Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 174 Great Leap Forward in Strength

The aura and nutrients contained in these tentacles are so much that even though Qin Ming has the physique of a spirit-swallowing demon fish, it still took three days to swallow them all. It takes so long to absorb.

Name: Qin Ming

Spirits: Spirit Devourer

Combat power score: fourth-tier top-rank

Growth Potential: Tier 5 Top Grade

However, the final result was still a bit worse than expected, and he did not break through to the fifth level in one fell swoop as he wished.

Thinking about it, no matter how powerful this giant octopus is, no matter how high its level is, what he eats is nothing more than a few tentacles.

It is really difficult to be promoted to the fifth rank spirit monster in one fell swoop.

A lot of nutrients and aura are needed to be promoted from the third level to the fourth level, and even more nutrients and aura are required for each level up after the fourth level.

After increasing each time, he was able to jump to the fourth level in this wave, and the effect of the octopus tentacles is already quite powerful.

As for the fifth level, how can it be so easy to advance.

In addition, I don't know if it has swallowed too much octopus flesh and blood. After it grows to the fourth level, the dark purple stripes on its body surface turned into purple-red strangely.

He could feel that there was an extra tyrannical energy in his body, which was constantly melting into his own flesh and blood.

This can't be seen on other spirit-swallowing demon fish, at least the purple stripes on the body of the two adult fish mothers didn't turn into purple.

Especially after growing to the fourth upper grade, the tyrannical energy seems to have completely merged with him, and even the head has a few more purple lines.

The eyes that opened and closed were also slightly flushed and purple, quite extraordinary.

He also had many speculations about the reason for this change.

He thinks that the last possibility is that the power of the spirit blood of this giant octopus is too huge. When he swallowed a sufficient amount of octopus flesh and blood, his body also integrated part of the blood power of this powerful spirit.

As a result, after his promotion and breakthrough, he underwent a certain mutation and became a special spirit-swallowing demon fish.

After the mutation, he hasn't noticed other changes yet, but in terms of physical strength, he reckons that it is much stronger than the ordinary Spirit-swallowing Demon Fish.

From the current point of view, this mutation is considered a good thing for him, at least it has improved his combat ability.

At the same time, on the login interface, his second growth task has also been shown as completed.

As long as he reaches the fourth-order middle-level, this task can be accomplished, and he has overfulfilled the task.

"I don't know if I can try to kill the fifth-level monsters with the current combat power." Qin Ming secretly said.

His eyes fell on the ruins of the palace at the top of the mountain.

In the past three days, he was afraid that the sea lion and dragon beast would come back here, so he only cared about eating and digesting, and didn't take a closer look at the ruins of the palace.

Speaking of which, he was quite curious as to why there were remnants of palace buildings here.

Swimming slowly, you can clearly see the carved beams and painted buildings on the broken walls. Although many of the leftover decorations have been eroded by the sea water, they have been dimmed and damaged, but it can still be seen that these were once priceless goodies.

Swimming into it, there is nothing left in the palace except for some broken bricks and stones.

Turning around, he was suddenly attracted by a beam above his head, where half a piece of blue jade was hanging.

Half of the jade is engraved with two lines that look like patterns and cumbersome characters.

Qin Ming thinks the characters are more likely, but he just can't read them.

After studying this half piece of jade for a long time, I didn't understand it. I just thought that this piece of blue jade should be a high-quality treasure, but now the inside has lost its function and is full of impurities. Without the charm of the past, it has no value. up.

After staying in the ruins of the palace for a while, after finding nothing else, he chose to leave.

But he always felt that this palace ruins should have a story.

In fact, as he came to this ghost world again and again, he always felt that this world was quite mysterious and full of various unknowns.

Every time he entered, he could always come to a different environment, and what was shown to him now was just the tip of the iceberg.

The sea area here is closed on all sides, and there are only a few narrow exits to connect to other sea areas. The fault hole when he came is one of them.

This is also the reason why there are so few spirits and other creatures in the sea here, it is like an independent sea space, isolated from the outside world.

Qin Ming searched this sea area for a long time but couldn't find any other way out, so he had no choice but to go back through the fault hole the same way.

I don't know if the fifth-order giant shark is still outside.

After so many days, no matter how big the enmity is, it should be calmed down.

A few hours later, Qin Ming drilled out from the fault, and the surrounding area was silent, with occasional first-order monsters rolling in the sand.

He was somewhat relieved not to see the giant shark.

Although his own strength has greatly improved, he is a fifth-order monster after all, formed by the condensed inner alchemy, and has a strong combat power.

He wasn't sure if he could fight against one of them now. To be on the safe side, it's better to try some Tier 4 spirit monsters first.

After a few days.


In a piece of sea area, several scorched rocks were torn apart, and a fourth-order high-grade monster lay dying among the broken rocks.

A large number of spirits and monsters around hid one after another, not daring to poke their heads to look over here.

Above this spirit monster is a black fish with a body length of more than two meters, with purple-red rays of light bursting out of its eyes, which looks extremely strange in the dark environment.

This black fish was exactly Qin Ming after it came out.

After gaining the mutation boost, he is indeed much stronger than the ordinary fourth-tier high-grade monsters.

Under his attack, the spirit monster in front of him could not hold back after only a few seconds.

Qin Ming didn't even need to use treasures like electricity storage beads, the battle was very easy.

"It seems that it is necessary to find a fifth-tier spirit monster to challenge it." I thought to myself.

These days, he can almost describe it in terms of crossing the sea, and spirit monsters below the fifth level can't find any opponents they can fight.

After understanding his own strength, he finally set his target on the fifth-order spirit monster, and prepared to try to complete the beheading task on the logger.

Another three days passed.

Qin Ming finally found the first mission target.

On a rock wall deep in the seabed, a giant starfish was sticking there, its whole body was bright red, and it looked like a huge five-pointed star-shaped ruby ​​from a distance.

The starfish's concealment is very good. If you don't perceive it carefully, you really can't find that it is a fifth-level spirit.

Qin Ming only found out after getting close with the detection ability of the logger.

name: none

Spirits: Gem Starfish

Combat power score: fifth-level low-level

Growth Potential: Tier 5 Middle Grade

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