Bishop of the Devil

Chapter 39 The Great Mother

After the meeting with Old Philip and Little Brownie, Richard planned to finish the player meeting the day after tomorrow, and then set off to find the seven stars...

Richard named this operation "Dragon Ball"...

Early the next morning, Richard was still asleep, enjoying a rare moment of laziness!

But the door of the dormitory was being knocked loudly...

The person knocking on the door at this time is at least 80% likely to be Richard's players.

Richard struggled to get up, and secretly swore in his heart that if it was really these guys, he would never be merciful...

After opening the door, as expected, Iverson was standing at the door with a confused look on his face.

Behind Iverson, stood a black woman, probably in her thirties or forties!

As soon as the door opened, the black woman grabbed Iverson's collar and rushed into Richard's room...

Richard had no idea what was going on!

It's so early in the morning, what's going on? !

"Coach, this is my mother Annie..." Iverson still has the momentum to kill everyone on the court. His mother is holding the collar and dare not move...


"What's wrong? This is..." Richard opened his mouth and looked at Anne.

"Yo, Coach Li..."

"Just call me An, nice to meet you!"

"Iverson's behavior is really disgusting!"

"He told me to go to the draft, boy, how dare you say that again?!"

"You are the best coach!"

"Aaron is nothing without your training!"

"I came here overnight to dispel this bad boy's evil thoughts!"

"Play for Coach Lee for at least one more year!"

"Otherwise, even if you make a lot of money..."

"I, Anne, don't recognize your son, and I won't meet you!"

"I didn't give birth to you when I was fifteen just to make you an ungrateful bastard!"

Richard was dumbfounded, must he be a hip-hop rap player...

It also rhymes...

Before time travel, Richard knew that many black people spoke with their own rap rhythms. He finally saw it today...

Through Annie's set of rhyming RAP, Richard roughly understood what happened.

In short, Iverson called Annie yesterday and said that he was going to participate in the draft. After Annie found out about it, she rushed to West Lafayette overnight to teach Iverson a lesson...

Let Iverson stay and play for Richard for at least one more season...

If she doesn't do this, Annie will not recognize Iverson as her son...

"Ann, there is actually no need. Since Allen wants to enter the professional league as soon as possible, I will not object!" Richard instantly developed respect for Anne, a mother who understands righteousness.

She gave birth to a child out of wedlock at the age of fifteen, and gave birth to Allen Iverson. You can imagine how difficult she has been through these years...

But despite the hardship, facing the temptation of making a lot of money by entering the league, Annie still stuck to her principles and let Iverson play for Richard for another year, trying her best to repay Richard for accepting Iverson. .

This is a great mother!

"No, coach, I have already figured it out. I will continue to stay with the Boilermakers this season and go to the draft next season..."

"My mom was right, I'd be an asshole if I just ran away!"

"I'm sorry, coach..."

Iverson said firmly to Richard...

Richard sighed. Now that things have come to this, he can only let Iverson stay. In fact, by letting Iverson stay, Richard is not coveting Iverson's strong strength...

Even without Iverson, the Boilermakers lineup next season will definitely win the championship easily!

The biggest reason why Iverson was allowed to stay was that Richard was afraid that Iverson, who entered the NBA a year earlier, would be affected in the future. For example, if he didn't perform well as a rookie, he would disappear from everyone in the end...

Although this possibility is very small, it does not necessarily mean that it does not happen.

Now that Iverson is willing to stay, Richard naturally supports it with both hands. The risk of the butterfly effect can be reduced as much as possible. Entering the league one year later, in addition to earning less annual salary of a rookie contract, Richard can't think of anything else. What other harm.

That afternoon, Annie was ready to go back. Since Iverson still had two young sisters, and the stepfather, the backbone of the family, had been in jail, Annie had to work two jobs, and she had to go back to work quickly.

Before leaving, Richard put three thousand dollars in an envelope and gave it to Anne.

Richard's savings are not much, and can even be said to be pitifully small. Otherwise, the five hundred dollars in meal expenses before would not have made him feel distressed. However, facing such a great mother, Richard did not care at all. Without hesitation, he took out three thousand US dollars.

Anne naturally refused. After all, three thousand US dollars was not a small amount in this era. All the savings in Anne's family were less than five hundred US dollars!

There is no doubt that the lives of black people at the bottom of the United States are so difficult.

Without scholarships, young black people at the bottom want to go to college at their own expense? That is harder to achieve than a dream.

"Coach, I can't ask for this money! This kid Allen has already received a lot of care from you!"

"Annie, this money is not for you, but for Allen's two sisters. I think when Allen makes a lot of money in the future, he will definitely pay it back to me ten times a hundred times, haha!" Richard laughed! said.

"Giving red envelopes" to players' families is actually a taboo in the NCAA, but secretly it happens from time to time. In order to retain their stars and continue to play for the team, many teams will take this route and let parents persuade their children to stay in college. , red envelopes are naturally indispensable...

But the red envelope given by Richard had absolutely no such meaning. He had a clear conscience and was worthy of his conscience.

"Thank you, you are such a good person!" Anne gratefully accepted the envelope...

After sending away Anne, the great mother, Richard was approached by Vice Principal Gooden in the evening.

The purpose of Gooden's search for Richard was simply to get lice on the bald man's head, which couldn't be more obvious.

The season is over and the championship is won, then it’s time to sign a new contract...

However, Richard did not agree directly, but postponed the matter. Anyway, there is still half a year before the start of the new school year, so there is really no need to rush...

Although Gudeng hated it so much, there was nothing he could do about it...

Who makes Richard the champion coach...

At two o'clock in the afternoon the next day, Richard held a season summary meeting in the conference room of Purdue University.

Everyone is here, including old Philip and little Brownie.

"Guys, this season that just ended, we played a record that can be recorded in NCAA history, and we won the NCAA championship without losing a game!"

"But this is all in the past, we have to look forward now!"

Richard tapped his fingertips on the table as usual and said calmly to everyone present.

Everyone was looking at Richard, waiting for Richard's next words.

"In fact, there is nothing to summarize in today's summary meeting..."

"A simple summary is that we played very well last season, and we have to work hard this season!"

"What I really want to say is not the summary of last season, but the arrangements for all aspects of the new season!"

Having said this, Richard looked at Little Brownie sitting in the corner.

"The first thing I want to announce is that Brownie Jr. has joined the team's coaching staff as an assistant coach!"

As soon as these words came out, Little Brownie was stunned for a moment, opened his eyes wide, and looked at Richard in disbelief.

"Coach, I..."

"Is this true?!" Little Brownie suppressed the excitement in her heart...

Richard nodded, "It's true. After you graduate in two months, I will ask the school to sign a contract with you immediately!"

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