Bishop of the Devil

Chapter 447 Clark’s debut

The Christmas War is in full swing.

Naturally, there is nothing wrong with the piston...

This is also the first time in recent years that Richard has missed the Christmas fight.

Time has entered the end of December, and the regular season schedule has been played for two and a half months.

In these two and a half months, the Pistons played a total of 34 games and achieved a record of 17 wins and 17 losses.

Exactly 50% winning rate...

What Richard didn't expect was that after this season passed like this, he was now in the top six in the Eastern Conference!

It really left Richard speechless...

Mainly because the record in the Eastern Conference is quite bad.

The Kings in the Western Conference currently have a record of 28 wins and 7 losses. Their winning rate is just like their style of play, which is quite gorgeous. They currently rank at the top of the league's record list.

As for the Trail Blazers, their current record ranks second in the Western Conference and second in the league...

It's not that the Trail Blazers can't have a record comparable to the Kings, but Zhang Weiping also wants to recharge his batteries.

The Blazers' current record is 26 wins and 9 losses.

The third team in the Western Conference is the Lakers. They currently have 25 wins and 11 losses, ranking third in the league record list.

As for the Spurs, who are fourth in the Western Conference, they have 24 wins and 12 losses, ranking fourth in the record list.

It wasn't until fifth place on the record that a team from the Eastern Conference finally appeared, namely the New Jersey Nets, which performed very well this year.

With a record of 23 wins and 13 losses, they are currently firmly ranked first in the Eastern Conference.

Ranking second and third in the Eastern Conference are the 76ers and Green Kai...

As for the Bulls, who were quite dazzling last season, Brand suffered an injury not long after the start of this season, resulting in their current record being only slightly better than the Pistons.

The Pistons currently only have a 50% winning rate, but they are sitting in sixth place in the Eastern Conference.

This left Richard completely speechless. Entering the playoffs in the Eastern Conference turned out to be such a simple matter...

If placed in the Western Conference, their winning rate is not as good as the eighth-ranked Jazz.

The current record ranks sixth in the Eastern Conference, but it makes Richard worry.

He really planned not to make the playoffs. Of course, he didn't plan to completely mess up the game. He just wanted to play along and not make the playoffs anyway.

As long as he doesn't make the playoffs, Richard will be able to get the No. 1 pick when he attends the lottery ceremony.

But what makes Richard speechless now is that they have quietly entered the top six in the Eastern Conference with this casual play.

He really doesn’t want to be in the top six, he just wants to hang around in the top ten in the Eastern Conference...

If the head coaches of other teams knew what Richard was thinking, they might join forces and strangle Richard to death.

The current situation looks like it’s impossible not to mess it up!

If they don't mess up, maybe the Pistons can really make it to the playoffs quietly, and then Richard will have no place to reason...

The seventh place in the Eastern Conference is the Indiana Pacers, who currently have a record of 16 wins and 18 losses.

The eighth place in the Eastern Conference is the Charlotte Hornets, who also have a record of 15 wins and 18 losses.

The gap between the latter two teams and the Pistons is not that big. If the Pistons lose two games, they will probably catch up.

It just so happens that Clark can be released in less than half a month. At that time, we will first check Clark's condition, and then start to destroy it.

Half a month later, what left Richard speechless was that their record in this half-month schedule was actually quite bad, with only a record of 2 wins and 4 losses...

As a result, in this case, the Pacers and Hornets behind them still failed to catch up, and they have not achieved any decent results in recent days.

This almost drove Richard crazy...

Why not want to enter the playoffs has become such a difficult thing.

On January 6, Clark excitedly appeared in Richard's office.

"Coach, I did it!" Clark, who had just finished the alcohol test, couldn't wait to come to Richard to report the good news.

Today is the last day of the three months agreed with Richard!

For three months, Clark actively participated in Alcoholics Anonymous, and then came to the arena every day to take alcohol tests, never missing a day.

"Congratulations, Zeon, you can play in the game tonight!" Richard also laughed and congratulated Clark sincerely.

After quitting his alcohol addiction, Clark seemed much more energetic and full of energy.

In the past three months, although Clark has been unable to play in games, he has not fallen behind at all in daily training and team training matches.

He even works harder than other players...

Hard work pays off, and Clark's performance can be regarded as winning Richard's respect.

"Thank you, coach!"

"I have figured out a lot in these three months. Thank you for keeping me away from bad habits!"

"Without you, I might not be able to survive in this league in less than two years."

Clark took a deep breath and bowed deeply to Richard.

Richard waved his hand, "Don't say so many disgusting words, we are all men, hurry up and train!"

"Although you have stopped drinking now, you still have to say ugly things!"

