Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 112 The place where fish and dragons mix

For the inter-college missions between the three top colleges, the colleges naturally contracted a mission-specific machine for their use, and it was parked in Xiahuang College.

Therefore, Qin Ming and others had to go to Daming City, the imperial capital, to meet up with the students from the three schools and take this mission-specific plane. By the way, they could also get to know each other and discuss this mission.

On the way, when the other seven people in the team learned that Qin Ming and Gu Tao were still first-year students, they couldn't hide their surprised expressions.

When I first saw Qin Ming and Gu Tao, I thought they were strangers, but I didn't expect that they would be freshmen in the first grade.

They are all experienced old students, and they know the general difficulty of this task, and the freshmen in the first grade are basically free.

"If I remember correctly, it's only about a month since the start of the new semester. Are you two really okay? This trip is very dangerous." Song Xiang couldn't help but said.

He is another third-year student in the team, and he is a martial artist. He has a particularly strong body, and even his tone of voice seems very rough.

"No problem, no problem, as long as the father agrees, there is no problem." Gu Tao waved her hands again and again and said with a silly smile. She was in a particularly good mood when she left home, with the familiar sister Xiaowen and Qin Ming by her side.

"Don't worry too much, their current cultivation is not too weak, and their fighting power should be stronger than many second graders." Ye Wen said from the side.

"Hey, here are two more evil seedlings." Shao Huatong sighed without doubting him.

"They're Teacher Gu Qing's students, don't worry." Zhuang Wen, who was sitting in the front row and had been resting with his eyes closed, also said at this time.

His simple sentence, student Gu Qing, instantly made these people look stunned.

In the circle, they still know Teacher Gu Qing's name quite well, how can this powerful student be an ordinary person.

Along the way, the atmosphere among the few people was quite harmonious. Since they basically knew each other, talking and laughing seemed particularly relaxed, and there was no tension before the mission at all.

They also expressed their appreciation for Qin Ming and Gu Tao's performance so far.

Freshmen usually perform tasks for the first time, and they will always be extremely nervous, and even feel uncomfortable, and their mood is difficult to stabilize. This situation is also the most error-prone situation.

And these negative emotions,

But it didn't appear on Qin Ming and Gu Tao at all.

Qin Ming has experienced life and death many times in the world of ghosts, as well as various grotesque situations. It is easy for him to maintain peace of mind now.

As for Gu Tao, it was entirely because of her natural personality that she was only excited at the moment, and she rarely felt nervous.

Near noon, Qin Ming and others arrived at Daming City, the imperial capital.

Compared to the prosperity of Gulan City, Daming City is even better, with a large area and a large population.

Powerful cultivators and huge family forces with national reputation all took root here.

Here is the top academy, the best cultivation atmosphere, and the most cultivation resources.

This is the center and the most important city of Ming Xia Kingdom.

"Guys, I've worked hard all the way. I'm a staff member of Xiahuang Academy. I'm in charge of picking up the students from Gulan Academy this time." A middle-aged man immediately stepped forward after seeing Qin Ming and ten people. , said.

"Okay, I'm sorry." Zhuang Wen nodded.

Ten people got into a car and headed towards Xiahuang Academy quickly.

The imperial capital is very big, and the car drove for a full hour before arriving at the school district.

Qin Ming saw the Emperor Xia Academy from afar.

Compared with the pure white and retro style of Gulan Academy, the architectural style of Xiahuang Academy gives people a sense of majesty and majesty. There are especially many huge buildings, which make people feel like they are looking down on the mountains.

The vehicle slowly drove into the gate of the academy.

"As expected of the No. 1 Martial Arts Academy in China, even the old man who guards the gate gives me an unfathomable feeling." Through the window, Xu Fei quickly cast his eyes over the man in the white vest with big underpants and holding a cattail fan at the gate. The old man smiled.

"Hehe, don't look at Mr. Liu's old age and retirement. Generally speaking, those who dare to make trouble at the gate of the academy will end badly." The person in charge of the academy who drove the car replied with a smile after hearing what Xu Fei said.

Qin Ming listened, and couldn't help turning his head to take a look curiously, but he couldn't see anything about that skinny old man.

