Soon it was the day of the start of the Quidditch tournament, and the weather was clear and cold.

The enticing smell of grilled sausages fills the restaurant, and everyone is looking forward to a great Quidditch match and chatting happily.

But only Harry felt terrible. In another hour, he’ll be heading for the ring.

But he didn’t have much appetite at first.

“Harry, you need to maintain vigorous stamina.” Seamus Finigan said, “The Seeker is always the opposing team’s focus on guarding. ”

“Thank you, Seamus.” Harry said as he watched Seamus spread a thick layer of ketchup on his sausage.

“Although this looks quite weird with sausages, eating it is definitely better than eating nothing…”

Joshua looked solemn, watching Harry deal with this thick and red sausage rather embarrassed, in fact, he almost laughed in his heart.

“Okay… You’re going to be on the pitch next, I won’t say much, I beeped you a little bit about the game when you practiced, and now I really have a feeling of ‘I brought this kid up’…”

Joshua patted Harry on the shoulder and gave him a thumbs up.

“Play well on the pitch, don’t think about what you have, nothing bad will happen.”

At the same time, Joshua nodded secretly to Hermione, Hermione also nodded in response, Joshua had practiced the levitation charm with her, and when something really happened in the arena, Hermione could help.

Although Joshua wanted to find something for Hermione to do, she couldn’t let her trick or treat Snape, who wanted to save Harry, right?

“So… I can rest assured that I won’t go to the stadium…”

“Huh? Joshua? You’re not going to the stadium anymore? ”

Harry’s face was stunned, he still wished his friends could watch his first game.

Joshua’s face became more serious: “Yes, I can’t go.” ”

“But… The more people cheering, the better, don’t you see Hermione also put down her studies and went to the stadium to watch the game? ”

Ron also wanted to persuade Joshua, after all, one more person can have more power of solidarity, he has already pulled many people to cheer Harry on, he even contributed a sheet, on which he wrote a line of “Harry come on Slytherin”, now is lacking the strong labor of this thing, how can you easily let Joshua go?

“If you really don’t want to go, we can’t tie you up… But you have to tell us a reason, right? ”

Hermione also spoke, with the credit of that copy of “Quidditch Origins”, now that her relationship with the three of them was almost the same, she probably guessed who stuffed the book, and her attitude towards Joshua was not as aggressive as before.

“Hmm… This… It’s a bit obscene to say…”

Joshua, of course, lied, and opened his mouth to pretend to be in pain: “I… My stomach is uncomfortable, my head still hurts a little… Although I really want to go see than: Yes…”

His stomach just in time released a little unknown gas (of course, this is not Joshua’s wish).

Harry just wanted to speak, then his face changed drastically, and then the faces of the other people around him changed drastically, and the students sitting near Joshua suddenly rioted, and biochemical weapons appeared!

“Hah… That… Then Joshua you take care! Remember to go to the hospital! Better let Madam Pomfrey see your physical condition! ”

“There we went! Take care! Joshua! ”

Yes, Joshua’s lies did not come out, and they were all mixed up by this fart.

Anyway, the result is the same, and Joshua is too lazy to calculate what the process is.

At eleven o’clock, the whole school was basically walking to the stadium to see off Harry, and Joshua walked back to Hogwarts Castle alone against the crowd.

Oh, not all the students and teachers of the school, at least Mr. Filch didn’t go, and neither did Lady Loris.

Mr. Filch is sweeping the floor alone with a big broom, and it is probably only at this time that the students are gone, so he can sweep the floor on campus so leisurely, right?

Mrs. Lores also temporarily relieved herself of the heavy responsibility of capturing students, and her slightly blessed body rubbed on Mr. Filch’s trouser leg, and she didn’t know if she was coquettish or tickling…

Considering the cat sex tsundere, it should probably be tickling …

“Mr. Filch… It’s also time for you to bathe it… Although cats are afraid of water, bathing frequently is not a bad thing. ”

Joshua stepped forward, picked it up at Lady Loris’s disgruntled cry, grabbed its two front paws, and sniffed with a shrug.

“Hmm… It’s time to take a shower…”

“I want you to take care of it! This is my cat! ”

Lady Lores still succumbed to Joshua’s small dried fish and tickled her chin, and was now comfortably lying in Joshua’s arms and enjoying it.

Mr. Filch was a little taken aback and snatched the cat back.

“Then again, boy, why don’t you go to your classmate’s game?”

“I am a person who mostly only looks at the results. This kind of competition that doesn’t interest me, and it will definitely turn out… Do you say I’m worth spending that long watching people fly around the sky on brooms? ”

“You’re confident in your academy… But the last sentence does make sense, isn’t it that people are flying in the sky on brooms… God knows why so many students and teachers love this…”

Although Filch said so, Joshua still saw a trace of unwillingness and longing in his eyes.

“That became… I’ll go first…”

Joshua didn’t answer his words, shook his head and continued walking forward with his hands in his hands.

A fresh breeze blew through, and the garbage in the courtyard was blown into the corner of the courtyard.

Filch scoffed… This kid, the wand has leaked through the sleeve and has not yet found it…


Lady Lores meowed softly, she still rarely saw shovel show this expression.

“Nothing, nothing… When you’re done here, I’ll go and bathe you! ”

Filch hugged Lady Loris, then shrugged his nose and made a decision.

This kid doesn’t say that he hasn’t found out yet… This cat is a little smelly…_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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