Upon hearing this suggestion, Lu Xiao's eyes suddenly lit up.

The turtle is as big as a tank.

If it can be equipped with some thermal weapons, it will not be much different from a real tank.

Coupled with its own defensive power, after the transformation is completed, it will become a terrifying war fortress.

Suddenly, the warden looked at the shadow and said:

"I remember the doctor's project focused on flesh and blood machinery, right?"

"This just gives him some ideas in this regard."

The jailer interrupted at this time:

"So how do you ensure the turtle's loyalty?"

"If it is not willing to stand on our side after the transformation is completed, wouldn't it become an enemy?"

Hearing this, the warden fell into deep thought again.

Indeed, just as the jailer said.

When you cannot ensure the target's loyalty and blindly modify it, the shell may fall on your own head in the end.

At this time, Zhang Chu interrupted again:

"Then why don't we kill and share the meat?"

Hearing this, the warden shook his head and said:

"It still feels like such a shame."

Lu Xiao on the side also nodded.

The warden continued:

"For the nature of this animal, it's relatively benign."

"Only under such a premise is there any value in trying."

At this moment, Shadow suddenly said:

"There seems to be a way."

After hearing his words, everyone turned their attention to him.

Feeling everyone's gaze, Shadow groaned:

"You can let the doctor put it into that dream world."

"Due to the speed of time inside, the doctor has enough time to implant the thought stamp on it."

"In this way, we can ensure that it will not betray."

"Just recently, a contaminated victim was sent to the doctor."

"We can let the doctor try it together."

After hearing this, the warden was silent for a moment, and finally sighed:

"If possible, I hope Mo Ling can have a good ending."

Mo Ling was the female victim who was ordered to explore the fog.

She was eroded by the pollution and was sent to the C03 shelter by the shadow arrangement.

At this moment, the doctor and Hughes looked at Mo Ling who was tied to the stretcher, with surprise on their faces.

The doctor blinked the vertical eyes between his eyebrows and said calmly:

"A perfect experimental material."

Hearing this, Xiu Ens turned to look at him and asked:

"I think this experimental material is a bit wasted for experimenting with flesh and blood mechanical transformation."

The doctor nodded slightly and said:

"Indeed, it is a bit too wasteful to use such materials for renovation."

"I think it's better to use it for god-making experiments."

Hearing the doctor's words, Hunes' tone became a little urgent.

"In this way, the god-making project will have the best experimental conditions."

"We will first use the recalled disabled prison guard soldiers for experiments. After collecting enough data, we will use this victim as the final key experimental subject."

"Maybe we can create a powerful god."

The doctor did not answer immediately, but frowned and thought for a moment.

"It's a good idea."

"But before the experiment, in order to ensure that there are no accidents."

"I need to implant a mental stamp on this victim."

Naturally, Hunes agreed to this proposal.

Just when the two were about to split up, a message came over.

After the doctor put down the communication, a rare smile appeared on his face.

New ℴ𝓂

"Mr. Shadow has sent us another good material for an experiment."

"And it's a good material for experimenting with flesh and blood machinery."

Hearing this, Xiu Ens showed an impatient expression.


At this moment, Dante is walking on a desolate land.

The environment here is somewhat similar to the Dark Prison.

There was another scarlet full moon in the dark prison sky.

And here, there is a dark red setting sun.

It looks like a sun that has reached the end of its life.

The sun was as hot as fire, falling on the earth, reflecting the place like dusk.

This is hell.

All around him was deathly silence.

A dark crow circled above his head.

Dante looked up at the crow and felt a little irritable.

One day ago, he came to this mysterious place through the gate of hell summoned by the green mailbox.

And he didn't appear directly in the mysterious post office like Faith said.

Instead, it landed in an uninhabited place.

This made him very helpless.

He knew nothing about hell.

The surrounding scene is one of desolation that has remained unchanged for thousands of years.

There is no vegetation here, no uneven terrain, just black and brown land as far as the eye can see.

The land was full of cracks, like the heart of a drought-stricken area.

And the setting sun above his head was sucking the moisture out of Dante's body all the time.

Even though he is already a god at this moment, he still feels like he can't bear it any longer.

He sighed in his heart and said:

"I was still too reckless and didn't collect enough information before setting foot here."

He pursed his chapped lips.

While the mouth was dry, it felt like there was a mouthful of sand in it.

At this moment, he was almost speechless.

Looking at the crows circling overhead, Dante had an idea in his mind.

He rolled his eyes and his huge body slowly fell to the ground, as if he had fainted.

The crow hovered in the sky for a long time.

When he saw that Dante on the ground had not moved for a long time.

Then it carefully landed on Dante's body.

Then it pecked Dante's eyelids.

However, Dante's skin can resist bullet attacks, so he is naturally not so easily injured.

Even though the eyelids are the most vulnerable place.

Soon after that, Dante raised his hand and grabbed the crow.

Then his head was broken off directly.

Warm blood fell on his face.

Without hesitation, he directly brought the crow's body to his mouth, greedily sucking the little flesh and blood inside.

Dante knew in his heart that this was just drinking poison to quench his thirst.

In this case, it would only make his thirst stronger.

The corner of his eye glanced at the slightly raised ground in the distance.

After returning his gaze, he stood up and dusted himself off.

Then he slowly continued walking forward.

And the slightly raised place slowly moved with him.

A long time passed.

Dante's feet softened and he fell directly to the ground.

The hot sunlight fell on his body and some white smoke evaporated.

There is no change of day and night here, only the eternal dusk.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

The ground around Dante bulged slightly, and an ugly-looking monster emerged from the soil.

It looks like a white and tender maggot, with only a ferocious mouthpart on its head.

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