Bishop of the Devil

Chapter 100 Ben, you should know what to do

October 1st!

The NBA preseason schedule has begun, and the Portland Trail Blazers have a game on the first day!

Sit in the Rose Garden Arena and accept the challenge of the Golden State Warriors!

This preseason game against the Warriors made Richard a little excited, mainly because his favorite disciple Brad Miller is now with the Warriors...

In the previous draft, because Richard chose Kobe with the eighth pick instead of Miller, Richard actually felt a little guilty for Miller!

So taking this opportunity, he wanted to see how Miller was doing in the Warriors!

Is it really as important as Adelman promised to give him an important tactical position!

At eight o'clock in the evening, players from both sides appeared in the Rose Garden Arena to warm up.

Richard saw Miller's figure from a distance and waved to Miller...

Miller trotted to Richard with an excited face.

"Yes, I haven't seen him in a few months, and he seems to have become stronger!" Richard patted Miller on the arm and said with a smile.

"That's for sure, coach, you don't know. I've been training like crazy these past few months. No matter what, I don't want to be the one who tarnishes the honor of West Lafayette!" Miller said with a smile.

"You kid, you still call me coach. You have to call me Coach Li from now on. Your coach is Adelman. Be careful that Adelman gets jealous and makes you come on the bench!" Richard said with a loud laugh.

"Haha, Coach Adelman is very good and treats me very well. He won't be so petty..." Miller also laughed.

Seeing that Miller was doing well, Richard felt relieved...

"By the way, tell me about your current situation. How are you getting along with your teammates in the team? Are there any old players bullying you?" Richard asked with a smile.

As soon as Richard asked this question, a hint of gloom suddenly flashed between Miller's brows...

However, this expression was only fleeting and was quickly covered up...

"They are all very good, and the old players all have good personalities!"

Although Miller didn't say anything, Richard's sharp eyes still discovered the problem!

Miller has a problem!

"Brad, if you still recognize me as your coach, tell me what happened?" Richard stared into Miller's eyes solemnly and asked loudly.

Miller knew he couldn't hide it from Richard, and said angrily: "It's nothing, coach, it's just a small matter, I can solve it!"

"After all, what happened, I don't care if it's a big or small thing!" Richard continued to ask!

In Richard's serious eyes, Miller is like his married daughter. Looking at Miller's appearance, he may have been bullied by the Warriors!

If it's not Adelman, it must be the old players on the Warriors!

How could Richard endure that his daughter was being bullied? He had to fight to the death!

Seeing that Miller didn't want to talk about it, Richard asked his boss to go to Carlisle and ask for the Warriors' list!

After getting the Warriors' list, Richard immediately knew what happened!

The No. 1 player on the Warriors roster…

Latrell Sprewell!

Madman Sprewell!

A madman who choked Carlesimo for fifteen seconds and almost strangled his coach to death!

Richard is 100% sure that the player who bullied Miller is this madman Sprewell!

"Miller, is it Latrell?!" Richard asked with a cold expression, staring into Miller's eyes.

Miller lowered his head, not daring to look into Richard's eyes!

This made Richard furious. Miller has a very honest temper. Although he is very violent on the court, he never loses his temper off the court, especially with his teammates. Even if he suffers a little loss, he always smiles... …

Richard knew very well why the madman attacked the newcomer Miller. It was not because of the NBA tradition of old players bullying rookies!

It's because of the battle for the team's tactical status!

The core of Adelman's Princeton system is the inside axis, which is Miller's point!

It is equivalent to saying that Miller is the real tactical core of the Warriors team!

Miller started most of the offense!

Under such circumstances, how could the Warriors' number one star, Madman, who is now an All-Star, agree to this!

The top star cannot have the right to dominate the ball, no wonder the madman is anxious!

"Are you taking action?!" Richard is going crazy!

Miller nodded!

Ben on the side was completely crazy right now. Miller was his teammate at Purdue for two years. The friendship between the two was like a brother!

In addition, Ben is two years older than Miller, so Ben has always regarded Miller as his biological brother!

Now his biological brother is being bullied, and he even takes action!

Da Ben was immediately furious!

"Latrell?! Miller, I'm going to kill him!" Ben rushed toward the Warriors' half court like he was going crazy.

Miller quickly grabbed Big Ben. He knew exactly what Big Ben was going to do.

"Calm down, Ben!"

"If you do this, it will make Brad even more embarrassed in the team!"

Richard asked Ben to calm down with a cold voice...

If Ben really beats up the madman in the warm-up session, then you can imagine how embarrassing Miller will be in the Warriors in the future, and it may be even more difficult to get along!

When there is a conflict within your own team, do you ask someone else to help you resolve it? !

This will completely isolate Miller in the locker room!

Daben was obviously aware of this problem, because he was trembling with anger!

"What matters on the court should be settled on the court!"

"Ben, you should know how to do this!"

Richard's face was as cold as ice. This time, he was really angry!

The disciples that I, Richard, have brought out are not bullies like you low-lifes!

"Coach, I know what to do!"

"Trust me! I'll make that son of a bitch pay!"

After Big Ben finished speaking viciously, he yelled at the Blazers' halftime warmup at the top of his lungs.

"Rashid, there's a job!"

Seeing that Big Ben is looking for Rasheed Wallace, Richard knows that this game will be miserable for the Madmen!

Although Rasheed entered the league a year before Ben, the two are actually the same age!

What’s even more frightening is that these two people’s birthdays are only seven days apart!

Ben was born on September 10, 1974, and Rashid was born on September 17, 1974!

The two have the same surname, Wallace, and are almost born on the same day, same year, and same month. In addition, they have similar personalities. After playing in the summer league, the two established a deep friendship...

If sworn sworn relationships weren't popular in America, these two would probably cut off chicken heads and burn yellow paper to do so!

When things like this happened now, Ben immediately approached Rashid and wanted to stand up for his brother!

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