Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 134 The Second Tier 4 Spirit Group

On the tenth day of the login time, Qin Ming finally turned over the vast green forest.

Entered a boundless plain.

The long green grass was half a meter long, covering half of Qin Ming's body.

Walking on this plain with big strides, his dark figure is very conspicuous when looking around.

Apart from him, there are no other large spirit creatures around.

Under the green grass, a small white figure quickly passed by, sometimes running away, and sometimes retreating to Qin Ming's side.

Suddenly, like a fish jumping out of the water, this little figure jumped up high, it was the little fox.

It followed Qin Ming these days, and was taken care of very well. It ate a lot of good food. From the beginning, it couldn't even walk steadily, but now it can run like a normal spirit.

Especially the three fragments of the petals of the spirit flower that he had eaten before, directly put him into a short-term deep sleep.

After waking up, Qin Ming found that the little fox could jump and jump, and his rank had finally reached the first rank, and he looked a bit weird.

However, the body shape has not changed much, it is still only a little bigger than a palm, and a small one.

It tried to jump onto Qin Ming's back, but it seemed to overestimate its own jumping ability and underestimate Qin Ming's size.

He bumped his head against Qin Ming's side, let out a mournful cry, and fell softly.

Qin Ming turned his head and took a look at this idiot, then ignored him. This kind of situation happened from time to time, and he was no longer surprised by it.

After coming to the grassland, it seemed that he was full of freshness to the new environment, and the little fox seemed very excited.

Shaking his head, he got up and ran again.

Soon he ran in front of Qin Ming and disappeared without a trace.

After a while, Qin Ming still didn't see the shadow of the little fox, so he roared immediately.

Soon, there was movement from the grass in the distance, and the little fox ran back excitedly, circling around Qin Ming tirelessly, like a playful child.

Qin Ming stretched out his hand to fish it out,

The little fox who circled was caught.

"Goo..." The little fox was not afraid of being pressed against by sharp claws, and instead stretched out his little paws to fiddle with it.

Qin Ming threw it on his back and speeded up a little.

Facing the gentle wind blowing, the little fox seemed to be tired from playing, and slowly fell asleep with his body buried in the black hair.

Even in the dangerous outside world, there are spirits coveting it everywhere, but as long as it is by the side of this big black bear, the little fox can always feel at ease.

The black bear is the umbrella for the little fox.

"I hope there are Tier 4 spirits and monsters in this plain." Qin Ming thought to himself.

Before, he felt that this world of ghosts and monsters was extremely huge, but after this ten-day long-distance search, he truly realized the hugeness of this world.

Any woodland would require him to walk for several days or even dozens of days.

I also saw many spirit monster populations, which was an eye-opener.

Sometimes he felt that his trip to another world was like hiking with his relatives, and he spent most of his time looking at the scenery on the way.

But he did not forget his mission.

The real purpose of rushing is also to complete the three tasks released by the logger this time.

Several streamers of light streaked across the sky above his head, and the big sun was also slowly setting to the west. Qin Ming had already penetrated deep enough into this grassland.

Looking back, the green forest was completely out of sight.

After squinting for several hours, the little fox started running around in high spirits again, and soon disappeared without a trace.

A moment later, just as Qin Ming was about to call the little fox back, a silver figure suddenly appeared in the distance, crouching in the grass.

If Qin Ming hadn't observed carefully, he really couldn't have found this hidden figure in the first place.

A gust of wind blew past, bending the grass and revealing half of the figure.

It was a silver ferocious wolf.

When Qin Ming found it, it jumped out suddenly, as if it had found its prey and started chasing it.

Accompanied by a terrified murmur, the white figure of the little fox quickly ran back and threw himself under Qin Ming's body.

The ferocious wolf on the prairie finally couldn't sit still after discovering the little fox. Even if there was a black bear, it still launched a challenge.

name: none

Spirit: Swift Silver Wolf

Combat rating: Tier 4 mid-tier

Growth Potential: Fifth Tier Low

This is a Tier 4 mid-level monster, so it's no wonder that he is not afraid of Qin Ming.

Qin Ming placed the little fox behind him, faced the fierce wolf, roared, and jumped on him.

Swift Silver Wolf is fast and extremely flexible, but Qin Ming is powerful, but a bit cumbersome.

This pounce was unsuccessful, and was dodged by Swift Silver Wolf.

However, Qin Ming already had his own experience in dealing with this kind of speed-type monsters.

He might not be able to keep up with the opponent with his naked eyes alone, but he relied on the perception released by his mental power to predict the next move of this spirit.

If it was a serious Jiu Ning Gangback Bear, he wouldn't be able to use his mental power at all, but Qin Ming knew how to use it.

Turning his head around, the bear's paws slammed to the side of his body, and the Swift Silver Wolf that had just landed was directly sent flying by Qin Ming.

boom boom boom

Swinging limbs, launched a pursuit.

The Swift Silver Wolf took the bear's paw firmly, as if he couldn't take it anymore, kept rolling on the ground, struggling to get up.

