Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 564: One hundred and forty-one. A patchwork of coincidences

  Chapter 564

Is    Rhodes trustworthy?


   At least Rhode's identity gave him credibility, and he seemed to be aware of Anna's existence.

  Kig Foley and Ma Fulin made no excuses. This is the perception of the mainstream exorcism world, and it is even more ingrained in the exorcist family.

   They all knew something about the Michael Tesla story, and although the option of combining with weirdness made them uncomfortable, hiding in the Allen Peninsula was the best option for everyone.

   The bonfire is burning, but the party is drawing to a close.

   Before leaving, Rhode stood up and picked up the oil lamp: "Uncle Michael asked me to tell you something."

  Tesla guessed they were coming to the Council of Exorcists?

   Lu Li thought of letting Anna push the wheelchair to follow Rhodes.

   "Michael only asked Mr. Lu Li to listen to these words." Rhode said to Anna.

   Curiously looking at Fulai and Ma Fulin, they looked away and packed up their belongings.

   "Tesla knows me." An indifferent voice came from under the cloak.

   "He only asked me to tell Lu Li..." Rhodes was a little embarrassed.

   "We won't go too far." Lu Li and Anna said, following Rhodes away from the campfire.

  Away from the bright fire, darkness invaded, and the oil lamp in his hand was suppressed weak and unremarkable. In the darkness, a tidal sound came from the pebble beach by the lake.

  Lu Li was thinking about what Tesla wanted to say.

   Was he worried that Lu Li couldn't see the meaning of that letter and asked his nephew to remind him, or was it another matter?


   Stepping on the wet cobblestone, Rhodes stopped.

  Some malicious people lingered under the lake not far away. They were drowning ghosts, which were difficult to destroy because they were hidden at the bottom of the lake, but they could not come ashore.

   "Sorry, I lied to you with Uncle Michael's name."

  Lu Li looked at Rhodes calmly: "Does Tesla have anything to tell me?"

   "Well. He lost contact after he went to the shelter." Rhode looked at Lu Li seriously: "He has mentioned you to me many times, I think you must know what's going on."

   "Just some guesswork." Lu Li replied.

   The truth he guessed was too desperate and would not be believed by anyone—who would believe that the three major organizations that have protected mankind from being invaded by weirdness for hundreds of years chose to abandon everyone outside, leaving only the fire in the shelter.

   "Then it didn't turn out well, right?" Rhodes smiled. He had asked his father and other family members, but they all kept silent, as if they were very taboo.

   Lu Li was about to say something when the wheelchair suddenly sank.

   A pebble beach without gravel is difficult to support a wheel that is too thin. The wheel sank into the cobblestone, and Lu Li in the wheelchair also fell forward - in front of him was the Xinghu Shoal.


   The sound of falling water broke the calm on the lake, and ripples in the darkness swayed towards the center of the lake.

   Wandering down the lake, the drowned like a cluster of aquatic plants sensed the breath of their prey and swam toward the shallows.

   The depth of the shoal just submerged his knees, but when Lu Li tried to stand up, his soul dissociated from his body - his body fell into the water, and his soul stood up.

   Rhode, who was about to help Lu Li up, was stunned by the scene in front of him: "Why does the soul..."

  The drowned at the bottom of the lake swarmed into the shallows, their phantom ugly bodies beneath their black hair like seagrass. He stretched out his claws, grabbed Lu Li's soulless body, and dragged it towards the center of Xinghu Lake.

   At this time, an afterimage suddenly passed by Rhodes, and the permeating breath almost froze his soul.

   The drowned ghost who dragged Lu Li's body scattered and fled, and a greedy drowned ghost who didn't want to put down the delicious food shattered together with the surrounding lake water.

The huge wave set off by the    power even briefly exposed the riverbed. Anna carried Lu Li, who had returned to her body, and walked ashore. The falling lake water splashed, knocking Rhodes into a chicken.

   Rhodes' soaked body suddenly froze, a feeling of suffocation and oppression like facing an evil spirit flooded into his heart, and then faded away like a tide in the blink of an eye.


   Lu Li, who was in her arms, called her softly: "It has nothing to do with him, I slipped down by myself."

   The pressure dissipated, and Rhodes, who could breathe, quickly apologized and said, "I'm sorry... I was caught by that scene..."

   Remembering the scene where Lu Li's soul and body were separated, Rhodes stopped again.

   "The sequelae of going to hell, so I'm in a wheelchair." Lu Li explained.

  Anna put Lu Li, who was also wet, back in the wheelchair, and went back to the fire to warm up.

"What happened?"

   Lu Li had already been rescued ashore when Foley and Ma Fulin heard the noise, and they also asked the drenched Rhodes.

   "Lu Li fell into the lake..." Rhode replied bitterly, the two guys thought he rescued Lu Li, and patted him on the shoulder after a long sigh of relief.

   The party that was supposed to end was forced to extend for half an hour until Lu Li and Rhodes' clothes were no longer wet.

During the    period, Ma Fulin told a few more stories, but Rhodes, who had been silent all the time, was not as harmonious as it was at the beginning.

   Extinguish the fire and leave the hill, the four will part on the street.

   "It's my fault... Fortunately, Miss Assistant arrived in time."

  Lu Li retrieved the carriage left at the car dealership, Rhode looked apologetic before leaving, bowed his head and said, "I owe you once."

   "It's fine." Lu Li replied calmly, Anna took the reins and drove the carriage back to the hotel.

  Lord also ignored the confused two Fleming, and left silently.


   King City is well-deserved as the city that never sleeps.

  Although it is not as beautiful as looking over Belfast from the sea, the vastness and shock are far more than the former.

   There are even businesses and tourists and residents hanging out on the streets, as if the crisis is not imminent.

   Near nine o'clock, the carriage returned to the downstairs of the hotel.

   Lilia, who had been waiting for them all night, went back to sleep next door with peace of mind, while Lu Li changed his clothes that were stained with a lot of mud. He thought that Anna would avoid him, but he watched the change without blinking.

  Although Anna was in charge of Lu Li's daily life for a while at the refuge, they were very close to each other during that time.

   "It was just an accident." Lu Li knew that Anna had not left the previous scene.

   "He shouldn't be in a daze..." Anna replied coldly.

   "Everyone has an unexpected time."

   "You nearly died because of him."

   "You're there, so no."

   "I won't forgive him." Anna just whispered.

  Anna's current character was created by Lu Li - Lu Li, who couldn't dissuade her, could only use another method.

   stared at her.

   So Lu Li stayed up all night. Fortunately, there are a few books to pass the time, so the night will not be too boring.

   And Anna could only stay in the room and accompany Lu Li all night, even though she would do it every night.

   A peaceful night.

   In the early morning of the next day, Lu Li, Anna and Lilia went downstairs for breakfast, and a carriage pulled up at the door of the hotel.

  The panicked Foley got out of the carriage and came to Lu Li with bad news.

  Rod is dead.

   (end of this chapter)

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