The car circled left and right, and soon came to an open field.

There is a long runway, and a small passenger plane is parked at one end of the runway.

Yes, there is an airfield built in the academy.

That is, the land is big, rich, and self-willed.

Under the plane, there are still a group of young men and women standing at the moment.

"Looks like the students from Moon Sea Academy have arrived." Gong Cheng looked at it and said.

There were a total of 20 young men and women under the plane, all of whom could be seen to be students at a glance. They were divided into two groups, one group of ten people stood in a row.

The car stopped.

"Let's go, go meet them, there should be many familiar faces." Zhuang Wen said, and got out of the car first.

Qin Ming and others followed immediately.

"The environment here is really good." Gu Tao looked around excitedly, she was also the only one in the team who was still distracted.

"Boss Zhuang, long time no see." A long-haired woman in the first group greeted Zhuang Wen who was walking first.

"Long time no see, President Yu Xin." Zhuang Wen replied with a smile.

This black, long and straight woman is named Yu Xin, and she is the current student council president of Moonsea College, and she is also a supernova who combines strength and talent.

Like Zhuang Wen, although she has not yet graduated, she has already received widespread attention in China.

If a current domestic student strength ranking is formulated, Yu Xin will definitely be ranked in the top ten, or even the top five.

"You're late this time, Zhuang Wen." Among the other group of Xiahuang Academy students, the tall figure who took the lead said slowly.

This person's breath was reserved, but when he opened his mouth to speak, everyone present could not ignore him.

Qin Ming felt like a sword in its sheath, temporarily hiding his sharpness.

"This person must be Qin Taolong." Qin Ming whispered.

"Yes, I think there is no student in the major martial arts academy who doesn't know this strong man." Ye Wen stood beside Qin Ming and replied with a smile.

Qin Taolong, if we only talk about his domestic reputation, maybe even Zhuang Wen is a bit inferior to him.

He is also the current student council president of Emperor Xia Academy, and he is also the most promising rising star in the country today.

There are many legendary deeds about him, and they have been hyped up on the Internet. Almost all students who are still in school will know such a character.

"Sorry, the road is a bit congested, ha ha." Zhuang Wen smiled, and he just found a stupid excuse, which was completely unconvincing.

However, a group of people will not really struggle with the problem of a few minutes sooner or later.

"I didn't expect that three student council presidents would be dispatched for this mission. The college must have taken it too seriously." Yu Xin said, looking at Zhuang Wen and then at Qin Taolong.

"This Kong He is not an ordinary person. According to the information I have collected in the past two days, he should have more than one billion worth of wealth in his hands." Qin Taolong's astonishing words made everyone gasp.

"No wonder the reward for this mission is one million, which is nothing compared to the one billion." Xu Fei stared.

This is information that was not mentioned in the mission information, so Qin Ming and others didn't know about it on the way here.

"The speed at which you collect information is second to none." Zhuang Wen shook his head and said.

Qin Taolong smiled, "Let's go, let's get on the plane first, I guess we will have to fly for a few hours later."

Everyone boarded the small airliner immediately.

The cabin is luxuriously furnished, and it is much more spacious than imagined, and it can seat about a hundred people.

The plane took off, looking out the window surrounded by clouds, mountains and mist, this was Qin Ming's first time to go abroad, and it was in this form of mission.

"According to the intelligence, the target is now in the small neighboring country of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. There has been constant turmoil in recent years, and the public security environment is bad. This has also caused many wanted criminals from neighboring countries to escape there. Kong He is just one of them. It's just a wanted criminal." Qin Taolong said slowly.

"In this kind of place, the variables are also the biggest. If there is only one target, it's okay, but I'm afraid of encountering other problems." Zhuang Wen said.

"Well, let's go to the place and have a look..."

Originally, Qin Ming thought that when students from three famous schools met, not to mention confrontation, there would always be secret rivalry.

As a result, looking at it now, they get along quite harmoniously with each other, and no one would take it seriously if they joked occasionally.

Thinking about it, it should be the same. We are all students, and there is no grievance or enmity on weekdays, so there is really nothing wrong with it.

