Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 1301: 239. A pile of clothes

   The weird age rises and the human age falls.

  The lost town is in the dark. Even if the monstrous nests in towns, brings prosperity, and brings new life... the glory of casting no longer belongs to human beings.

  In the lost town of Kazwowo, three strange uninvited guests break into the dead and desolate empty streets.

   A thin little girl not taller than a wine barrel, a bloated mass of flesh with terrifying eyes, and a ghost that slowly emerges with a shimmering light.

  Whether the strange clans are nesting here, or the strangeness is lurking in the town, the human breath can lead them out of their hiding places.

  Lu Li hopes to appear aliens, aliens or intelligent races. That means they can communicate and learn about Twin Towns' past.

   As for the possibility of human beings taking refuge here... Lu Li must accept a cruel reality: Twin Towns is not a special area, there can be no survivors here, and even the local residents have little hope of turning into weirdness.

  The bottom-level weirdness of this world is like plants. They grow in the rainy season and die in the winter. When the next year comes, new weirdness will be born.

  Humanity enveloped the small town of Kazwowo. The good news is that the town is cleaner than expected, and human nature doesn't invite any weirdness. The bad news is this, no weirdness means no intelligence.

  Loli, Snot and Misery went deep into the town and arrived at the square in the center of the town, where the silent wind blew through the streets.

   The town is empty.

   rustle rustle——

  The spider that was released before entering the town went back and forth. At first, Lu Li thought it would bring some unexpected surprises, until the compound eyes of resentment flashed with greed, and he tore his fangs and rushed towards Lu Li.

  Lu Li solved it and took back the humanity it was given.

The only contribution of the spider mount is to work with the town to make Lu Li realize that a quiet town itself represents abnormality: it is difficult to count how many weird times and how many kinds of weirdness appear in this land, but there is a consensus on one thing : They exist in every inch of the ground, like the weeds that once covered the land.

   A quiet and desolate town is stranger than a spooky and rampant town.

   Before investigating the cause, Lu Li picked a shop with a complete structure and doors and windows from the edge of the square, and let the snot and the miserable people go around the square and walk into the shop alone.


  The debris buried under the dust was trampled, disturbing the long-dusted shop.

  Lu Li pushed the damp and swollen wooden door closed, and the broken door leaked air everywhere, but it was enough as a ritual prop.

  Knock -- Knock -- Knock --

   When Lu Li retreated to the door, a slow and low knock on the door flowed in the darkness.

   Uninvited guests arrive as scheduled.

  Lu Li reopened the door, a tall figure dripping with seawater stood outside the door, the shadow under the wide-brimmed hat blocked his face.

   Compared with Lu Li taking the initiative to invite the uninvited guest, it is more like the uninvited guest staring at Lu Li all the time.

   "The town of Kazgir is just ahead. We are looking for the whereabouts of your wife and daughter. Do you want to follow?"

  The uninvited guest responded to Lu Li with actions: he turned and left, as if the ceremony had been broken.

   "There's nothing weird about this town, you know why."

  Lu Li returned to the street and asked the back of the uninvited guest who had not disappeared.

   The surging haze slowly drowned the uninvited guest, and before the silhouette turned into a shadow and finally merged into the gloom, the uninvited guest's head turned slightly to guide Lu Li in a direction.

  Lu Li remembered the direction the uninvited guests were facing last, and returned to Snot across the square.

   "Have you finished what you have to do?"

   The little girl who knew nothing raised her head and asked.

   "Just at the beginning, come with me."

   Leaving the square, Lu Li led the snot and the miserable people across the street, approaching the location suggested by the uninvited guests.

   The dreamer quietly filled the air, touching the edge of the town and retracting around Luli.

  Dream didn't perceive anything. Maybe the location hinted by the uninvited guest is outside the town, or there are only clues - and a powerful presence that even the dreamer can't perceive.

  If it is the latter, the people of suffering should be able to help Lu Li to delay for a while.

   Passing through the ruins between a cluster of crumbling mansions, a mountain of **** piled quietly in a clearing surrounded by shacks.

   Lu Li saw a lot of clothes, piles of clothes, piled up a low mountain of clothes.

  The mottled and faded clothes that used to be bright are stacked up in layers, losing their original colors and uses, like a pile of foul-smelling garbage.

   The uninvited guest should be guided by the pile of clothes in front of him.

  The clue is in the pile of clothes, or the pile of clothes itself?

   "People here have a lot of clothes..."

  Snot reminded Lu Li that a small town could not digest such a large amount of clothes, even if it might be left by a caravan passing by, why did they gather clothes here?

   They will have an answer soon.

  The bizarre dream wraps the mountain of clothes, and the invisible forces are pushed away layer by layer, just like the gust of wind on the eve of a storm that rolls up garbage.

   long skirts, scarves, shirts, linen, textiles, raincoats…

  Old clothes fluttered in the air. A notebook fell from the clothes and was pulled by the wind to Lu Li.

   Clothes were falling like snowflakes. For the time being, Lu Li, who could not be distracted from manipulating cursed titles and reading, opened his notes.

  The scribbled, misplaced, smeared shadows and punctuation can vaguely glimpse the mental state of the writer:

  【I'm running out of clothes...the blooming season may come at any time...I have to steal some...]

  【Damn! Why did Pinault resist! He didn't have to die! Clothes are contaminated! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! 】

  【Come...the flower season is here again...】

  【I still have do I use the socks! I have to steal or not... I have to exchange, I have to exchange! 】

  【Sorry...I don't want to do this, but you forced me! If you don't shout out I'll just... a dress? How am I going to wear it! 】

  【I tucked it under my clothes, two layers of clothes make me feel much safer... Chandler is urging us to run out again, does he think I'm an idiot? The outside is a hundred times more dangerous than the town! 】

  【Chan De is dead, he didn't die in front of me, but I saw that it was Hua Ji who killed him, and more flowers grew up... Damn, he caused big trouble! 】

  【I joined the looting team, the weak and weak in Gil Town do not deserve clothes! 】

  【Five pieces, I can survive the flowering season five times...or six? 】

  【It's blooming season again...I'm out of clothes...I need clothes...】

[Clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes,

  【Oh no...the blooming season is here】

  【I feel something is wrong—why—Gill Town brings—hope—curse—]

  Dried blood stains black because of sticking to the paper, covering the last words of many holders. Only the last sentence is scribbled and clear.

  【Are we wearing clothes, or are clothes wearing us? 】

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