"If you perform well on the field, you can play for a while longer. If you perform poorly, you won't get any special treatment!"

"Opportunities are earned by myself, so every minute and every second on the court keeps me motivated!"

Richard might also be afraid that Clark would expand, so he beat him again.

Seeing Clark leave his office, Richard was actually a little curious.

This Clark has almost been successfully transformed by Richard.

It’s not just about the transformation of personal abilities, but more importantly, the transformation of one’s character…

Under normal circumstances, Clark had a lot of talent, but because of Tian'er's drinking, he couldn't produce anything decent at all.

In Richard's view, if Clark didn't have alcoholism, with his physical talent, he should have become a player like Marcus Camby.

Even if it's close, it's at least the level of Ratliff, the 76ers' shot-blocking inside man.

Mainly from the perspective of attributes, this guy's defensive ability is quite strong. In Richard's opinion, if he fully matures, his single defense ability will be even better than Camby.

As we all know, Camby's single defense ability is not very good. Even if he has won the DPOY honor, it does not mean that his single defense ability is good.

All of his defensive strength is generally concentrated in help defense.

As for Clark, his single defense ability and assist defense ability are quite good. Although he is not as good as Ben, the gap is not too big...

The real gap with Big Ben is his rebounding ability.

And now with Brand's All-Star Light playing a role, Clark's rebounding attribute has increased to 84, which is definitely not bad among the inside group.

Before the game started in the evening, Richard thought for a while and simply took out a universal attribute pill to increase Clark's rebound attribute to 85 points.

A universal attribute pill is not particularly precious, but the attributes Clark has improved are extremely precious.

Every five points of attributes is considered a hurdle.

The rebounding level of 85 points, compared to 84 points, can rise a small level.

Clark's performance in the past three months has been really good. Otherwise, Richard would definitely not be willing to waste props on him.

Now that he has woken up, Richard feels like he might as well help him again.

"Let go and fight, don't care about winning or losing!"

"Zion, I'll give you a chance to start tonight, I hope you can take advantage of it!"

Richard patted Clark's shoulder and encouraged him.

"Coach, I will definitely produce an extremely perfect big data tonight!" Clark was trembling with excitement.

He felt that even if it was his debut in his rookie season, he was not as excited as tonight!

In his opinion, tonight is his real debut, the debut of the new Clark!

He is no longer the drunk Clark he was before, but Clark who has regained his life.

"Beep!" The referee blew the whistle to start the game.

The opponent is the well-known Cleveland Cavaliers in the Eastern Conference. Their current record can be said to be quite embarrassing.

Starting lineup: Center Big Z Ilgauskas, veteran power forward Te'lon Hill, small forward Lamond Murray, shooting guard Boson, point guard Andre Miller.

Big Z can actually be considered one of the top centers in the league now...

Not much to say, it will definitely be ranked in the top ten.

As for Andre Miller, his strength is quite good and his organizational skills are quite outstanding. He ranked second in the assists list last season.

The internal and external core are actually pretty good, but the players in other positions are really bad...

Te'lon Hill is really too old right now. Those who were abused by Big Ben a few years ago had the idea of ​​​​retiring, but the Cavaliers persuaded him to come back and let him continue to shine in the Cavaliers.

As soon as the game started, Clark easily got the ball for the Pistons.

It was really easy. The cumbersome Big Z had just taken off, and Clark, who had an amazing bounce speed, had already passed the ball to Nash.

Like the wind, Nash led the generals directly towards the frontcourt.

Next, to the shock of all the fans, Clark showed off his amazing physical talent, and his super speed was not inferior to the opponent's backcourt players!

While running with all his strength, Clark was really like a wild beast, which made Big Z look stunned.

He has been playing in the league for some years, but he has never noticed that there are centers with such speed in the league.

Nash had already dribbled the ball beyond the three-point line, while Clark arrived in an instant without stopping at all. He continued to rush towards the penalty area with his head down.

The moment he crossed the free throw line, Nash passed the ball vigorously, and Clark also jumped up directly.

He received a pass from Nash in mid-air and hit a tomahawk dunk, successfully completing the first offensive round of the night!

This attack can be said to be perfect, and it is definitely one of the top ten goals tonight!

The cooperation between the two was smooth and smooth without any stagnation...

Richard knew very well that this was the result of the training in the past three months.

Clark has not been idle in the past three months. He has participated in the team training more actively than anyone else, and he and Nash have also developed a certain tacit understanding.

Then there was an opening scene where the two of them cooperated perfectly.

Of course, there is also the reason why Nash's passing is too subtle. It would be difficult for other point guards to develop this level of tacit understanding in just three months.

