Bishop of the Devil

Chapter 523 The Honor Promised by Old Davidson

Biquge, the fastest update of Devil Bishop!

But if you want to really rely on fast breaks to kill the Pistons, it's definitely not that easy. The Pistons just sit down and play steadily, attack in the half court, and hit as many shots as possible, but the 76ers are completely unable to do so.

The only thing that can save the 76ers is probably God. With God's blessing, if Iverson and Da Zhi feel hot, then they still have a chance to overthrow the Pistons.

As a result, in the first game of the Eastern Conference Finals, Iverson and Da Zhi didn't have a good touch. They played well on the fast break, but their shooting percentage was not good and they were unable to recover. In the end, they lost to the Pistons by a 21-point margin.

In the second game of the Eastern Conference Finals, the 76ers continued to implement fast break tactics at Carlisle's insistence.

Although Iverson felt good in this game, Dazhi didn't explode, and he lost in the end.

The problem facing the 76ers right now is that they must have both Iverson and Da Zhi show their strength in order to win...

How can it be so easy for two people to explode together on the same field?

But this is the 76ers' only chance of survival. If they don't do this, they will definitely be swept by the Pistons.

In the third game of the Eastern Conference Finals, the 76ers really received God's favor. Of course, this may also be the reason for their home court.

Iverson and Da Zhi broke out one after another, and finally narrowly defeated the Pistons and won a valuable victory in the Eastern Conference Finals series.

This victory was hard-won, and all 76ers home fans were as excited as if they were celebrating the New Year.

You must know that Richard can be said to be the biggest nemesis of the 76ers. The Philadelphia 76ers encountered them several times in the playoffs.

As a result, he never fucking wins...

Tonight's game was the only game the 76ers defeated Richard in the playoffs.

This kind of record-breaking thing made the 76ers fans smile from ear to ear. Regardless of whether they were still defeated by the Pistons in the end, at least they have made progress and won against Richard.

Rick Carlisle's head is really bright. If it were a strict head coach, it would be impossible for the 76ers to win the game.

However, after winning the third game, the 76ers' luck was exhausted. In the fourth game, Iverson and Da Zhi fought hard one after another. In the end, the game was almost in garbage time before it entered the fourth quarter.

As the referee blew the whistle, the Pistons won the match point game again, leading the 76ers with a big score of 3:1, and were only one game away from reaching the finals.

On the Western side, the fight was back and forth. After all, these two teams are not vegetarians, and they are still comparable in terms of strength. It is not like the Pistons and 76ers have a huge lineup gap.

At present, the two sides are tied at 2:2...

I'm afraid these two teams will have to go through a tiebreaker to decide the winner.

Richard is quite satisfied with this situation. They easily defeated the 76ers and are just waiting for work, waiting for the winner after the tie-break between the two teams.

In G5 of the Eastern Conference Finals, Richard didn't give the 76ers the slightest chance. Although Iverson and Dazhi performed well, in the end they faced Richard's all-out lineup and the 76ers lost by seven points. .

Since then, Richard has led the Pistons and won a ticket to the finals!

Although everyone had anticipated this situation, it was still a bit speechless that Richard actually entered the finals again.

This season is Richard's seventh season in the league. As a result, this guy has reached the finals five times. Who can I ask to explain...

In seven seasons, he has reached the finals five times and won three championships. If he can win the championship again this year, it will be his fourth championship!

In the eyes of fans, this is a complete myth...

Of course, in terms of the number of championships, Richard is not as good as Jackson. Jackson won six championship rings with the Bulls, and then another with the Lakers, for a total of seven championship rings.

However, his championship does not actually reflect the Zen master's ability...

To be precise, it can only reflect the Zen master's tactical ability, but cannot reflect the Zen master's vision for selection.

After all, the eye for selection is actually a very important quality for a coach.

Taken together, Richard's championship ring contains more gold than Zen Master's.

That is to say, Richard does not have as many rings as Jackson right now. When the number of rings is the same, I am afraid that Richard will truly reach the top among the coaching community and become the most successful head coach in the league.

Here, Richard had just led his team to the finals, and the team owner, Old Davidson, immediately ran to Richard's office in excitement.

"Li, come on, we must win the championship this season!" Old Davidson's face was full of joy.

We have already reached the finals, but are we still far away from the championship...

"Mr. Davidson, all I can say is try your best to win the championship. No one can say for sure about this kind of thing." Richard looked at the excited old man and said with a wry smile.

Looking at the posture of old Davidson, if Richard fails to win the championship this year, old Davidson may even have a heart attack...

So Richard didn't dare to give this old man too much hope at the moment. After all, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

"No, no, no, Li, we must win the championship!" Old Davidson waved his hand quickly.

"You must win the championship!"

