Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 114 Soul Slaying

On a hillside in the outskirts, Kong He sat there with a blank expression on his face, quite embarrassed all over.

After the metal block in his hand flickered a few times, a signal came immediately.

"Good evening, Mr. Kong, what's the matter with contacting me suddenly?"

Hearing this male voice, Kong He's eyes were slightly cold, and he opened his mouth and said in a deep voice: "I want to know why my hiding place is exposed!"

The other end of the metal block was silent for a few seconds, and then the male voice came out again, "It seems that you are in a bad situation now."

"If it wasn't for the inexplicable exposure of my hiding place, I wouldn't be like this." Kong He said coldly.

"Wait, Mr. Kong, don't you think we have exposed your whereabouts?" the male voice said.

"You are the only one who knows my hiding place. Who do you think I should suspect?" Kong He slowly fell down on the hillside, seemingly exhausted.

"Mr. Kong, you should know that we sincerely want you to join, why would you do such a superfluous thing?" The male voice sounded as if he had heard something very absurd.

Kong He closed his eyes and said nothing.

Now the elite confidant he brought out has been wiped out, which is a big blow to his ambition to make a comeback.

"Mr. Kong, considering the change in your situation, we will advance the originally scheduled two days to tomorrow, and please persist until we come." The male voice couldn't help but continue when Kong He didn't speak.

"it is good."


On the other side, Qin Taolong contacted the local responders and took all of Kong He's men away for interrogation.

Then everyone went back to the hotel.

"Now only Kong He's target is left..." Qin Taolong said slowly.

"Zhuang Wen, did you catch up with him after he escaped from the building?" Yu Xin crossed his arms, looked at Zhuang Wen who was sitting beside him, and asked.

Zhuang Wen shook his head and said: "No, he is very fast and quite familiar with the terrain in this area. I have searched for a long time but still haven't found any trace of him.


"The clues are cut off for the time being. We can only see if the interrogation of those subordinates tonight can provide us with some information." Qin Taolong frowned.

At present, Kong He's whereabouts have been lost, and Rao has nothing to do.

After the team dispersed, Qin Ming returned to his room.

Tonight's operation, while not fruitless, could not be called a success either.

On the other hand, Qin Ming really felt the difference in cultivation during the battle with Qi and blood practitioners.

If the middle-haired man hadn't been careless at the end, he wouldn't have been hurt by Qin Ming.

During the battle, he had to admit that he was completely suppressed, even if he used the manipulative ability of the killer wind element, he was still a bit difficult to parry.

With just a few moves, he was forced to use that Mo Meteor Tree Heart Jade to resist the opponent's attack, which is already evident.

"Sure enough, we still have to hurry up and make weapons. A weapon spiritist without weapons is not a real weapon spiritist at all." Qin Ming lay on the bed and said to himself.

For the caster, he was a little urgent.

Especially during the day, after seeing many old students sacrifice the huge power caused by their weapons, he became even more urgent.

As long as this task is completed, he will have the opportunity to raise the medicinal pills needed for the caster.

In the early morning of the next day, the results of the interrogation came.

At first, the group of subordinates looked like they would not speak even if they gritted their teeth, but after experiencing the cruel interrogation methods, some of them still couldn't bear to be recruited.

The reason why Kong He stayed here for a long time was because he wanted to reach a deal with a mysterious organization, and in the end he would bring this group of men to join that mysterious organization.

"Could it be that there are other forces also eyeing the one billion fortune in the hands of the target." Gong Cheng couldn't help guessing after hearing the news.

The so-called transaction is not impossible.

"What about the trading time? Did you say anything?" Zhuang Wen asked.

"Two days later." Qin Taolong replied.

"That means we only have two days to search." Yu Xin said.

The transaction was completed two days later, and Kong He would naturally not stay here.

"Last night's surprise attack may also make this transaction time earlier, and may even be traded elsewhere. In short, today we'd better find the whereabouts of the target and catch him. The longer we delay, the smaller our chances will be." After thinking about it, Qin Taolong said.

"Then is it possible that he has escaped from the country?" Song Xiang interjected at this moment.

"No, he is now an important wanted criminal. If he rashly leaves the Eastern Jin Dynasty, he will only be caught by the intelligence network of our National Security Bureau immediately. What awaits him is the fate of being caught." Zhuang Wen replied.

