Bishop of the Devil

Chapter 339 Poor Cali Perry (Guaranteed 3 updates 1)

Maybe some fans don’t know much about the current annual salary of four million, and they feel like it’s not much...

If converted into a salary cap of more than 100 million in future generations, that would be equivalent to 13 million US dollars!

Is Bowen worth $13 million? It seems really worth it...

But it's not worth it here in Richard. With so much money, Richard can find two players whose overall strength is no less than Bowen.

Furthermore, even in later generations, very few teams are willing to give a substitute player a contract with an annual salary of 13 million US dollars.

In the Trail Blazers, Bowen came on as a substitute most of the time...

If Bowen was given an annual salary of four million, Robinson would definitely feel aggrieved. There is no doubt that he is much stronger than Bowen, but both have an annual salary of four million...

"Gentry is right, Ben is a great insider!"

"I also know very well that many teams in the league are currently eyeing our Trail Blazers. I want to make it clear today. For some teams, you should give up on this..."

"Let me tell you clearly, there is no chance!"

"I'm afraid everyone knows which teams they are, so I won't say more..."

"I, my players, and even people all over the world know very well that after the end of this season, it will be a very painful period of time, but we don't care. The only goal right now is to win the championship!"

"We'll talk about other things after we win the championship..."

Richard said to reporters at the press conference.

The reason why Richard said this was actually to appease the players. The players were not stupid, and they must have known that they might leave the Trail Blazers next.

Do they want to leave the Trail Blazers? Definitely don't want to.

Especially for several people whose contracts have expired, if the Blazers can come up with suitable salaries, they will definitely not want to leave the Blazers!

Because there is really no reason to leave the Trail Blazers. It's so comfortable to play in the Trail Blazers, I can win, and the atmosphere in the locker room is good. If I change to another team, I don't know what the situation will be like.

In history, there are not many stars who disappeared from everyone because of changing teams...

Now Richard wants to take advantage of this opportunity to remind the players that there is absolutely no point in thinking about these things now. We should win the championship first!

If we cannot win the championship this season, it will be the biggest regret for Richard and all the Trail Blazers players.

Upon hearing what Richard said...

Daben immediately picked up the microphone in front of him and said, "I won't leave. Even if you beat me to death, I won't leave!"

"I'm not leaving either..." Kobe said immediately.

After the Pistons game, the next game is still the Blazers' home court, and their opponent is the New Jersey Nets.

In the previous four games, although Ben had already produced a triple-double, his total rebounds were still less than 100. He currently only has 87 rebounds, and there are still 13 rebounds left to complete the task.

As for the blocking data, there is only one difference...

You don't need to think about it to know that Daben will definitely be able to complete the task today. The only pity is that the reward for over-completion of the task may be gone...

But when Kobe completed his mission, a new mission came out. If these two people completed the god-making mission within three games, Richard... No, these two people would get a reward.

The deadline for three games has not yet expired. If Daben completes the task in this game, he will definitely be able to get this reward.

In the Rose Garden Arena, seeing Richard again, the Nets head coach couldn't help but sigh.

These two are both head coaches who entered the NCAA in the same season. Looking at the current situation, they are completely different...

Richard has now become the most popular head coach in the NBA, and the team's record is quite strong!

Last season, the Trail Blazers had the best record in the league and ended up playing seven games against the Bulls. Richard also won the honor of the best coach of the season.

It can be said that Richard's achievements last season were no less than that of Jackson.

Jackson won the result, and Richard won the process...

Cali Perry's current life is quite sad, and has even reached the point where his NBA coaching career is in jeopardy.

This is also Cali Perry’s third season coaching the Nets…

The Nets' record didn't improve in the first season, and the management could tolerate it.

In the second season, Cali Perry led the Nets to the playoffs. Although they were only in eighth place, this was also the hope of rising, which made the management a little bit longing...

In the third season, which is the current season, Cali Perry is quite embarrassed, because since the start of the season, the Nets have played four games and have not won a single one...

Looking at this posture, I'm afraid his days of coaching the Nets are numbered.

Richard knew that Cali Perry would be fired by the Nets in the middle of this season, and he actually wanted to help Cali Perry, but this matter had to be considered in the long run...

"Man, why are there such big differences between people?"

"We both entered the NBA in the same year. Why is the record of the team I lead so miserable..."

Cali Perry looked sad and couldn't express the pain in his heart, so he couldn't help complaining to Richard.

Richard smiled bitterly. Cali Perry might be really unlucky. In any case, he is a Hall of Fame coach. Can his coaching ability be inferior? It’s definitely not bad…

It's bad luck that he shouldn't have come to the NBA. The NCAA is where he can show his strength.

Richard is different. People who travel through time can eat wherever they go.

Richard, who originally wanted to help Cali Perry, gave up the idea. Cali Perry was fired, which was actually a good thing for him. If he helped Cali Perry, he might be able to help him. Staying alive in the NBA for a while...

But is this a good thing? Definitely not, it might ruin his chance of becoming a Hall of Fame coach!

"Hey, old man, I don't know what to say..."

"Sometimes, people should actually do something they are good at..."

Richard sighed, patted Cali Perry on the shoulder and said.

"Lee, you mean I should go back to the NCAA?" Cali Perry asked, looking into Richard's eyes.

Richard nodded, "Although it will make you uncomfortable to say this, I think it would be a good choice for you to return to the NCAA..."

"With your qualifications, it's not difficult to join a prestigious school. Why stay here and suffer this..."

Cali Perry's eyes became dull as he thought about what Richard said.

Richard will definitely not harm himself, and there is absolutely no reason to harm himself. He and Richard have no interest at all...

"Li, thank you, I think I know what to do." After a long time, Cali Perry nodded and said.

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