Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 141 The last chance to complete the task

"Strange?" Qin Ming only felt that there was an extra connection in his body, as if it came from the little fox.

After Cang Jue flew away, this connection gradually weakened due to the distance until he could no longer notice it.

Not an illusion, recalling the blush that the little fox made when he met him before he left, the connection was real.

This made him wonder if he would have a chance to reunite with the little fox through this connection in the future.

Shaking my head, now that I have separated, it is too early to think about these things.

After looking at the empty environment, he immediately walked away.

Now that the little fox's worries were gone, there was only one last thing he had to think about.

In the last few days, complete the three tasks given by the logger.

The leader of the Green Demon Lizard killed by Cang Jue was naturally not on Qin Ming's head.

three days later.

Qin Ming found another group of Tier 4 spirits.

There are a total of thirty-seven low-level fourth-level dogs, and the leader is a high-level fourth-level one, which is within Qin Ming's hunting range.

After recovering from his injuries, he completed the leader beheading required by the mission with almost no suspense.

[Task 1: Hunting and killing fifty Tier 4 monsters, completed. 】

[Task 2: Kill three leaders of the fourth-tier spirit monster group, completed. 】

【Task 3: Kill a Tier 5 spirit monster, not completed. 】

Then there is only the last task of beheading the fifth rank.

It was very difficult, especially after seeing the oppressive feeling brought by the leader of the green monster lizard, he felt that it was almost difficult to complete this task with his current fourth-level upper-level rank.

Unless he can complete a round of great evolution in the next few days and be promoted to Tier 5.

Otherwise, the success rate of this task is infinitely close to zero.

At first he wanted to try his luck,

Look for a fifth-order spirit monster that has been injured and has lost a lot of combat power to make up the knife to complete the miss.

But now more than 20 days have passed, and he has not found such a chance to pick up the leak.

And now he is far from the time to be promoted to the fifth level.

Even now, Qin Ming has almost given up on completing the last mission.

It is not bad to be able to complete two tasks, and the final task rewards will not be bad.


On this day, somewhere in the forest, a huge roar suddenly sounded, and many spooky beasts ran around in fright.

This is a four-clawed giant beast covered in pitch black, with six eyes on its face, and it is unstoppable when it rampages through the forest.

Six blue eyeballs are staring at the running black bear in front of them.

This is one of its prey today, and all the spirits it targets in this forest have never escaped.

Qin Ming fled desperately all the way, driving his horsepower to the limit.

From the corner of the eye, he glanced back from time to time.

Today, as usual, he continued to look for an opportunity to complete the task, and killed a fourth-tier high-level monster on the way.

However, what he didn't expect was that there was an even more powerful Lao Tzu behind this fourth-ranked monster.

In this way, the younger one was beaten, and a parent came to settle accounts with him.

name: none

Spirit: Erosion Beast

Combat power score: fifth-level low-level

Growth Potential: Tier 5 Middle Grade

That's right, the one chasing after him was a fifth-order spirit monster.

At first, Qin Ming checked the attribute panel, saw that it was a fifth-level low-grade head, and wanted to check it out.

Unexpectedly, he was kicked away by the opponent's hoof, almost leaving him no room to parry.

Even his greatest advantage in strength was crushed in front of this fifth-level monster.

The strength gap between the fifth and fourth ranks was still beyond his imagination.

Just like that, the last hope of trying to complete the task was ruthlessly shattered by reality, and Qin Ming could only run away.

The sacrificial beast opened its mouth, and Qin Ming, who had been keeping an eye on the ghost behind him, suddenly felt his heart tighten.

I saw a large piece of blue-black mucus suddenly spewed out from the mouth of the erosion beast.

The mucus was extremely smelly, and it splashed into the surrounding trees and flowers, instantly corroding these plants completely, turning them into charred residues as if they had been burned by a flame.

Qin Ming changed direction to avoid the moment the mucus appeared.

He had seen this slime before on a small sacrificial beast, but now compared with its old man, the lethality of this venom is far from it.

Feeling that the ghost behind him was getting closer and closer, Qin Ming knew that if he continued running like this, it would be a matter of time before he was caught up and killed.

You have to figure it out.

With a flash of inspiration in his mind, Qin Ming remembered that on the road he passed yesterday, he also found a fifth-order giant python in the distance.

"I hope it's still there." Qin Ming thought to himself, changing his escape route.

This piece of woods was full of troubles caused by the chasing and escaping couples, one big tree after another was knocked down by the saboteur, but it couldn't stop its pursuit at all.

There were even some spirit monsters who had no time to escape, but were involved in the chase between the fourth-level and fifth-level spirit monsters and were not spared, and became the dead souls under the feet of the erosion beast.

After a while.

"Found it!" Qin Ming's eyes lit up.

On the three big trees in front, there is a giant golden snake more than ten meters long, which is as thick as a water tank.

name: none

Spirit: Hamamelis Snake

Combat power score: fifth-order mid-level

Growth Potential: Tier 5 Top Grade

The last time Qin Ming quietly approached and inspected it, it was a middle-grade fifth-order python.