At the beginning, Clark performed a shocking super tomahawk chop, and the shocked fans forgot to cheer.

"God, how did Clark get so fast?"

"I have paid attention to this kid before. Although his physical talent is good, he is not close to this, right?"

In the TNT commentary room, Kenny Smith was dumbfounded.

You have to compare things. Compared with Clark's speed, Big Z's speed is simply unbelievable.

"Not only is he fast, but his bounce is really amazing. His head was almost flat with the basket just now. How did this guy do it?!"

"Could it be that Richard gave him some devilish training during these three months of disappearance?" Charles Barkley was also dumbfounded.

Because in a post player who is 211 centimeters tall, they saw physical qualities that they should not have.

The speed is comparable to that of a guard, and the jumping ability is as good as a flat rim dunk!

In this first offensive round, Clark's performance really reminded Richard of a person, the little bully Stoudemire.

It doesn't seem right. Clark is much stronger than Stoudemire, but his speed and jumping ability are really not inferior to Stoudemire.

Next it was the Cavaliers' turn to attack. Big Z made a careless mid-range shot and was hit by Clark!

In the next offensive round, Clark seemed to be victorious and had a strong presence on the court...

Offense, defense, rebounding, there's no job he can't do!

When the first quarter reached the eighth minute, Cavaliers head coach John Lucas directly called a timeout.

It would be impossible not to call this timeout, because Big Z was almost beaten on the court.

In just eight minutes, Clark, who faced off against Big Z, already scored 12 points, 4 rebounds, 2 blocks and 1 steal!

On the other hand, Big Z, who has the maximum salary, currently only has 3 points scored, which is completely incomparable with Clark!

It was difficult for the Pistons fans at the scene to describe their excitement in words.

Is this Clark's true strength? !

This should be the reason why Richard said he is a super insider...

Look at Clark's performance in this first quarter. It's really no exaggeration to say that he is a super inside prospect!

12 points, 4 rebounds, 2 blocks, and 1 steal, on both offense and defense, and even on the rebounding end. Against Big Z Ilgauskas, a center ranked among the top ten in the league, they were all dominant!

It's not an exaggeration to even call it a big hammer.

After all, the data gap between the two sides is really quite big!

This is a bit scary...

Big Z is still one of the top ten centers in the league anyway. Now that Clark has defeated Big Z, where should Clark rank?

No matter what, I am qualified to be ranked in the top five!

In the second quarter of the game, Clark continued his fiery performance in the first quarter and scored another double-digit score on the offensive end.

10 points, 5 rebounds and 1 block!

The Pistons fans went crazy. They almost scored 20+10 at halftime. This was not a super insider at all. This was already a super insider.

Richard felt very uncomfortable. All he could think about now was how to lose. As a result, Clark and Nash tonight almost defeated the Cavaliers at halftime.

Before the third quarter ended, the Cavaliers almost gave up the game and didn't let Big Z play again.

Richard naturally took Clark off the field, and even Nash took off the field, replacing him with a bunch of pure substitutes.

Even so, in the end the winner of this game was the Pistons...

"It's uncomfortable, it's uncomfortable, why is it so hard to lose!"

"It feels like losing is harder than winning..." Richard was crying in his heart.

Clark makes his debut under Richard tonight.

The data cut out will definitely make the headlines tomorrow!

33 points, 15 rebounds, 5 blocks and 2 steals, a stat of 30+15+5, just like the statistics of a super insider!

If you really want to say that Clark has such strength now, it is actually not...

There are many reasons why such data can be produced.

The first reason is that Clark is really depressed. He has accumulated countless energy in his body for more than three months. He has been looking forward to this game for a long time!

It is conceivable that tonight on the court, he played like he was risking his life!

The second reason is due to Nash's passing.

Clark's offense is a bit rough. Although it is better than Ben, it is still not good enough compared to the top insiders.

Without Nash's various exquisite passes, it is estimated that Clark will only score ten points tonight, which will definitely not reach the 30+ level.

A legendary point guard like Nash really has the ability to turn things into something magical. The more physical an insider like Clark is, the more benefits he can get from Nash.

Because Nash can accurately deliver the ball to their hands, the only thing they need to do is to take off and then send the ball into the basket!

As for the third reason, it must be that the knight is too weak.

They were unable to form an effective defense against Clark, nor were they able to cut off the path for Nash to pass to Clark.

Based on the above three reasons, it is quite normal for Clark to explode tonight.

Richard finally breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that it was not a loss for him to train Clark.

At least it has played a good role for now...

When Yao Ming joins the Pistons next year, Clark may become Yao Ming's best right-hand man.

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