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Chapter 105 The Special Ability of the Flower Fairy King

Ghost Logger Main Volume Chapter 105 The Special Ability of the Flower Fairy King I really can't notice it.

At the same time, the Flower Fairy King also announced the official start of the contest.

Challenges were quickly launched among the major tribes.

As expected, the Nigal tribe approached their Jardin tribe immediately.

The two acquainted tribes will face off in the first round.

"Qin Ming, you go and deal with that guy. Since you can defeat Li Pu, you will not be weak. Come on." Before the battle, Jack assigned five opponents.

Qin Ming looked in the direction that Jack was pointing, and the opponent assigned to him seemed to be a relatively weak one, and he seemed to take care of Qin Ming.

"Okay." Qin Ming didn't pretend to be forceful, he didn't care what was assigned to him, and he wasn't picky.

"Oh? I seem to be going to be that young man's opponent. Hehe, let's say it first, don't compete with me." The other party also noticed Qin Ming's gaze and smiled from the bottom of his heart.

From their point of view, among the five members of the Jardin tribe, Qin Ming was given for nothing, and he had almost no pressure.

"Just don't capsize in the gutter. Old Linde doesn't want to embarrass himself too much. Since he chose that young man to fight, he must have a reason."

"What's the point? The Jardin tribe didn't have many strong people, so maybe they just made up the numbers..."

After all the distribution was completed, more than a hundred tribal powerhouses also faced each other one-on-one.

Name: Hall

Ghost: Flower Fairy

Combat Rating: Tier 3 Top Grade

Growth Potential: Tier 4 Top Grade

After a simple investigation, there was nothing unexpected about the third-tier top-rank combat power.

Pollen was flying around, forming a battle circle between the two of them.

In addition, there are dozens of pollen battle circles like this in other places, all of which were created by the flower fairy king.

Under the eager anticipation of tens of thousands of flower elves,

The strong men representing their respective tribes also handed in their hands.

The flower elf named Hall seemed to want to mock Qin Ming before the battle, so he stayed where he was and didn't take the initiative to attack.

However, Qin Ming didn't follow the routine, and skipped the part of talking harshly. The wind element wrapped around his body, and he came to the opponent in an instant with an acceleration.

As soon as Hall came to his mouth, he seemed to be frightened and swallowed it back again, trying to parry Qin Ming's sudden attack in a hurry.


There was a muffled sound, accompanied by a scream.

Hall slid from the battle circle to the bottom like a plane crash.

The battle started and ended in an instant.

"What are you talking about, only a rookie will force you to talk about it." Qin Ming withdrew his fist and said disdainfully.

Floating out of the battle circle, he also caused an uproar among the ethnic groups.

Qin Ming was the first strong man to win, and it took no more than three seconds, which was extremely easy.

The members of the Jardin tribe were even more excited, chirping and chirping non-stop.

Qin Ming is a member of their tribe, and they are all proud, so they feel very proud of being so upbeat.

"Hehe, well done." Old Linde's face was also beaming with joy.

He knows what kind of strength Qin Ming possesses better than others, after all, he has witnessed a battle of Qin Ming before.

But he didn't expect Qin Ming's first battle to end so neatly.

Back beside Old Linde, Qin Ming smiled and said nothing.

For him, this is normal operation.

After another three minutes, the second winner appeared, of course, from a strong tribe in the main peak.

Half an hour later, the first round of fighting was over.

There are more than 60 strong tribesmen left, and half of them have been eliminated.

Among them, there are not many tribes that have been wiped out and have come to a disastrous end. For them, this grand event is like a nightmare.

In the Jardin tribe, only Qin Ming and Najak won the victory, and the other three strong men were all defeated by the Nigal tribe.

Correspondingly, the Nigal tribe also qualified three people.

Judging from the results, the Nigal tribe was slightly better, but the patriarch was very dissatisfied with the result.

In his plan, even if he couldn't win all five battles to annihilate the Jardin tribe, he would have to win at least four.

However, Qin Ming who appeared suddenly disrupted his plan.

Becoming the first tribal powerhouse to win, Qin Ming can be said to have directly saved the Jardin tribe's embarrassing situation.

"Useless stuff!" The patriarch's expression turned pale at this time.

On the other side, more than 60 winners flew to the Flower Fairy King.

"Give you health." The Flower Fairy King said, and with a wave of his hand, a large golden spot of light poured out and slowly fell on the heads of everyone.

Some clansmen who were injured in the battle before recovered from their wounds inconceivably quickly, and they healed very quickly.

Some golden light spots also fell on the top of Qin Ming's head, but he was not injured, so he couldn't feel the beauty of this golden light.

But from the other flower elves, Qin Ming can intuitively see the healing effect of this golden light, which is quite powerful!

The other clansmen were not surprised because the Flower Fairy King had used its ability many times before.

But it was the first time Qin Ming saw him, and he didn't expect this king to have such a skill.

"Thank you for my king's blessing!" A group of strong flower elves expressed their respect and gratitude.

"It's okay, I hope you can still show your full strength in the future." The Flower Fairy King said slowly, and the golden light emitted from his body also quickly subsided.

Its eyes paused for a moment when it glanced at Qin Ming, obviously Qin Ming's previous instant kill also left an impression on it.

"I like you very much."


Many strong men responded in unison, and after being encouraged by the Flower Fairy King, their fighting spirit rose again, and their performance was quite strong.

After a short break, the second round of duel began.

Since the number of surviving powerhouses varies among the tribes, this time the Flower Elf King will randomly assign opponents.

I don't know whether it was intentional or not, but the opponent assigned to Qin Ming this time is a powerful tribe on the main peak.

During the battle, Qin Ming could clearly perceive that the opponent's strength was stronger than the other flower elves.

Although they are both top-tier third-tier, there is still a large gap in the true strength of each flower elf.

If not for meeting Qin Ming, this flower elf should be able to go further.

It's a pity that Qin Ming was even more perverted. In the end, this powerful player was defeated after one minute of fighting.

The Flower Fairy King, who had been paying attention to Qin Ming's battle, showed a little satisfaction on his face after seeing the result of the competition.

"Which tribe is this young boy from?" it asked.

"It's a member of the Jardin tribe." The attendant at the side replied immediately.

"Oh? It's really rare to be from Old Linde. I'm looking forward to how far this kid can go in this grand event." The Flower Fairy King laughed.

Qin Ming left the ring early and waited for a long time before the second round of competition ended.

The remaining people received another round of golden light blessing, and then continued to the next round of competition.

With the end of this round of competition, most of the contestants were gradually eliminated, and those who were selected were the top powerhouses in the entire flower elf group.

Most of them are from the tribe on the main peak, and very few are from tribes on other surrounding peaks.

After three rounds, Qin Ming was the only one left in Jia Ding's tribe who hadn't been eliminated.

On the contrary, the Nanigal tribe was annihilated earlier, and never came to provoke the Jardin tribe. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "Jingguai Logger", follow "Youdu" on WeChat, chat about life, and find friends~

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