Maybe it's because it's very comfortable to hang on the tree, but this giant python is not at all moved by Qin Ming's approach.

Qin Ming thought that this trip to another world was about to end anyway, so he boldly sneaked under the three trees.

Now, the giant python hanging above could no longer be calm, and was about to get down from the tree. The fourth-level Qin Ming didn't care, but the fifth-level erosion beast that followed couldn't ignore it.

However, the sacrificial beast had already overtaken it, ignored the giant python, and followed Qin Ming to go through the three big trees.

But it is much larger than Qin Ming's body, and it is impossible to drill through it. At most, it will knock down these three big trees directly.


The giant python couldn't dodge it in time, and suffered this indiscriminate disaster. Not only did it fall embarrassingly from among the trees more than ten meters high, it was also firmly smashed by three fallen trees.

Can this be tolerated?

Even a Tier 1 monster still has a temper, not to mention a Tier 5 forest overlord like it.


With a loud roar, the witch hazel snake yanked its tail towards the sacrificial beast who was not ready to apologize.

Hearing the movement behind him, Qin Ming immediately looked back.

I saw that the giant python really wrestled with the erosion beast into a ball.

I was overjoyed and didn't rush to run away.

He single-handedly facilitated the battle between two fifth-order spirit monsters, so he naturally has more thoughts now.

The third slaying mission, which seemed hopeless at first, now has a glimmer of possibility rekindled.

Quietly hiding not far away in a wait-and-see state.

The fierce fighting between the fifth-order spirits is naturally not small, and the destructive power caused is even greater.

The monsters around were already running far away, Qin Ming was the only one who could stay and watch.

Although the erosion beast's combat power is very strong, the opponent's giant python is a mid-level spirit monster of the fifth level after all, and its level is even higher than it.

In the end, it was also the one who lost, and was almost swallowed alive by the giant python.

In the end, he managed to escape and saved his life.

After this battle, this sacrificial beast has no intention of chasing Qin Ming anymore, and just wants to find a place to recuperate for a while.

Seeing that the time was ripe, Qin Ming immediately followed the consuming beast that was defeated and fled.

I really didn't expect that in the last day or two, Qin Ming would actually find a fifth-level spirit monster with a wounded combat power.

After following for a while, just as Qin Ming was thinking about how to make a move, he never expected that the sacrificial beast's perception was still sharp, and it also found Qin Ming who followed.

The so-called enemy was extremely jealous when they met, even though he was injured, he still launched an attack on Qin Ming without hesitation.

Qin Ming was helpless. He wanted to use some small tricks to further weaken the fighting power of this fifth-level monster, but he miscalculated the perception of the sacrificial beast, and now he had to go forward to fight.

The erosion beast was still dripping with blood, and its aura was much weaker than before.

Go down on Qin Ming with a hoof, and Qin Ming can no longer be kicked away.


There is no doubt that this is the last chance.

Qin Ming let out a roar, and the bear's paw slapped out.

Qin Ming slapped the erosion beast that was about to vomit its venom on the head, and the venom splashed aside.

The Corrosion Beast was startled and angry, and its six pairs of eyes were full of anger.

At the fifth level, it already has a very high intelligence, and it has even realized that all of this was planned by the hateful black bear in front of it.

A faint blue light began to appear all over his body, and his aura began to climb steadily. In an instant, Qin Ming was under great pressure, and he felt that his whole body became much heavier.

Being stared at by those six pairs of eyes that also glowed with faint blue light, I just felt extremely uncomfortable.

After all, the other party is still a fifth-order spirit monster, even if he is injured, this fact cannot be changed.

The Corrosion Beast rushed towards Qin Ming again. Qin Ming wanted to move his body, but was astonished to find that it was difficult to move.

"Fifth-level spirits still have this ability!" He was horrified.

It was those six pairs of blue eyes staring at him that made him lose control of his body at this moment.

The erosion beast rushed over and bit Qin Ming's arm fiercely.

The severe pain caused Qin Ming to break through the body restraint from the Corrosion Beast, and his head became hot instantly. With red eyes, he stretched out his claws and pierced the six pairs of eyes of the Corrosion Beast.

The Corrosion Beast didn't expect Qin Ming to be able to break through its shackles, and three of its blue eyeballs were directly pierced.

Accompanied by a shrill scream, Qin Ming only felt his body lighten, and the sense of restraint was much relieved.

For the first time, he avoided the hoof coming from the dark side, and rolled to the side.

At this moment, Qin Ming's left arm has lost feeling, and he can't even support his body.

The Corrosion Beast directly crushed his shoulder bones, and a little bit of venom even corroded half of its body and scorched it black.

Compared with the green monster lizard, the corrosive effect of the venom of this sacrificial beast is more severe, even Qin Ming's physical strength can't bear it.

"It's over." Qin Ming endured the pain, and after feeling his physical condition, his heart turned cold.

The venom is further eroding into his body, once the venom is integrated into the blood, I am afraid that he will not be far from death.

Unless there is something to detoxify, Qin Ming can only wait to die now.

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