Only the chaotic Eastern Jin Dynasty could disrupt the intelligence network's sight and make him temporarily concealed.

"Then where should we start the search now?" Xu Fei rubbed his head and asked in distress.

He still likes unreasonable combat missions, and he feels a headache for this kind of capture mission.

At this moment, an interrogator came quickly from the door.

They got a big news intelligence.

In the suburbs, there are several strongholds arranged by Kong He, which contain a large amount of cultivation resources, most of which come from underground black market transactions, with a total value of more than 500 million.

Everyone's eyes lit up.

"Go!" Qin Taolong pushed the door out first, "Tell me the coordinates of those strongholds immediately!"

"Uh, okay, okay." Qin Taolong's strong aura shocked the interrogator, and he nodded immediately.

"This is my mission authority. I need to mobilize several manned helicopters." Qin Taolong handed out a piece of certificate.

"Wait a moment." The interrogator took the documents and left in a hurry.

"It's impossible for Kong He to just give up the cultivation resources worth up to 500 million yuan, and he will probably go there." One person said.

Soon, several manned helicopters were called in, and a group of people got on them and flew towards the suburbs.

"Yeah." Gu Tao was very excited to ride a helicopter for the first time, looking around.

"I hope I can find Kong He there." Qin Ming thought to himself as he looked at the rapidly passing buildings below.

If Kong He was really willing to reluctantly abandon those cultivation resources to escape for his life, it would be very difficult for them to find the whereabouts of this wanted criminal again.

Although the Eastern Jin Dynasty was small, it was still a country and it was extremely chaotic, so it was very laborious to search.

It is precisely because of this consideration that Qin Taolong wants to mobilize the helicopter and rush to the suburbs at the fastest speed.

There are three strongholds in total, and the six helicopters quickly dispersed to different locations after reaching the outskirts.

On the other side, in the jungle on the outskirts, Kong He was driving a car he snatched from the road at extreme speed.

Just as Qin Ming and others thought, Kong He couldn't give up the cultivation resources hidden in the stronghold.

Rushing all night, just to transfer away those expensive cultivation resources.

It wasn't until the sun rose that he finally arrived at the first place where the resources were hidden.

An old wooden house, covered with moss and vines, if ordinary people don't look closely, they really can't find this wooden house.

Pushing aside the long branches and leaves, Kong He pushed the door open and entered.

There was nothing in the wooden house, but his expression remained unchanged. He walked to a corner of the wooden house and stomped heavily.

The wooden floor was smashed by his foot, exposing the ground below.

He took out the prepared shovel and quickly dug in this field.

His cultivation resources were not hidden in this wooden house, but hidden under the wooden house, and this was also done for safety reasons.

Soon, he dug metal boxes under the ground.

Each box is very heavy, and it might be a bit strenuous for two ordinary people to lift it, but for a martial artist like him, it is a piece of cake.

There are six boxes in total, and each box is filled with high-quality cultivation potions.

The value of such a large box is at least 20 million credits, and the sum of six boxes is worth hundreds of millions.

Without any stop, continue to drive to the second stronghold.

At this time, the sun gradually rose.

The second stronghold is also a dilapidated wooden house with a similar shape, and it is still hidden underground.

However, just as he was halfway through the digging, he suddenly heard the sound of propellers in the air, his heart skipped a beat, and he dropped the shovel and jumped up from the pit.

Looking towards the sky through the gap in the wooden house, a helicopter is rapidly approaching his position.

"Damn it!" Kong He gritted his teeth and cursed, his expression fierce.

He had expected that his group of confidants would confess, but he didn't expect it to be so fast.

It had only been a few hours since he was arrested last night, and he even revealed several hiding places of him.

"There is a car!" Shao Huatong's eyes lit up, pointing to a car parked not far below and said.

The hidden wooden house could not be seen from their air angle, but Kong He's parked car was completely exposed.

"Go down!" Zhuang Wen commanded immediately.

The pilot immediately lowered the helicopter.

This is a figure suddenly sprang out from below there, and swept towards the jungle at a high speed.

Kong He didn't care about these priceless training resources anymore, and he had no choice but to save his life if his pursuers chased him to the bottom.

He had already fought against Zhuang Wen last night, and he knew that it was impossible to beat him. The strength of the opponent was too strong, and he was still above him.