"So these two are really freshmen this year?"

"Of course." Gong Cheng nodded and smiled quite complacently.

Although I don't know what she is proud of.

"Hiss, I thought you guys were joking..."


This afternoon, in the territory of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, a small passenger plane landed slowly, and a group of people came out one after another.

Looking at the foggy weather above, there is still a faint smell of gunpowder in the air, which lingers.

Outside the airport, many troops and even tanks can be seen.

According to what Qin Taolong said on the plane, the country is now in constant war, and the government has already lost control of the country.

Now it seems that this is indeed the case.

After leaving the airport, a group of people checked into a hotel with decent security.

The three student council presidents who led the team got together to discuss the next action plan, while the rest rested in their rooms.

The room layout is a bit dated and in such a chaotic country one really couldn't ask for better accommodation.

After finishing his daily practice, Qin Ming looked out the window.

A big sign was erected next to the dilapidated road, with the words "Be safe and travel carefully at night" written on it.

Obviously, this is to remind people here not to go out at night.

It seemed that the discussion was over, and the three student council presidents each summoned the team members.

"At night, we start to act."

Therefore, Zhuang Wen didn't care at all about the sign that paid attention to it at night.

"In order to avoid side effects, so we discussed it, it's better to act as soon as possible. Get ready and leave in an hour." Zhuang Wen urged cleanly.

Several people nodded, and it was also what they wanted to complete the task as soon as possible.

It was night soon, and there were no people on the street, only troops driving past in a hurry.

In order to avoid attracting too much attention, Zhuang Wen divided the team into two groups, led by Zhuang Wen and Gong Cheng respectively, in groups of five.

Qin Ming was assigned to Zhuang Wen's group, while Ye Wen and Gu Tao were assigned to Gong Cheng's group.

The destination is an old city not too far from here. According to the information given by the mission, the escaped Kong He is in the old city.

"I hope to end this mission tonight, I'm really fed up with the smell of the air here." Song Xiang in the team couldn't help but complain.

Qin Ming smiled and felt the same way.

The five quickly walked through the deserted streets, and within a short while they were able to see the dilapidated urban area below the road from afar.

In an unfinished building in the urban area, a group of practitioners are gathering here.

"Boss, how long are we going to hide in this shitty place?" One of them complained bitterly while wiping the gun in his hand.

"Hurry up, in two days, the people from over there should be here." A middle-aged man with gloomy eyes said slowly.

He is Kong He, the single-handed founder of the Kama Weasel organization, who specializes in contracting some underground business and also doing some assassination business.

At first he was still cautious, and the local officials couldn't help him.

But unfortunately, as the organization grew bigger and more famous, they were finally targeted by the government.

After the Security Bureau headquarters took action, the Kamaitachi organization was destroyed in an instant, and it was pure luck that he himself was able to escape.

"Boss, is it true that if you join them, you can return to China? Are they so powerful? I have never heard of their names before. Why do I not believe it?" Another person said.

Kong He was silent for a moment, glanced at the man, and said: "The reason why I was able to escape with you in advance is because of the help from there. Otherwise, where do you think I got the news of the siege?"

As soon as these words came out, the group of elites immediately fell silent.

"Okay, then wait for another two days. Anyway, I have stayed for this period of time, and it is not short of these two days."

Kong He looked at the night outside the house, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

As the leader of the organization in the past, he was incomparable.

Now that he has suffered in such a ruined place, it is impossible to say that he has no idea of ​​making a comeback.

The clenched right hand was slightly opened, and a small square metal block was quietly lying in the palm of his hand, exuding a faint metallic luster.

"It's here!" Zhuang Wen stopped, looked at the old city not far away, and said.

Looking closely, this area is said to be the old city, but it is actually a piece of ruins that have been bombarded by artillery fire.

A large number of bombed-out building wreckage piled up in pieces, and broken stones, bricks and rubble covered almost every passing road.

The smell of gunpowder is also particularly strong here.

Basically, except for some homeless people, no one would choose to live here.

Zhuang Wen checked the time, and after a while, Gong Cheng brought Ye Wen, Gu Tao and others to meet up.

. m.

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