"I have decided that as long as you win the championship, our Pistons will give you the same honor as the Trail Blazers!"

Richard was startled. He has the same honor as the pioneers. What does this mean?

Seeing Richard's confused look, Old Davidson said with a smile.

"As long as you win the championship, when you leave the Pistons, I will retire your jersey at the Palace of Auburn Hills!"

Richard screamed in his heart, "F*ck, can you please stop doing this?"

I haven't done anything yet, I'm still far away from retirement, but two teams have retired my jersey?

However, this is indeed a heavy honor for a coach.

In the entire history of the NBA, no one except Richard has ever enjoyed this kind of treatment.

It is naturally Richard's ability to enjoy such treatment. If he had not brought the Blazers the super honor of three championships and one dynasty in five years, then even if the Blazers wanted to retire Richard's jersey early, they would not be able to find him at all. reason.

Now, Old Davidson probably wanted to stimulate Richard. He knew very well that Richard was not short of money, so he used this honor to stimulate Richard.

"Mr. Davidson, I'll do my best..." Richard still didn't dare to brag. He was really not sure of winning the championship.

No matter whether the opponent is the Trail Blazers or the Spurs, it is not a vegetarian...

Richard estimated that in this season's finals, even if he really wins the championship, he will definitely have to go through a bloody battle, at least six games, and even a tiebreaker has a high chance.

In this case, how dare Richard give the old Davidson a guarantee.

In the next few days, Richard has been paying attention to the battle between the Trail Blazers and the Spurs.

Just as Richard expected, the two sides finally reached a tiebreaker.

The two sides were already furious. Popovich was roaring wildly on the sidelines, and Zhang Weiping was not idle either. He stood on the sidelines with a livid face, clapping his hands and roaring.

The head coaches of both sides were furious, and the players on the field were also fighting tooth and nail.

Considering that even a good-tempered player like Duncan started roaring on the court, one can imagine how intense this game was.

In almost every offensive round, both sides tried their best.

When the third quarter of this tiebreaker was about to end, the Trail Blazers encountered bad news.

Their starting point guard Baron Davis had six fouls and was ejected.

This is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for the Trail Blazers.

A half-court team like theirs lacks a main point player, which will definitely have a great impact on their strength.

Under this situation, everyone thought that the Blazers were doomed, because the score between the two sides was quite anxious. Now that the Blazers lacked a main control, they were naturally at a huge disadvantage...

The Blazers home team fans at the scene all sighed. Could it be that the Blazers are going to encounter the same situation as last year this year? Can’t even make it to the finals!?

You know, this year may be the Blazers' last strong period, because many players in the team are facing contract renewal issues...

Right now, both Ben and Ou have maximum salaries. Although they were signed early, they are no longer the maximum salary. But even so, the Blazers can only offer another maximum salary. Look at the current situation. , it is very likely that he will give this maximum salary to Baron Davis.

Although after the end of this season, the Trail Blazers are still not weak, they will definitely not be as strong as they are now.

This season may be the Trail Blazers' last chance to win the championship!

And now with Baron Davis being ejected, the situation is already precarious.

But just when the Trail Blazers fans were sad, a sudden change occurred on the Spurs side.

The last offensive round of the third quarter belonged to the Spurs.

As a result, the French sports car Parker was injured when he broke through, and the injury seemed not serious. It was obvious that he would not be able to play for the rest of the game.

For the Trail Blazers, this is undoubtedly a good thing worth celebrating.

Although it is unethical to celebrate the injury of another player's team, but now both sides are jealous, who cares about it...

With the departure of the main controllers of both sides, the strength on the scene is close to balance again.

The Trail Blazers are different from the Spurs. The Spurs are missing Parker, which is almost like a lame leg.

The GDP combination is the Spurs' three main output points. Now that Parker is missing, Popovich's face turns pale.

On the other hand, the Trail Blazers are missing Baron Davis, and the impact on their on-court strength is definitely not as great as that of the Spurs.

At the end of the fourth quarter, the referee blew the whistle for the end of the game. The Trail Blazers narrowly defeated the Spurs by 3 points and won a ticket to the finals.

All the Trail Blazers fans at the scene gasped. This game was really thrilling.

At the last moment, Ginobili made a three-pointer with three seconds left.

If this goal is scored, the two sides will definitely enter overtime, and it’s hard to say who will win by then...

But God favored the Trail Blazers, and Ginobili did not score this goal!

The entire Rose Garden Arena turned directly into a sea of ​​joy, and all the fans cheered crazily.

They have reached the finals again. This is their fifth time in six years!

Throughout the entire history of the NBA, there are few teams that can accomplish such great feats!

The key is to reach the finals this time. The Trail Blazers have a good chance of winning. They met the Pistons twice in the previous regular season and won the game both times.

It naturally occupies a psychological advantage.

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