Bishop of the Devil

Chapter 357 Xiao Hua wearing the same pants as Richard (guaranteed three updates 1)

The reporters in the audience all rolled their eyes...

Although Richard acted like he had nothing to do with it, his tone seemed to agree with it.

What Ben said today was not a sudden whim, but something he had told Richard a long time ago.

In the two battles with Malone, Ben suffered a big loss in the first time, but it was basically a draw in the second time. Naturally, Ben couldn't swallow this breath and wanted to completely regain his position.

But now the alliance has warned both parties extremely sternly in private. There is no need for Ben to bear such a big loss, just to let out a sigh of relief.

Wanting to vent his anger, but not wanting to be suspended from the league for the season, Ben came up with such a "bad idea" out of desperation.

It's not a bad idea. Anyway, in Ben's own opinion, this idea is a genius.

When Richard heard Ben talk about this two months ago, he didn't express his position...

Neither support nor oppose!

After all, there are risks in unrestricted fighting. If Ben is injured, Richard will definitely feel uneasy if he encourages him to go.

So Richard didn't express his support...

But when it comes to objections, Richard will definitely not object. If this unrestricted fighting really breaks out, it will actually be quite beneficial to Daben.

The first is to have a huge income!

That's right, with big stars like Ben and Malone, if they really have a no-holds-barred fight instead of an exhibition match like WWE, there is no doubt that the tickets alone can sell a lot of money.

And it will definitely be broadcast on TV, which is another huge profit.

There may be income from making CDs in the future...

Anyway, if there is a fight, Daben will definitely make a lot of US dollars.

Secondly, Richard felt that Ben had a great chance of winning. In the second match, Ben had a slight advantage. One year had passed, Malone was another year older, and Ben was training like crazy again. Half a year of muscle.

If the two of them really stood on the fighting field, Richard felt that his chances of winning would be at least 70%!

With such a high chance of winning and a large amount of income from takeaways, it is naturally impossible for Richard to object.

Not supporting or opposing, that’s Richard’s attitude…

But since he stated his purpose at the press conference, Richard simply helped Ma Long and stimulated him.

At the end of the press conference, the reporters left with satisfaction. The press conference for this game must be well publicized.

These reporters must be happy to see Ma Long agree to Big Ben's invitation to fight, because this will create countless news topics.

There is no doubt that after they return, they will definitely stimulate Ma Long with more fuel and jealousy, trying to promote the start of this unrestricted fight.

NBA headquarters in New York.

The next morning after the Trail Blazers' postgame press conference, Stern angrily called Adam Silver.

Xiao Hua naturally knew what happened, and he also knew that Stern was in a very bad mood now...

"Adam, do you know what happened last night?" Stern asked angrily.

Xiao Hua nodded, and fans all over the world knew it. Now everyone is waiting for Malone to express his stance...

"Go and warn the Trail Blazers and Jazz. No matter on or off the court, I won't allow them to do this kind of thing!"

"Otherwise, I have plenty of ways to punish them!"

As soon as Stern saw the morning newspaper, he knew that the Blazers and Jazz were about to restart the war, but it was just moved off the court. He didn't think too much at the time, and immediately had the idea of ​​stopping it.

"Mr. President, I don't think we need to stop this."

"This can be regarded as a disguised form of attracting spectators for our league. As long as it is not on our stadium, we don't need to worry about them..."

"Think about it, those fighting fans may also pay more attention to the NBA because of this fight."

"Richard did something good this time..."

Xiao Hua said to Stern with a smile.

Stern was startled. Xiao Hua said that Richard had done something good this time? Did he take the wrong medicine...

"Adam, you..."

"Have you talked to Richard?"

Stern asked with a frown.

This question is rather vague. What Stern really wants to ask is, has Xiao Hua been bribed by Richard? Why are you talking to Richard now...

"No no!"

Xiao Hua quickly waved his hand and denied it. Good guy, he knows very well how much Stern hates Richard. If he is misunderstood by Stern and wears a pair of pants with Richard, then he may have to do his job as the vice president of the league. It’s over…

"I have nothing to talk about with him."

"I only look at this from the perspective of the interests of the league. Mr. President, aren't you the same way? This year's finals..."

Xiao Hua said with a smile.

Stern nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

"In that case, let's just pretend we don't know about fighting and focus on the finals!"

"What do you think are the chances of these two teams meeting in the finals?"

The two teams that Stern is talking about are definitely the Trail Blazers and the Philadelphia 76ers. I am afraid that what ordinary fans will never expect is that the regular season schedule has just passed one-third, and the top management of the league , I have already started thinking about the finals.

In fact, this is quite normal. From the perspective of the league's interests in the United States, the two teams entering the finals this season are undoubtedly the best, the Knicks and Lakers.

After all, these two teams have the largest football markets in the league. If these two teams reach the finals, they can create greater profits than other teams...

But with the rise of the Trail Blazers and Philadelphia 76ers, Stern must be thinking about getting the Trail Blazers and 76ers into the Finals for the sake of broader interests.

Once these two teams join forces to reach the finals and create intense buzz in China, the NBA's development of the Chinese market will basically be considered a complete success.

If the Knicks enter the finals in the East, they will at most make more money. If the Philadelphia 76ers enter the finals, the gimmick will be enough to attract the attention of countless people in China and develop countless fans. Stern is not stupid. , he knows what to do.

As for the West, even if Stern wants the Lakers to enter the Finals, the Lakers must be better than the Trail Blazers. In the opening game between the two teams, the Trail Blazers beat the Lakers by more than 20 points. No matter where you look at it, it will be difficult for the Lakers. It is the opponent of the Trail Blazers.

"Give Wang Zhizhi a little more care, Adam, you know what to do!" Stern ordered.

Da Zhi is now a treasure trove in Stern's eyes. The referees took some care of Da Zhi during the game, but obviously Stern feels that this is not enough, and he hopes to continue to expand Da Zhi's influence.

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