Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 122 Qin Ming's Weapon

"I don't know how many spirits Qin Ming can cast, but I think it shouldn't be too bad." Ye Wen said in a low voice, her expression was afraid of disturbing Qin Ming who was casting.

The tools cast by the tool spirits are each unique, with their own functions and powers.

The utensil itself is a special existence, and it is the most important thing for every utensil spirit. After it is fully cast, it still needs to be carefully cultivated to continuously improve the power and quality of the utensil.

However, after years of research and development of the cultivation system, people have also discovered that organs are similar to humans, and have different growth potentials.

Nowadays, people divide utensils into two categories, unarmed utensils and awned utensils.

Most of the utensils cast by ordinary utensil spirits are ordinary utensil spirits, also known as non-glow utensil spirits.

This type of device is the most common and the most common.

Then there are relatively rare weapon spirits with awns, which are subdivided into one-pointed weapon spirits, three-pointed weapon spirits, five-pointed weapon spirits, and the highest seven-pointed weapon spirit.

This kind of weapon spirit appears less often, but its growth potential is higher than that of ordinary weapon spirits.

The strongest weapon spirit known so far is the seven-pointed weapon spirit, which claims to have unlimited room for growth!

So far, no one has discovered where the growth limit of the seven-pointed weapon spirit is, and it seems that it can follow the owner's endless enhancement.

Those weapon spirits standing in the forest of the world's strongest, each of them has at least three or more auras, which is the foundation of their foothold.

Although Gu Tao and Ye Wen have not yet fully formed weapon spirits, they have been identified by Gu Qing. The little golden tripod and the toy cat are likely to be Qimang weapon spirits.

Gu Qing is quite satisfied with this, which is also an important reason why he is willing to put down his research work and spend a lot of time every day cultivating Gu Tao and Ye Wen.

The huge potential in the two children is worth his effort to cultivate.

Now that Qin Ming wants to cast weapons, Gu Qing is also very concerned about the quality of the spirits Qin Ming casts.

If the quality is not high, although Gu Qing will not let it go in the future, he will inevitably be disappointed.

Of course, he can still teach equally, but because of the difference in potential, Qin Ming is destined to widen the gap with Gu Tao and Ye Wen in the future, and his requirements for Gu Tao and Ye Wen,

They can't press on Qin Ming's body exactly the same.

"Yeah, Qin Ming is so powerful, the weapon spirit he forged must also be very powerful." Gu Tao said with a smile.

She seemed to have full confidence in Qin Ming.

In her opinion, Qin Ming is a genius among geniuses, and his cultivation speed increases like a rocket.

When we met for the first time, Qin Ming was still a high school student with no cultivation, but now his cultivation is almost catching up to her and Ye Wen's. You know, it's only a few months.

What's more, Qin Ming's cooking skills are quite superb, and the meals he cooks are well received.

"I hope so." Gu Qing smiled, he also placed high hopes on Qin Ming.


At this time, Qin Ming's body gradually spread out circle after circle of mental fluctuations, getting stronger and weaker, erratic.

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the flag was quietly sinking below, and the spiritual power was blending into it bit by bit, making the shape of the vessel gradually stabilized.

After being immersed for a day, the repelling force of the entire sea of ​​consciousness gradually weakened.

Everything has a process of adaptation.

Until the next morning, the repulsive force in the sea of ​​consciousness has been negligible, and this new resident has been accepted.

At this time, even if Qin Ming dissipates the wrapped spiritual power and exposes the banner to the sea of ​​consciousness, he can live in peace.

And the flag itself has also become a little more solid, no longer scattered.

It wasn't until this moment that Qin Ming dared to relax a little.

He knew that his casting was a success this time.

Opening his eyes suddenly, Qin Ming breathed a sigh of relief and rubbed his temples.

During the continuous day and night casting process, his mental power was consumed too much, similar to the situation when he condensed the wind seal, his mental power was overdrawn.

So much so that his mind is a little dizzy now and he still feels tingling from time to time, but this is also inevitable.

Casting is a difficult process, Gu Qing told him before.

"Qin Ming, how are you doing?" Gu Tao was lying on the sofa, seeing Qin Ming open his eyes, he asked immediately.

"Don't worry, let him take it easy." Seeing Qin Ming's state, Ye Wen couldn't help saying.

"It's not bad, it can be regarded as casting." Qin Ming replied while rubbing his temples.

Gu Qing who was at the side got up and approached at this moment, stretched out a finger to touch Qin Ming's eyebrow.

The next moment, Qin Ming only felt a sense of coolness coming from his mind. The drowsy feeling suddenly improved a lot, and the tingling sensation gradually disappeared.

"Thank you teacher." Qin Ming knew that Gu Qing was helping him eliminate the side effects of overdraft.

"Don't worry, I've worked hard this time." Gu Qing nodded and said in a rather gentle tone.

"Congratulations, the casting was successful." Ye Wen smiled.

"Hehe, it must be a success. I can't come up with a second set of such expensive pills." Qin Ming said in a good mood.

"Don't worry, you've succeeded in forging the pottery now, and the money for the elixir will still be very easy to earn in the future." As someone who has experienced it, Ye Wen couldn't help but say.

