"What!" Gao Yanlang's complexion changed, he didn't expect that his killing move would have no effect on Gu Tao.

As for Gu Tao, she has already made a formula with both hands, and when it comes to playing with fire, she is also not bad.

A burst of golden light burst out from within the Supreme Golden Cauldron, and the mouth of the cauldron faced Gao Yanlang.

The next moment, waves of golden light burst out from the cauldron, forming clusters of golden flames, shooting towards Gao Yanlang.

Gao Yanlang gritted his teeth, his mental power crazily condensed in front of him, forming an extremely strong energy shield.

"Hee hee." Gu Tao snapped his fingers with his right hand.

The balls of flames exploded when they were about to hit the energy shield, and the huge impact accompanied by waves of fire instantly engulfed half of the venue.

"Ahem..." Gao Yanlang rushed out of the sea of ​​flames in an extremely embarrassing manner. In order to resist the golden flames that burst suddenly, he expended a lot of mental energy to maintain the protective shield outside his body.

However, three huge fire snakes opened their mouths to greet him.

The flames in the Supreme Cauldron seemed to be continuously flowing and could not be exhausted.

Even though Gao Yanlang's cultivation was higher than Gu Tao's, he was unilaterally suppressed by Gu Tao in terms of combat power.

The power of the seven-pointed weapon spirit is undoubtedly revealed.

In the end, after Gao Yanlang struggled for a few minutes, he was defeated by Gu Tao.

Seeing this, some Gu Tao who hadn't played enough had no choice but to put away their wits and leave the arena with brisk steps.

"It's too strong. It's obviously only the middle stage of the Forging Realm, but it can easily surpass the students of the late Yunling Realm on the opposite side. Is this the strength of the students of Gulan College..." The students of other colleges were shocked. Gu Tao's fighting power.

"That cauldron is a kind of weapon spirit, and its power is too great, especially the golden flame can't be stopped at all."


"Girl, you did a good job." Meng Ran said with a smile, Gu Tao was quite lovable in the eyes of these Gu Lan teachers.

On the other hand, Shangyang Academy quickly fell silent after experiencing this failure.

As if giving up,

They didn't pester Gu Lan Academy to challenge one after another like last year. Gu Tao guessed that this time, the young Gu Tao made them realize the gap between the two schools.

"Let that Gulan Academy show off their limelight. Tang Shi, do you want to dispel their arrogance? You can't let their limelight overwhelm us." A third-year student of Emperor Xia said, spreading his hands.

"That's right, didn't you say yesterday that you were going to abuse that first-year student named Qin Ming?" Another person also booed.

With a smile on his face, Tang Shi looked at Qin Taolong who was standing beside him, "President, how about it, how about I go out and lead the battle first."

Qin Taolong glanced at him, and then said: "I'm just here to take a look, and you can follow the teacher's arrangement for the specific arrangements."

The teacher leading the Xiahuang Martial Academy nodded, "Yes."

Hearing this, Tang Shi stepped out immediately.

"Here we come, here we come. After the Gulan Martial Academy, the Xiahuang Martial Academy has also sent people out!"

"The real drama is finally staged!"

"That's Tang Shi. Last year, he showed amazing talent. I don't know how much he has improved this year. It is said that he is already stronger than most of the third and fourth graders of Xiahuang Wuyuan."

"I don't know which martial arts academy he is going to challenge for the first time in the exchange competition."

"It's very likely that it's the local Northern Martial Academy. After all, they are all schools that specialize in martial arts."

Because of Tang Shi's appearance, everyone began to discuss.

And Tang Shi also walked to the arena under the attention of all the people, his eyes swept across the martial arts academy, and finally settled on the area where the Gulan martial arts academy was located.

"Come here, come here, that kid is looking over here, he must be looking for Qin Ming." Ling Liangtang said.

"Haha, it's better like this." Duan Yang laughed.

Qin Ming could feel Tang Shi's eyes on him, secretly thinking that Duan Yang had really hit the spot.

"Xiahuang Martial Academy, Tang Shi, wants to compete with Gulan Martial Academy Qin Ming." Tang Shiang initiated a challenge.

If the reporters outside knew about this battle, they might rush in to take two photos even if they were deported.

Qin Ming and Tang Shi have been very popular recently, and they have been discussed together.

This is why Tang Shihui deliberately challenged Qin Ming.

He just wants to tell everyone that he is unique and no one can compare to him.

"Come on, Qin Ming." Duan Yang said cheerfully, crossing his arms over his chest, as if preparing to watch a play.

"Are you sure?" Meng Ran looked at Qin Ming. He had also seen the video of Qin Ming's battle, but he hadn't actually witnessed it with his own eyes after all.

"Don't worry, teacher, I even doubt that Tang Shi can't force Qin Ming's full strength." Zhan Xiaoxiao smiled, and they all had full confidence in Qin Ming.

As long as Qin Ming is willing, he can even directly summon the black bear to slap Tang Shi away.

"Is that Qin Ming in that video?"

"It seems that there was indeed that student at the party last night."



As Qin Ming accepted the challenge, this competition undoubtedly attracted the attention of everyone in the audience.

Tang Shi, a second-year student at Emperor Xia Academy, is at the peak of Qi and Blood Realm.

Qin Ming, a first-year student at Gulan College, is in the middle stage of the Forging Realm.

