This hand “Don’t look down, the crown will fall” was really angry, and Neville had to raise his head and look at Joshua awkwardly even if he was reluctant.

Joshua sighed, thinking of a way to enlighten his classmate’s inferiority complex.

“Most of the time, people subconsciously believe what they see firsthand… The article in the Daily Prophet, although slightly pompous, will undoubtedly make the average person’s good impression of you a lot…. Although the article still mocks Malfoy for what he did, he can also be used to set off your image…”

“Think about your parents… Neville, you need to hold your head up, you have a pair of proud parents, whose courage has undoubtedly passed on to you. Why do you think you’re sorted into Gryffindor? Hold your chest up… Otherwise, the courage hidden in your body will cry! ”

In fact, if you look at the overall situation, Neville said that he is the second hero of this work, and it is similar…

Think about it….

Since childhood, his parents have been seriously injured, he started weakly, and he was bullied in school, but he had a tenacious heart….

Also in other worlds, proper waste firewood flow protagonists are standard.

If it weren’t for the stronger aura of Harry Potter’s protagonist, and the method of defining strength in this world was too mysterious, maybe Neville could also come to a salted fish and jump over the dragon gate if he concentrated on cultivation…

What else can Neville say?

To him, Joshua’s words were like walking on the road when suddenly an old beggar stopped him with a few broken books, saying that he was a cultivation wizard… Ghosts believe it…

“Hmm… Well… Okay, I see…”

Seeing him like that, he didn’t take Joshua’s words to heart.

At this time, I don’t know why the Gryffindor students were quiet, and they didn’t have the usual feeling of whistling.

Joshua couldn’t help but sigh, these guys are still quite observant, knowing that they are being life mentors, and did not open their mouths to disrupt their thinking…

“So Neville…”

But this time, as soon as Joshua spoke, he was immediately robbed.

“It seems that Mr. Longbottom does not agree with you… Mr. Joestar…”

This Slytherin’s unique long-pitched tone has a high resolution, especially since this voice also has a very strong greasy and mature taste, which makes people know that Snape is coming.

Joshua hurriedly looked around his body, but found that his classmates who did not speak were giving him a look, which obviously meant to tell him – lie in the groove! There’s someone behind you…

Joshua subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and the teacher suddenly appeared behind you when you were blowing… Groove! It’s scary to think about!

“Yo… Yo! Professor Snape, this isn’t… What wind is blowing over? ”

Quickly turned around and faced his old man politely one. He had to pick bones in his eggs again…

“In fact, the person looking for you is not me, it is him…”

Snape first glanced at Harry, then turned sideways, letting Malfoy behind him out.

At this time, Malfoy looked indignant, and a strange blush appeared on his originally pale face at this time, and he didn’t know that he thought that he had met the one he was destined for.

Of course, Malfoy didn’t have the idea of finding someone now, but he huffed and stepped forward and slapped the object in his hand on the table.

“Joshua Joestar! What good have you done?! ”

That was this morning’s Daily Prophet.

“I…. The reputation of my Malfoy family has been ruined by you! Do you know how angry my father was about this?! ”

“Oh? How angry … Did he send you a yelling letter? ”

Joshua picked his nostrils, looking very unconcerned.

“Roar letter… What is that thing…”

Harry whispered to Ron next to him, asking if he didn’t understand was one of the important skills of a good student.

As Ron explained to Harry what the Shout Letter was, Professor Snape spoke again.

“Put the yelling letter aside, Mr. Joestar… Now I want to know more… What do you think of this article? ”

“I… This…”

Joshua rolled his eyes, cleared his throat, and said solemnly and seriously: “This article… Great goodness! ”

“Huh?! Great goodness? ”

Snape’s tone was inexplicable, and everyone present felt the meaning of the bad.

“You mean to say… This piece of shit you wrote that poured dirty water on your classmates doesn’t make sense… Is a good article, huh? Comrade JOJO?! ”

Show one’s true colors in the end.

As long as Joshua dares to admit that he is the unknown freelance writer “JOJO”, then in the next second he will be imprisoned in the dungeon by Snape on various charges of destroying the friendly relationship between classmates at school and slandering others…

Don’t think that Joshua and Filch have a good relationship, once Joshua really makes a mistake, he must be more excited than anyone.

“This… Professor, what are you talking about… What JOJO’s… I don’t know him, I just think that his article, despite all the problems in terms of writing, is really interesting and in-depth…”

“Roar~~~” Snape’s voice grew longer and longer, and his distrustful tone was not concealed at all.

“But how do I feel… JO-JO? Joshua….. Joestar? You don’t think these two names… Is it similar? ”

“Similar? Oh~ that’s not necessarily, professor! Maybe the freelance writer’s name is Giorno Jobana instead of Joestar! ”

“Besides… I never admitted I was JOJO! ”

“You talk nonsense! My father had connections in the Daily Prophet! They all said that this JOJO letter was sent from Hogwarts! It must be you! And when Granger asked you before… Don’t you admit it all?! ”

Malfoy saw that it was not good to be so successful that he gagged, so he questioned Joshua loudly.

“Huh? Have it? ”

Joshua reached into his robe and pulled out a thin book with the Fantastic Adventures at Hogwarts written on the cover.

“You see, in chapter seventy-nine I just said that Hermione understood me very well! I didn’t admit it! If you say that again, I will sue you for slander!” “_

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