“What are you doing! Little dude! Why summon my broom?! ”

If Joshua hadn’t held his broom in his hand, he wouldn’t have felt a vague breath pulling his broom.

“Hmm… Very good… It looks like there are quite a few good Quidditch seedlings this time…”

Madame Hooch walked past each of the students, leaving positive or negative comments about them.

When passing by Joshua’s side, he also glanced at him quite differently.

This kid who made a big news still makes her remember, she didn’t expect that he was so talented in Quidditch, and most people had to shout “up” to make the broom move, but he didn’t expect that he could drive the broom movement just by staring at his mind.

[Hmph… My ride with a rank skill of B is not covered… Isn’t it easy for the spicy chicken flying broom to control? 】

Joshua could naturally feel the amazed gaze of his classmates, and there were only a few people enjoying this gaze on the field at this time.

Harry, Ron, himself, and the lovely Malfoy classmates.

“It seems that the control of the broom is Gryffindor’s victory… There were actually three who summoned their brooms in an instant; Oh… There were quite a few Slytherin children who summoned their brooms, and it seemed that they practiced quite well…”

The Gryffindor students automatically made up for Slytherin by cheating to achieve such results.

When all the students summon their broomsticks….. (Joshua saw Neville kick his broom before he let it fly slowly and leisurely with great reluctance)

Madame Hooch began to show them how to ride a broom without sliding off their heads.

She walked around the line, correcting their grips.

In particular, she had been criticizing Malfoy’s grip for something wrong, but Malfoy argued that it was his “pure-blood noble grip”, which made the Gryffindor students happy.

“Okay, as soon as I whistle, you will kick your legs and leave the ground, and you have to pedal hard.”

Mrs. Hooch said: “Hold the broom steady, rise a few feet, then lean forward slightly and fall vertically back to the ground. Listen to my whistles—three—two—”

Joshua clearly saw that Neville was a little nervous, and beads of sweat oozed from the hand holding the broom.


But he still took a step.

Neville’s classmates rode the wind and soared up to 90,000 li.

“Come back, child,” cried Mrs. Hooch, but Neville went straight up, like a cork coming out of a bottle—twelve feet—twenty feet.

Everyone could see him in horror, looking at the ground speeding away below, seeing him panting with his mouth wide open, and then slipping his hand, not grasping the broom, and just like that, he came from the sky.

“Yugadim Leviosa!”

Neville, who was falling at great speed, suddenly seemed to fall on a transparent cushion in the air, and the falling posture suddenly became gentle and leisurely.

When he fell to the ground, Hochoff was the first to applaud.

“Awesome levitation spell release! I have to give Gryffindor ten points! ”

However, the other client, Neville, was not so well, lying on the ground and convulsing from time to time.

“Oh… Oh my God, poor child… He was actually frightened and fainted…”

Mrs. Hooch bent down to look down at Neville, and she found Neville’s face pale.

She turned to the rest of the class and said, “I’ll take this kid to the hospital, and none of you will be allowed to put the flying broom back in its place, or you’ll be kicked out of Hogwarts before you can say ‘Quidditch.'” Let’s go, dear. ”

She enlisted a young wizard from Gryffindor to help support Neville, and the three of them walked slowly towards Hogwarts Castle.

As soon as they were out of sight, Malfoy burst out laughing.

“Do you see his face, silly boy?” The other Slytherin students echoed.

“Shut up, Malfoy.” Parvati Petyr said sharply.

“Ho, protect Longbottom?” Pansy Parkinson said that she was a Slytherin girl with short black hair, and her appearance was not as bad as in the original book, but her mean look was slightly disgusting.

After a few words, the people of the two academies were about to fight.

“Look,” Malfoy said, rushing over to grab something on the ground, “it’s the memory ball that that big fool Longbottom’s grandmother gave him!” ”

“I don’t think you all here need this kind of thing at all, right? After all, no one has that goldfish head…”

The Slytherins were even more presumptuous.

Harry couldn’t stand Malfoy’s mocking tone.

“Bring it! Bring Neville’s stuff! ”

Anyone could hear that Harry was not in a good mood at the moment.

But as if he hadn’t heard it, Malfoy-kun continued to say to his classmates, “Oh~ I think we should do Mr. Longbottom a little favor, for example… Put this thing on that big tree? Maybe the experience of climbing trees will allow him to overcome his fear of heights…”

Malfoy said he would do it, mounted his broom and ran into the sky, flying to a height parallel to the treetops of an oak tree, and shouted, “Come and get it, Potter”

Harry grabbed his broom, and the blood hit his head.

“Oh! No! Harry! Have you forgotten what Mrs. Hooch said? ”

Hermione’s words didn’t stop Harry, and young wizards were hard to dissuade when they were in hot blood.

“Watch me catch up with you, Mal…”

Harry found that his broom was not moving.

He looked back suspiciously, only to find Joshua picking his nose with one hand and pulling the tail of his broom with the other.

“Hey, hey, hey! Don’t be so excited~Harry~ At this time, it should be the pure-blood noble nemesis – Mr. Joestar…”


Here is a little whining from the author … Nothing to do with the text…

I’ve had a little bit of a little change in my family recently… Mom and dad quarreled quite badly, and the problem was serious ….

I’m not the one involved, I don’t know how to persuade …

I was just a hard-pressed college student, with no financial resources of my own, and little right to speak…

I tried hard, but I found that I couldn’t do anything…


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