"What a great power!"

The emperor's blade clenched the scimitar in both hands, the power of this existence in front of him was more powerful than the evil demon itself, and these humans who had been transformed with evil demon fragments were not qualified to fight him at all.

"I'm curious about what exactly the demons you are talking about are."

Otto raised his hand, and a gilded orb with a pattern levitated in his palm, which looked as ordinary as an ornament at the top of a scepter.

"I'm sorry, the empire has organized six large-scale evil crusades, but unfortunately all of them failed, and we have not entered the hinterland of the northern realm."

"Oh?" Otto frowned and thought, he had learned about such a thing as "evil devil" from books and patriots.

Some kind of terrifying creatures entrenched in the permafrost of the Northern Plains and threatening civilization itself have similar existence throughout Terra. It seems that it does not belong to this land, and it will be contained and ostracized by the world itself.

Usas has been fighting it for years with elite forces such as powerful warlocks and heavily armored Wendigo, the most recent known being the battle at Sunset Canyon many years ago, in which more than two dozen internal guards were killed.

According to the patriot's description, these evil demons have thousands of hands and eyes, and their shapes are extremely twisted and strange. This reminds Otto of a myth in which such a thing is a god.

But it can also be another manifestation of collapse.

In the original world, when human beings were still in the age of agriculture, collapse had already appeared, and with the progress of human beings, collapse also showed a blowout during the two industrial revolutions.

At present, the overall level of this world should not have completed the standard of the second industrial revolution, so it is necessary to investigate the northern demons before completion.

"Hiss... Although we Usas have our own religion, most of us are not religious, even if you are really a god, we want to use the power of mortals to compete with you like a mantis. "

Expand !!" The emperor's blades roared and spread his arms, and several blades next to him also unfolded together, and the whole human figure constantly emitted smoke-filled black fog around, and these black fogs condensed into one black ball after another around Otto, as if he could still hear some devouring and chewing sound.

In the brief encounter, Otto had already analyzed the attack principle of the emperor's blade.

Boundlessly amplifying people's fears, and then using these black dust to condense the various lethal weapons imagined by the target to complete the assassination, these black fogs seem to exert gravity to slow down the target's ability to move.

Unfortunately, they will be beaten in their areas of expertise.

"Where I stand on my feet, it is the land of the great Usas!!"

At this moment, the black balls around Otto exploded, and black mist filled the entire forest.

The Emperor Blade raised his head and squinted at the field shrouded in black mist, and the other party's figure did not even waver in the slightest.

"Outlier! Show your minions!. "

This time the emperor's blade draws the knife, and all the blades attack at the same time, and within the scope of the [realm], they are the embodiment of death, and no country's combat unit can defeat the emperor's blade in the environment of the kingdom, even the forbidden army of the Yan country.

Otto only smiled slightly, he admired the courage and fearless spirit of the other party.

But does it have anything to do with me wanting them to die?

Otto's side was surrounded by dark red thunderbolts, which condensed on the gilded sphere as if they were alive, and the emperor's blade swung towards Otto at great speed.

It was only a little bit short, and the tip of the knife was only an arm's length from Otto's head.

It is such a distance, a normal person can take a step, at this moment seems to be longer and farther away than the road of his life.

The end of the world!

The mighty gravity instantly squeezed on their bodies, and the ground under their feet appeared spiderweb-like cracks, and they maintained the action of stabbing towards Otto, but they were even moving at this moment.

"Everything unknown in this world makes me curious, for example, how much limit are you humans who have been transformed with evil demon fragments?"

Otto stretched out his left hand and held the scimitar in front of him with two fingers, and the scimitar fell to the ground and disappeared from the ground for a pitch-black sticky substance.

"Now we just have a chance to try it."

Otto held up the orb that glowed red, and the sphere emitted a dark red glow.

Mimicry • Star of Eden, second power rating.

The inner guards can see a dark red black hole appear in the sky, this black hole devours everything around it, and the ball in Otto's hand is constantly exerting more terrifying gravity!

The first to suffer were the remaining pioneers of a hundred battles, they themselves were heavily armored soldiers alongside the shield guards, and without any special transformation, their physical quality could no longer withstand such pressure.

They were crushed into minced flesh by their bones and armor and devoured by black holes.

Buzzing with a strange roar



The Emperor Blade felt a dullness in his chest and began to spurt blood, blood oozing from the cracks in his mask. Not only him, but also other internal guards.

"This is ... We...... Not even ... Yes...... "

Only by seeing it with our own eyes can we truly believe."

Now that pitiful fluke had long dissipated in the heart of the emperor's blade along with the kingdom on the ground.

It is today that the god-like figure crushes the glory of the shadow of Usas here.

The darkness that covered the sky, black holes embedded in the sky as if eyes stared at them, they were shadows, but they were shrouded in boundless darkness, and their trembling hearts.

The expressions under the masks of the inner guards froze, their breathing stagnated, and they miscalculated their gap.

Desperate disparities.

In the boundless darkness, they didn't even gush out a single wave.

Seeing these inner defenders, Otto suddenly remembered one of his opponents.

Fusion Warrior?

Hiss~ seems that you can try.

These inner guards are just using immature technology to fuse humans with evil fragments.

With his own wisdom and Void Hidden Creativity, he may be able to create a fusion Valkyrie in this world.

Otto put away the star of Eden, the black hole dissipated, and the sky returned to its former blue.

"Hiss... Huff... Call...... Whew..." The

inner guards supported each other's shaky bodies, and Otto saw a gentle smile behind the inner guards, and walked to the side of the inner guard.

Seeing that Otto was walking towards them, the inner guard who still had the strength grabbed his breathing tube and prepared to die together.

But he was stopped by the internal guard at the head.

"Thank you... You give alms... 's kindness...," the inner guard said intermittently.

"We... Will promise... Your request, the emperor's will ... We...... It will be delivered..."

"Hopefully... You can... Fulfill...... Your promise..." Otto

ignored the inner guard and just walked, the inner guard supported the body of his teammate and turned around with difficulty, he saw the module of a small mobile city!

"You call this mobile city Kean City, and I'd rather call it Yumir."

Otto's eyes were full of hope, and he walked to the bottom of the city module and reached out to touch the steel behemoth.

"Then you... Intend... Build one... What the...? "


PS: School starts tomorrow, so it's a little late.

I didn't have a good grasp of the plot before, and the story should be officially started here.

Thank you for your support.

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