“You know, Hermione was worried for a long time after the news of your injury came that night…”

This was said by Lavender, who was in the same dormitory as Hermione, and it was quite trustworthy.

Joshua relaxed a little and began to turn his attention to the food in front of him.

The others saw that Joshua did not want to show off his achievements in killing the troll, so they stopped talking and began to bury their heads in eating.

However, compared to the past, today’s Joshua eats quite slowly, it can be said that he chews slowly and slowly swallows, slowly like those idle old cows in the field who have nothing to ruminate.

“If something goes wrong, there will be a demon…”

Ron whispered to Harry.

Harry also nodded in agreement, but if Joshua didn’t leave, they wouldn’t be able to leave, and he wanted to know what the hell Joshua had done.

Not long after, there was a fluttering sound from the ceiling, and this was the time for the owls to enter the auditorium with things to deliver to their masters.


Joshua looked up, a little expectant in his eyes.


Harry and Ron suddenly noticed something was wrong in their hearts, history is always strikingly similar, and the two always feel that they have experienced such an event…

Sure enough, an owl that neither of them knew fell in front of Joshua, with a long package tied around its leg, along with an even smaller package.

The package fell on the table, and even with a cloth bag as a block, it still made a rather pleasant sound of gold coins crashing.

Ron couldn’t help but swallow a mouthful of saliva, “Joshua… This won’t…”

“It’s just a bag of coins, is there anything surprising?”

Joshua naturally unwrapped the two packages, picked a little food from his dinner plate and fed it to the owl in front of him, and it was also happy to accept the food, nodded to Joshua and fluttered its wings and flew away, quite polite compared to the owls of other little wizards.

Ron watched the owl fly away, and the look of envy and jealousy in his eyes was almost solidified.

Joshua had to hit him on the head with the long package to bring him back to his senses.

“If you envy an owl like that, hurry up and do something big, let your family buy you one… Or you put down your body, call me a big brother, shout for seventeen or eight days, maybe I will be soft hearted to buy you one, and don’t say owl, I can change the wand for you… Look… Just earned money… Yo… It’s just a little less than the last time…”

Joshua opened the pouch and prepared to use the golden eyes that shimmered inside.


Ron opened the covenant in displeasure, poverty was a lifelong pain for members of the Weasley family.

Unoblivious to Ron, Harry picked up the long package that Joshua had set aside and, with Joshua’s permission, opened it.

Sure enough, as he imagined, the Daily Prophet found the column edited by Rita Skeeter…

“Shock! This kind of thing happened to Hogwarts! The safest school in Ying country or empty talk?! 》”

Harry wanted to shove the newspaper into Joshua’s mouth…

Lee Jordan, who was sitting next to Harry, took the newspaper from Harry’s hand and read, “Oh… There is also a subtitle below the main heading…”Shock! This kind of thing happened to Hogwarts! The safest school in Ying country or empty talk?! ——A brilliant student at Hogwarts telling the truth? ”

“As we all know… Hogwarts, where the first white wizard in the world sits, is an ancient school that has been passed down for thousands of years…”

“It’s a long history… The faculty is strong… All safety measures in the school are perfect….”

“But… Just recently, a shocking scandal broke out on Hogwarts!? ”

“There are actually multi-headed adult trolls in the extremely safe Hogwarts school?! And even attacked the students ?! The situation had already happened to the point of being unstoppable… According to an enthusiastic student who did not want to be named, Quirinus Quirrell, the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at his school, was in a coma for a whole night because of excessive heart palpitations…”

“The editor-in-chief of this column heard that he deeply questioned Quirrell’s ability to coach, and as a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, it was a big joke that he was actually intimidated by the magical creatures he was supposed to defend! Many parents of students have sent letters to this editor-in-chief, hoping that I can raise questions with Hogwarts on behalf of the family…”

“But it’s been a long time since the troll was wiped out by the Hogwarts authorities and an outstanding Hogwarts student who could not be named…”

When it came to this, most of the students present looked at Joshua.

“You boy is shameless… Didn’t say anything about Professor Quirrell, and he wanted to put gold on his face… It’s outrageous…”

“Hey, hey, hey! You can eat indiscriminately, you can’t talk nonsense! I am a law-abiding citizen! Big drop good student! How could you do that kind of thing?! ”

Joshua glanced at everyone around him and pretended to be wronged, but unfortunately not many people believed it.

“Blow…. You’re blowing hard… So how did your coins come about? ”

Ron sneered, this guy had to die with a hard mouth, and really took his gang for fools.

“I asked my family what I wanted, how to drip it?! Jordan, you read… The newspaper is not finished. ”

Little black boy Lee Jordan had to shrug his shoulders and continue: “According to insiders, the trolls attacked at that time…”

“Wow… How is this a long story describing the plot of Joshua fighting monsters? If you want to read it, go back and read the previous chapters…”

“And then the last few paragraphs become the ‘tell the truth’ time for that great student… In short, there is a headmaster at Hogwarts, and the professors of the houses are in great health, except for a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher with a simple garlic cultivation device on his head, the probability of being breached here is quite low, and the trolls are purely accidental…”

“Hmm… Same as in the previous article…”

“Long nonsense!”

“I want you to take care of it! Wizards love this! ”

(Thanks to Mr. White Wolf and Mr. Kaguya for the flowers…)

Then shamelessly ask for a wave of flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly pass tips or something…. )_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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