Management Committee? !

The key point is that they still have nothing to do with Richard, and it's not like they didn't fine you. They'll give you 1.5 million steel coins, not a penny less.

You still have to accept it. If you don't accept it, I'm afraid you will immediately receive an investigation application from the National Mint Commission...

Good guy, I spent so much effort to mint the currency, and you don’t accept it? Are you, the NBA, a little too arrogant and don’t take state agencies into consideration?

This is still secondary. What Golden Dragon wants to do to Bo Gongtang will give Xiao Hua a huge headache.

Based on his understanding of Richard, if Richard was really driven into a panic, he would really dare to do such a thing...

In the territory of the United States, political assholes must sit up straight. Once they are accused of discrimination, it will be like mud falling off their crotches. If it is not shit, it will become shit.

Judging from the current situation, the various performances of the NBA are really suspected of discrimination...

There had never been such a severe punishment before Richard. Why did the Chinese Richard give such severe punishment? Are you sure you're not treating them differently? !

Of course, in future generations, the penalty of 150,000 US dollars is actually not that much. After Mavericks owner Cuban took over the Mavericks in 2000, the fine was much...

But now Richard's 150,000 US dollars is unprecedented, at least among head coaches.

The NBA says that it does not discriminate or treat differently, but it just wants to rectify this trend. Who believes it? !

There are so many white coaches and black coaches in the league who have violated this regulation, and you either don't punish them or you punish them. Why did Richard give them such a heavy punishment?

If Bo is really brought to court, the NBA Management Committee will really be in trouble...

This is why Stern was so angry that he threw away his sleeves and left. It wasn't that he didn't want to quarrel with the Golden Dragon, but that he couldn't quarrel with him. It would be wrong to talk about this kind of topic too much...

Xiao Hua stepped forward and patted Golden Dragon on the shoulder, and said with a wry smile: "Man, Richard is really ruthless this time..."

"No, Mr. Xiao Hua, what I need to correct you is that this matter has absolutely nothing to do with Mr. Richard!"

"I said that the banks where I withdraw money have no banknotes, only coins. I don't know if you believe it or not..."

The golden dragon said to Xiao Hua calmly.

Xiao Hua rolled his eyes and believed that you are a big-headed ghost. It turns out that birds of a feather flock together and people are divided into groups. Richard is shameless enough. This golden dragon seems to be more difficult to deal with...

Don’t you usually send a check to pay a fine? ! Who would go to the New York headquarters to pay cash!

Xiao Hua knew that when he said this, what might be waiting for him would be that Mr. Richard doesn't believe in check books, doesn't believe in mailing, and feels unsafe...

"Okay, man, this can only be like this for now..."

"I hope you can advise Richard carefully and not to go too far in some things, otherwise everyone will look bad!"

"In the future, I will try my best to persuade Mr. Stern to minimize the occurrence of this kind of thing..."

Xiao Hua said helplessly.

He didn't know why he said such things to Golden Dragon. Logically speaking, he should wear the same pants as Stern, but considering the overall situation, he didn't want Richard to have too much trouble with the management committee. Overdone.

"Mr. Xiao Hua, thank you for your broad-mindedness. Just like my client, Mr. Richard, said, you are a very wise man. He firmly believes that the NBA will become more brilliant under your leadership!"

Upon hearing this, Xiao Hua wanted to go up and cover the golden dragon's mouth...

You really dare to say anything. If Stern heard this, he might think that Xiao Hua and Richard had some kind of PY deal.

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