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Chapter 162 The Second Mother Fish Team

Along the way, Qin Ming's mouth never stopped, and he ate all the floating plankton.

However, no matter how much he ate, he didn't feel full. This was also the reason for the physique of the Spirit-swallowing Demon Fish, which digested and absorbed it very quickly.

However, compared to the spirit and flesh, the nutrients these plankton can bring are quite limited, and cannot help him grow well.


A ray of light suddenly spread from afar, illuminating the entire seabed, and then quickly disappeared.

Although it is not clear where this extraordinary splendor spread from, Qin Ming has experienced similar situations several times.

The splendor that illuminates the bottom of the sea is not the same every time, coming from all directions, sometimes it is blue light, sometimes it is white light or blue light.

These colorful streamers are like the natural scene of the entire seabed, which has existed for a long time.

For these splendors, the mother fish seemed to be familiar with the strangeness. She let the light pass through her body without even reacting at all, and she still swam towards the predetermined direction with her tail flicking.

In this way, Qin Ming swam with the mother fish for several hours before arriving at the destination.

Among several uneven rocks, another adult Spirit Devouring Demon Fish was staying there with other young fish.

On one of the flat rocks, there is a two-meter-sized white shell with its mouth open, like a hotbed.

This shell has been dead for a long time, and it is suitable for the young fish to live in it, so that they will not be accidentally swept away by the undercurrent.

The mother fish seemed to know this adult spirit-swallowing demon fish, and she brought Qin Ming and other young fish there without being stopped.

The two fish came together after meeting, as if they were communicating.

Qin Ming's eyes fell on the opponent's dozen or so young fish, and found that the opponent's group was not only several times larger in size than those who had just been born, but even the first class had already entered the grade.

name: none

Spirit: Spirit Devourer (baby)

Combat Rating: Tier 1 Mid-Rank

Growth Potential: Tier 5 Top Grade

name: none

Spirit: Spirit Devourer (baby)

Combat rating: first-tier top-rank

Growth Potential: Tier 5 Top Grade


Qin Ming took a closer look,

Some of them have reached the middle grade of the first grade, a few have grown to the upper grade of the first grade, and one of them has grown to the lower grade of the second grade. It is the largest among them, with a length of nearly half a meter.

This would be considered a rare big fish in the real world, but compared with the two adult spirit-swallowing demon fish, it was several sizes smaller.

From this point of view, this batch of young fish has been growing for some time.

For the newcomers like Qin Ming, they didn't have any resistance, after all, they were all from the same ethnic group.

And Qin Ming also found that they no longer eat plankton in the sea, their body size has grown, and their food choices have also changed.

It began to search for some shrimps or other small creatures around it to eat, while the juvenile fish that had grown to the second level was looking for low-level crustacean monsters attached to the rock wall or hidden in the sand piles on the seabed to eat. Occasionally, it will try to take the initiative to prey on some fishes that are smaller than it.

Swimming into that shell, I immediately felt that the water flow around my body immediately calmed down, and the temperature of the space inside the shell was also higher, not as cold as the sea outside.

The inner wall has a thin pink inner membrane, and it is this membrane that releases heat.

The little fish cubs were on their way without interruption, and they were already exhausted. Now that they finally found a warm harbor, they immediately retracted into their shells to rest.

On the other side, after the mother fish communicated with the adult Spirit-swallowing Demon Fish, the fish immediately swam towards the distance and quickly disappeared.

The mother fish stayed behind to guard the group of young fish.

While Qin Ming was resting, his eyes fell on the crack in the rock not far from the shell.

A small red crab came out of the crack. Seeing Qin Ming staring at it, it opened its teeth and claws, as if wanting to prove that it was not easy to mess with.

name: none

Spirit: Red Bearded Crab

Combat Rating: Tier 1 Inferior

Growth Potential: Tier 2 Middle Grade

After some investigation, Qin Ming became a little unhappy. They are both in the lower rank of the first rank, so how can you be so arrogant.

Swimming out of the shell, he slapped the little crab with his tail.

The little crab was immediately sent flying and turned upside down.

However, Qin Ming's strength is limited now, and there is no lethality at all with a single slap.

The little crab turned around and held up a pair of pincers, like a warrior with two knives waiting for him.

Regardless of Qin Ming's concern, he went up with his tail and slapped the crab away again.

Just like that, Qin Ming kicked the crab back and forth like kicking a ball.

After trying for a long time, he finally gave up the hunt.

He could only play with the crab in the end, and the solid shell prevented him from causing effective damage to the crab.

At this time, the mother fish, who seemed to be blind at last, waved her tail and smashed the crab into pieces.

Seeing this, Qin Ming immediately leaned over and devoured the meat inside the shell of the crab spirit.

Even though it's only a lower grade, its meat's nutrients are always much higher than those of plankton.

Seeing that Qin Ming was eating happily, the young fishes who were resting immediately rushed over.

The mother fish didn't stop it either, it purposely smashed the little monster to pieces, so that the young fish could eat it.

Soon, this bit of meat was divided up. Of course, Qin Ming ate the most this time.

Originally still a little tired, after this meal, he recovered a lot.

It has to be said that the physical characteristics of this spirit-swallowing demon fish are quite convenient and practical. Whether it is injured or exhausted, it can rely on swallowing spiritual energy and nutrients to speed up recovery.

At this moment, the mother fish seemed to feel something, and suddenly swam up to protect the young fish.

It was a big green snake covered in pimples, with a pair of eyes glowing blue, staring coldly at the mother fish below and the young fish near the shell.

name: none

Ghost: Yellow Green Snake

Combat power score: fourth-tier top-rank

Growth Potential: Fifth Tier Low

This is a fourth-tier high-level monster, powerful, and its combat power is one level higher than that of the fish mother.

It's just that the growth potential is not high, and this brilliant green snake is about to evolve to its limit.

A sense of crisis enveloped him deeply, and Qin Ming yelled in his heart that it was not good.

He wasn't sure if only one mother fish could stand up to this brilliant green snake. The other party seemed to have already set their sights on them, this group of spirit-swallowing demon fish.

I don't know where the other spirit-swallowing demon fish went. If there were two adult spirit-swallowing demon fishes present, I'm afraid it would still be able to scare the yellow green snake a little bit.

The other Spirit Devouring Demonic Fish also sensed the danger and hid in their shells one after another.

Even the second-order spirit-swallowing demon fish shamelessly followed, occupying nearly half of the shell space, shrinking its head and tail, acting like an ostrich.

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