In terms of cultivation, Qin Ming was already at the Forging Realm in the first grade, which is considered abnormal, but compared with Tang Shi, his cultivation was still a bit worse.

"Although the rumors on the Internet are not credible, since everyone compares you to me, it is not impossible for us to compare." Tang Shi said, walking towards Qin Ming.

Every time he took a step, the aura on his body climbed a bit higher, and his whole body was full of energy and blood. Even if he was far away, he could clearly feel the pressure covering the other party's body.

There wasn't too much scene nonsense between the two, and the fight started directly.

With a swipe of Qin Ming's hand, a wind blade several meters long shot straight at Tang Shi.

Tang Shi raised his eyebrows, raised his palm as a knife, and swung it down with the same understatement.

With a burst of energy, he chopped the incoming wind blade into pieces.

"Those with wind element abilities do have some skills." Tang Shi secretly said, his face unchanged.

With a movement of his feet, his figure shot out suddenly, turning into an afterimage, the speed was breathtaking.

Gathering such momentum, he punched Qin Ming.

However, Qin Ming's feet seemed to take root, and he didn't move at all.

One of his hands clasped Tang Shi's fist that hit him in an instant, and the energy covering it was easily dispelled by him without any effort.

This situation once again caused an uproar in the guild hall.

It was too easy for Qin Ming to parry.

Tang Shi could no longer keep calm this time, and tried to withdraw his hand before fighting back.

But the arm held by Qin Ming did not break free all at once.

Although Qin Ming is only at the mid-stage of the Forging Realm in the Artifact Spirit System, but in the Warrior System, he has now reached the peak Qi and Blood Realm, which is comparable to Tang Shi!

And because he also mastered the Nine Condensation Body Art, his strength is far beyond Tang Shi, so it is not so easy to get rid of his imprisonment.

Tang Shi let out a low cry, bursting with energy, which made Qin Ming withdraw his hand.

But then, what greeted him was Qin Ming's whip kick that reached the limit, kicking Tang Shi away with a whirlwind.

"My God, I read it right, Tang Shi was completely suppressed by that Qin Ming."

"Is it because he was careless and didn't try his best?"

At the place where Emperor Xia was located, those students couldn't believe it. They were well aware of Tang Shi's strength, and they never thought that they would be the result of being kicked away in the first fight.

Qin Taolong stared at Qin Ming with bright eyes.

"His physical strength is still higher than that of Tang Shi, and there are careless factors in it, but it is more because of Qin Ming's own strength."

"But isn't he a student of the Artifact Spirit Department? How could he be physically stronger than Tang Shi?" A Xiahuang student was suddenly puzzled.

Qin Taolong fell into silence. There was indeed something wrong with it, and he couldn't explain it for a while.

On the other side, after Qin Ming kicked Tang Shi flying, he felt that he didn't hit the flesh and blood, as if something else took away the strength of his kick.

Presumably, it should be a defensive treasure, just like the Moyu Tree Heart Jade that he carries on his body.

Sure enough, Tang Shi was not injured, and after getting up from the ground, he gritted his teeth and rushed towards Qin Ming again.


With a low shout, Tang Shiquan turned a lot of punch into a real impact, and the white light visible to the naked eye shot at Qin Ming.

The wind element was entangled, and Qin Ming disappeared in place in a flash.

At the same time, the shock wave hit the ground where Qin Ming was before, as if hit by a missile, the floor made of special floor tiles shattered one after another.

Tang Shi's eyes turned quickly, trying to capture Qin Ming's figure, but he could only see an afterimage.

The next moment, he only felt a sharp pain in his waist, and then he flew out again.

"Damn it!" He knew that this was another blow to his leg.

Qin Ming is not only extremely powerful, but also faster than him with the blessing of the wind element. Even if he knows a lot of martial arts, it is difficult to really threaten and kill Qin Ming.

All in all, he was really crushed by Qin Ming.

Looking at Tang Shi who flew far away again, Qin Ming thought that the point would be over, and it should be clear.

However, Tang Shi was not reconciled.

"Bengtian Six Styles!" His fists were like dragons, and his strength cut through the air, making a piercing neigh.

The power of this set of boxing is indeed not small, and Tang Shi also uses it like a fire, but it is a pity that he met Qin Ming.

The strength given to him by the Nine Condensed Body Art is enough to break through all the bells and whistles.


Tang Shi was like a popping candy, rolling and flying all the way on the ground, struggling to get up after stopping.

The winner and loser had been decided, and Qin Ming slowly retreated to the area of ​​Gulan Academy amidst the heated discussions.

"It seems to be a bit of a frying pan." Song Xiang couldn't help saying, seeing the vigor of the VIP seats and the violent reactions from the teachers and students of the various colleges.

"No way, who made Tang Shi a supernova in everyone's eyes? Qin Ming defeated him this time, and I'm afraid he will be able to make the headlines tomorrow." Duan Yang laughed, although the time of this competition was a little It was short, but he was quite satisfied with it.

The result was similar to what he expected, that is, the fighting process was simpler and more violent, and Qin Ming didn't even need to use the weapon spirit.

Qin Ming's current strength lies in his perverted physical strength, and even stronger in his weapon spirit.

If Tang Shi grows up for a few more years, maybe he can bring Qin Ming some combat experience.

Now in the same realm, there might really be no one who can match Qin Ming.

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