"It's Kong He!" Ye Wen couldn't help saying when she saw the figure clearly.

The helicopter was still tens of meters above the ground, but Zhuang Wen couldn't wait any longer, and jumped off directly.


Two deep footprints were stepped on the ground, but he was unscathed. He stretched his body and chased after the fleeing figure.

Let Kong Hyuk run away last night, this time he will never let him go again.

"Don't stop, follow!" Gong Cheng told the driver at this time.

The speed of everyone was not as fast as Zhuang Wen. Instead of jumping down to chase, it is better to continue to follow by helicopter, and provide Kong He's whereabouts if necessary.

Kong He could sense the powerful aura approaching behind him, and the helicopter following closely in the sky.

Knowing that it will be difficult for me to get rid of these people's pursuit like last night.

Immediately took out the metal block that he carried with him.

"Where are your people, I need your help!" Kong He began to call for help, he knew that once he was caught, it would be very difficult to escape.

"Mr. Kong, didn't I tell you not to take any further actions before we came, why were we discovered?" The metal block seemed to hear Kong He's current critical situation, and said in a dissatisfied tone.

"In short, in short, if I am captured, the news about the concentrate you want will be lost." Kong He's forehead was sweating a little, he was already running at full speed, and the Qi in the sea of ​​​​Qi was being consumed violently.

"I see, take this communicator, we will find you soon." After that, the communication of the metal block was cut off.

Qin Ming sat on the helicopter, looking at the two figures approaching extremely fast below.

Gong Cheng kept providing Zhuang Wen with the direction of Kong He's escape, and the cooperation between the two was somewhat tacit.

After receiving the notice, the other two teams also rushed towards this side quickly.

Soon, the distance between Zhuang Wen and Na Kong He was less than twenty meters.

Zhuang Wen stretched out his right hand, and a large piece of luster instantly condensed.

A bright silver knife appeared in his hand.

The blade is slender, with ghost patterns carved on both sides, exuding a slight chill.

This is a tool cast by Zhuang Wen, called Soul Slaying.

The soul-slaying knife can be said to have accompanied Zhuang Wen to fame, and it is now his most iconic weapon.

The power and potential of this knife was once discussed online.

At the moment when the Soul Slaying Knife appeared, Zhuang Wen's eyes also overflowed with cold air.

Staring at the back of Kong He in front of him, he slashed out with a knife.


A three-meter-wide saber aura shot out, and the flowers, plants and trees along the way were cut in two.

Kong He trembled in his heart, roared loudly, and pumped out all his energy.

He has a cultivation base at the peak of Qi and blood, and in fact his strength is already very strong.

However, in the face of this saber energy, he tried his best to resolve the crisis.

He wanted to escape again, but Zhuang Wen had already come close, so he had to stop to fight.

Zhuang Wen's strength is recognized and indisputable, and there must be a place for him among the strong in the future.

The sharp blades radiated in all directions, chopping the surrounding bushes to pieces.

Kong He's body was cut with scars, and he was about to be defeated.


"Someone is coming!" Gong Cheng sat in the helicopter and seemed to sense it, staring at the other side of the jungle, and said in a deep voice.

Qin Ming and others looked at it immediately.

I saw a group of black figures quickly coming towards the place where the two were fighting fiercely below, like a group of ghosts and ghosts.

"It's them!" Ye Wen suddenly whispered from the side, with a bit of surprise on her face.

"Xiao Wen, do you recognize them?" Gong Cheng immediately looked at Ye Wen and asked, she had to confirm whether these people were enemies or friends as soon as possible.

"I failed in the last mission because this group of people hijacked my mission goal halfway. They are very strong, especially the leader, whose cultivation level may still be higher than Zhuang Wen!" Ye Wen said hurriedly.

As soon as these words came out, the complexions of several old students changed drastically.

Stronger than Zhuang Wen, if they were enemies, not only would it be difficult for them to complete the mission, they might not even be able to guarantee their own safety!

"Go down and help Zhuang Wen!" Gong Cheng said without hesitation.

Although Ye Wen said that the enemy was strong, they would not leave Zhuang Wen behind just because the enemy was strong, and turn around and run away.

The helicopter descended slowly in an open field.

A group of people rushed out immediately and rushed in the direction of Zhuang Wen.

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