"Well, what Xiaowen said is correct. At your current age, it is really rare to have a cultivation level of the Forging Realm." Gu Qing nodded.

"Qin Ming, what kind of utensils do you have? Call them out to have a look." Gu Tao was very curious, she really wanted to see the utensils that Qin Ming had just made.

"Oh, it's a flag." Qin Ming didn't say much, after all, this flag was related to his ghost experience.

Open your hands and move your mind.

The flag that was still being cultivated in the sea of ​​consciousness suddenly appeared in his palm.

It's the same as Gu Tao's little golden tripod, but it's the size of a palm.

This is because the vessel has not yet been fully cast, and the shape cannot be realized by comparison.

If the casting was a great achievement, Gu Tao's little golden tripod would not be so small, and so would his flag.

The flags are quite exquisite, with purple long poles, white flags, and gold thread borders, and the patterns of the five spirits possessed by Qin Ming are also clearly visible.

"Oh..." Gu Tao opened his small mouth slightly, stared at the small flag with wide eyes, and whispered inexplicably.

Ye Wen and Gu Qing were also the first to scrutinize Qin Ming's Qi Ling.

"Teacher, this weapon is expected to reach a few awns." Seeing that Gu Qing was looking at it seriously, Ye Wen couldn't help asking.

She herself can't see any clues, after all, the vessel has not yet been fully cast.

Gu Qing fell into deep thought, frowning slightly.

This made Qin Ming, who was watching from the sidelines, also a little nervous.

He was really worried that the quality of his equipment would be unsatisfactory.

"Strange?" Gu Qing rubbed his chin and muttered to himself, as if he saw something unexpected.

"How, how, is it the spirit of Qimang Weapon?" Gu Tao seemed to be more anxious than Qin Ming.

"Probably not." Gu Qing shook his head and said.

This made Qin Ming feel cold, of course he knew the spiritual quality of Ye Wen and Gu Tao.

It is also Gu Qing's student, only he is not a Qimang weapon spirit, this fact is somewhat frustrating.

Even Qin Ming is no exception.

"But..." Just as Ye Wen wanted to comfort Qin Ming, Gu Qing still had something to say.

"But it's not like other glowing weapon spirits. It's said to be non-glowed weapon spirits and it's a bit different. Qin Ming's weapon spirit is a bit special. It's the first time I have encountered a situation." Gu Qing observed again and again, and even put himself His mental power shrouded it, and he started researching.

But in the end, it is still impossible to judge the quality and growth potential of Qin Ming, the tool spirit.

"Hmm...strange." Gu Qing said that he couldn't make a correct judgment.

"There is even a weapon spirit that the teacher can't figure out." Ye Wen also seemed to be surprised when she saw a situation that even Gu Qing couldn't answer for the first time.

"It's nothing. The world is huge and ever-changing, and so is cultivation. No one can know everything. I've been summarizing my own research results all the time." Gu Qing shook his head, even though he was a spirit Research experts in the department also have unknown situations that cannot be studied or explained.

"Then we can only know the quality after Qin Ming's casting is complete." Ye Wen said.

Qin Ming nodded, but he was certain in his heart.

It is not difficult to understand that his weapon spirit is related to the ghost logger, and it is special.

Judging from his performance on the registration device so far, his device spirit should not be of mediocre quality.

He should have confidence in the logger.

"Qin Ming, what is painted on this banner?" Gu Tao leaned closer, stretched his neck to observe, and asked, pointing to the pattern on the banner.

"A dog, monkey, ant, bamboo, and what is this floating in the air?" Ye Wen also got closer and recognized the four objects in the painting, only the golden flower elf was a little unclear.

"An elf." Qin Ming replied.

"Why these patterns?" Gu Tao looked at Qin Ming curiously.

"Hehe, it's probably related to me." Qin Ming said with a smile.

Isn't it just fate, they are all spirits possessed by him.

"Have you considered what name to give this banner?" Ye Wen said.

Although she was ashamed that her Qi Ling was a toy cat, she still had a device name after all.

Popular and simple, it is called a beckoning cat, and it looks like a broken jar. Anyway, from the appearance point of view, this orange-yellow toy cat really looks like a beckoning cat.

As for Gu Tao's small golden cauldron, she took it as the supreme cauldron, and its full name was the supreme food and fire cauldron.

To put it bluntly, I followed my heart and used this tripod as a kitchen utensil for cooking.

After hearing Ding's full name for the first time, Qin Ming could already imagine Gu Qing's old father's twitching face.

The abbreviated Supreme Ding was also given by Gu Qing at the strong request.

On weekdays, it is known as Supreme Ding, and only people who are familiar with it like Qin Ming and Ye Wen know the full name and main purpose of this tripod.

"I have thought about it." Qin Ming nodded, looking at the flag in his hand.

After the utensil is formed, as the person who cast the utensil, he can obtain some information about the utensil, and the main function and power of the wrapping utensil.

"It's called Shiling Banner." Qin Ming didn't think too much about it, he just felt that the name of the device was in line with the function and ability of the device, so he used it when he thought it was good.

. m.

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