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Chapter 168 Nutritious Tentacles

The golden light was shining brightly, and the octopus tentacles that restrained it seemed to be holding a brazier, feeling a sharp burning sensation, they all shrank back.

The octopus stared, eyes full of anger.

The hundreds of tentacles were no longer soft, and started beating wildly like whips, stirring up the sea area and making it uneasy.

In the area where the two giant beasts were located, the dead trees were smashed to pieces and scattered everywhere with the sea water, forming an open area.

The lion head of the seahorse also had a hostile face, and opened its mouth to roar at the octopus. The invisible sound waves surged, making the octopus's movements stagnate, and the tentacles seemed to hit an invisible barrier, and were bounced away one after another.

The frantic countercurrent even spread to the area where Qin Ming was, and a large area of ​​aquatic plants was also uprooted. Fortunately, Qin Ming found a rock crevice and hid in it in time, so he was not directly swept away by the turbulent current.

I tried to probe and continue to watch the movements of the two giant beasts, but it was already dark over there, and the surging torrent made the whole water area cloudy.

Seeing that he couldn't see the situation clearly, he had no choice but to hide in the crevice of the rock wall, holding himself tightly.

Wave after wave of energy shocks shook everything in the outside world. The battle between the giant beasts lasted for half an hour before slowly calming down.

Sensing that there was much less movement in the outside world, Qin Ming looked around again.

In that clearing, the traces of the two giant beasts disappeared at some point, leaving only scars everywhere.

The battle between them directly changed the landscape of this sea area.

Carefully getting out of the gap, Qin Ming came to the place of battle like the only survivor after the war.

Under the perception, there are still some energy fluctuations in the sea water, which are obviously left over from the battle just now.

Qin Ming didn't know where the two giant beasts went, nor did he know the final result of the battle.

However, thanks to the sudden fight between these two big shots, he was given a chance to clean up the battlefield.

There are many spirits and monsters in this sea area. Although most of them escaped ahead of time, there are still some spirits who were affected. They are not as alert as Qin Ming. They were hit by the torrent of energy and turned into cannon fodder.

Wandering around, Qin Ming soon found other ghost corpses.

Most of them were small spirits of the first rank, but there were also a small number of spirits of the second rank and above lying on the gun innocently. In the end, they all took advantage of him and ate their stomachs.

An hour later, he readily devoured five portions of the flesh and blood of the second-order elves.

Just as he was about to continue searching, he suddenly found a thick tentacle lying quietly on the open space in front of him, the whole body was red.

Isn't it the tentacles of that giant octopus? Although it is only a small section, it is nearly ten meters long.

Qin Ming leaned forward, covering the octopus tentacles with mental power, and he could clearly perceive the large amount of aura contained in it.

With the destructive power displayed by that giant octopus, its level must be very high, and its flesh and blood value is self-evident.

"I found a treasure!" Qin Ming was overjoyed, without any hesitation, he immediately opened his mouth and bit on it, and he ate what was left of such a tentacle.

After just a few mouthfuls, I felt a large amount of spiritual energy surging back and forth in the body.

After a while, he broke through to the second-order middle-grade.

The meat on the tentacles was even better than he expected, it was simply a great tonic.

Taking advantage of not being discovered by other spirits, Qin Ming pounced on it again after leveling up.

It is small in size, but its eating speed is definitely not slow. Its mouth full of fangs is like a pulverizer, working hard without stopping.

If it was an ordinary spirit, it would be impossible for him to eat food several times his size at once, but Qin Ming could.

The tentacle meat was quickly digested without exception, and a large amount of spiritual energy and nutrients were squeezed out to fuse with its own flesh and blood.

Gradually, the level that had just successfully broken through once again showed a trend of continuous improvement.

The improvement that this tentacle meat gave him was simply unimaginable.

When there were still a few mouthfuls left in this tentacle, Qin Ming broke through again, evolved to the upper second level, completed a wave of second level jumps, and crossed two levels in a row.

Before this, he did not expect such a big improvement at all.

He couldn't help secretly rejoicing that when he saw the giant octopus for the first time, he actually thought about running away immediately.

After all, the giant octopus is too dangerous. If he is targeted, he will have no chance of surviving.

Later, seeing that the other party seemed to have no intention of responding to him at all, I didn't panic so much, and chose to observe for a while.

If he ran away at that time, he would not have gained as much as he has now.

After growing to the second-level top grade, Qin Ming's pitch-black fish scales grew denser and stronger.

Compared with before, its size has enlarged again, gradually approaching the appearance of an adult Spirit-swallowing Demon Fish.

After eating the last bit of tentacle meat left, Qin Ming felt full for the first time since possessing the Spirit-swallowing Demon Fish.

Before, no matter how much he ate, he would never feel full. Thinking about it, he almost reached the limit speed of his digestion and absorption after swallowing the tentacles meat this time.

At this moment, a huge energy fluctuation broke out again in the depths of the seabed forest.

Although it has become weak when it spreads to this side, Qin Ming can still perceive it. This is the outbreak of the battle between the two big bosses.

Obviously, most of the battle between them is still not over, it's just that they go to other places to fight now.

From time to time, there are still dead trees and rocks floating along the water.

The battle between these two bosses lasted for a whole day before they really disappeared without a trace.

As for the battlefield, the underwater forest was almost razed to the ground, not to mention the dead trees were destroyed, and the ghosts living in it all escaped to death, and no one dared to stay.

Except for Qin Ming of course.

After tasting the benefits of the tentacle meat, Qin Ming was not willing to leave.

Since the battle lasted for a day, there might still be some severed tentacles falling out somewhere, so I had to look for them.

After breaking through to the second upper level, his perception improved again. Seeing that there were no more energy fluctuations, he began to explore this broken seabed forest.

In addition to the tentacles, some high-grade ghost corpses are also worthy of his stay here.

This search took ten days.

During the ten days, he ate a lot of other spirits and monsters, but he didn't find any more of the tentacle meat.

And after these ten days of buffering, the aftermath of the battle left by the two giant beasts has gradually calmed down, and the spirits and monsters from all over the place have also begun to gather again these days.

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