Qin Ming had already arrived, and without giving the other party a chance to stand up, the bear's paw fell high, and the mouth and nose were bleeding from the slap of Silver Wolf, and his breath quickly weakened.

Also in the middle stage of Tier 4, if Swift Silver Wolf doesn't give full play to its advantages in speed and flexibility, it can only be smashed to pieces by Qin Ming.

The battle ended fairly quickly, just a few breaths away.

The little fox looked a little scared at first, but he immediately felt relieved after seeing Qin Ming's victory.

The huge body of the black bear is too secure.

However, at this moment, on the plain in the distance, a large expanse of green grass suddenly swayed continuously.

An inexplicable sense of crisis rose in his heart, and Qin Ming raised his eyes to look.

In the swaying green grass, a group of Swift Silver Wolves were actually prowling, like master assassins in the dark, silently, with icy expressions.

"Damn it!" Qin Ming immediately grabbed the little fox on his back, turned around and started running wildly.

This Swift Silver Wolf is not one, but a group of them moving at the same time.

When Qin Ming found this group of Silver Silver Wolves, he felt mixed joy and sorrow.

The happy thing is that he finally found a group of Tier 4 spirit monsters again, but the worry is that he may not be able to beat this group together.

Different from the Tongdi Beast with strong defense but mediocre combat power, the Swift Silver Wolf's ability to fight and encircle is too strong.

If it was one or two, Qin Ming might be able to settle it, but if there were more than a dozen, he would most likely die in the bites of these elite hunters.

And the little fox on his body will suffer accordingly.


Seeing that the prey was about to run, the group of Swift Silver Wolves immediately stopped hiding and launched a chase.

On the grassland, their pursuit ability is absolutely top-notch, almost no spirit monster can escape their pursuit.

At this time, Qin Ming missed his ability to manipulate the wind element very much. Although he was not slow in the bear body, he was still much worse than this group of chasing experts.

Fortunately, Qin Ming discovered it in time and reacted quickly. He started running before the Swift Silver Wolf got too close, otherwise he would probably be overtaken right now.

The little fox was lying on its back, its two little paws tightly grasping the hair on its back, looking back at the pursuers behind it from time to time, making a weak low moan, whether it was fear or worry.

Dozens of Swift Silver Wolves quickly walked across the plain, and the grassland was divided into dozens of trails.

The Swift Silver Wolf at the front was only about one kilometer away from Qin Ming.

Qin Ming ran wildly while recalling the terrain and environment he passed by when he came.

Although the plain is extremely empty and flat, there are also many strange-shaped boulders from time to time.

Two minutes later, the Swift Silver Wolf behind him still did not give up the pursuit, with less than 500 meters left on both sides.

Fortunately, Qin Ming also rushed to the place.

Seven or eight thick boulders were piled up vertically or horizontally.

After Qin Ming arrived, he immediately stuffed the little fox hanging on his body into a gap.

"Woo..." The little fox looked at Qin Ming outside through the gap.

The group of Swift Silver Wolves was already approaching, and their heavy panting could even be heard.


Qin Ming stood up like a human being, pressed two bear paws on two huge rocks, one left and one right, and then suddenly exerted force to forcefully break it outward.

However, the boulder is quite heavy, even with Qin Mingxiong's strength, it can only be shaken slightly, but cannot be pushed.


Qin Ming's face became slightly ferocious, and he had already used all his strength.

A stream of heat emerged from the body and circulated throughout the body.

The boulder was finally slowly pulled away by Qin Ming, and moved outward bit by bit on the ground.

The distance of 500 meters was only a few seconds for Swift Silver Wolf, and it quickly caught up with Qin Ming.

After the rock crevice was opened a little, Qin Ming turned around and was barely able to stand a little inside the crevice.

The back of this small stone gap is blocked, and only the entrance where Qin Ming is can enter.

Almost at the same time as he stepped into the gap, the Swift Silver Wolf also rushed up and bit Qin Ming.

A lone Qin Ming like this is not afraid, the bear's paw slammed down, and the Swift Silver Wolf, whose head had been poked into the gap, was slammed into the ground.

At this moment, another Swift Silver Wolf jumped up, bared its fangs, and bit Qin Ming's arm.

In severe pain, Qin Ming slammed the Swift Silver Wolf hard on the huge rock on one side with his arms.

Swift Silver Wolf let go of the pain.

The benefits of staying in this gap are reflected.

Although there were dozens of Swift Silver Wolves outside, no more than two could attack Qin Ming at the same time.

This is an excellent place to prevent being encircled and suppressed, and it can also greatly limit the advantages of Swift Silver Wolf in terms of speed and flexibility.

Guarding this gap is the only way Qin Ming can think of to parry the group of Swift Silver Wolves.

Among this group of Swift Silver Wolves, there are fourth-tier low-level wolves, but most of them are fourth-tier mid-level, and they are extremely aggressive in battle.

Even with such a good defensive position, Qin Ming soon had different degrees of bite marks on his body.

Of course, several of the Swift Silver Wolves were shot to death by him, and the corpses almost blocked the gap.


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