Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 188: Hagrid's Final Transformation Product

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After demolishing dozens of layers of metal walls, Qin Ming managed to find the large laboratory in the deepest part of the base, and also found Hagrid as he wished.

Hagrid didn't seem to expect that the other party would find his location so quickly, and looked up and down at Qin Ming who appeared in surprise.

"I recognize you, the student Gu Qing accepted this year."

"Yes." Qin Ming nodded, he knew somewhat about the grievances between Hagrid and Gu Qing.

If the person in front of him hadn't been so crazy about human experiments, he might still be Gu Qing's best friend, and he might even make great achievements like Gu Qing and be famous all over the country.

It can be seen from this army of reformers who are constantly updated and strengthened that he has quite astonishing abilities, but it is a pity that he is useless in the right place.

His eyes swept to this large laboratory hidden in the depths.

In order to be sure, he was observing whether there was a way to escape in this place, and at the same time he was waiting for Lu Lie and other members of the Security Bureau to arrive.

"My lord, let's go." The assistant reminded in a low voice.

Gu Qing nodded, stood on the experimental platform, looked down at Qin Ming and said, "With a high cultivation talent, Gu Qing's vision is as good as ever."

After all, he operated the instrument on the side twice.

A layer of metal protection suddenly rose around the experimental platform, completely sealing Hagrid and the assistant inside.

At the same time, the floor below parted towards the two sides, and a track appeared, and traces of electric current emerged from the track.

"Damn it!" Seeing this, Qin Ming's face changed slightly, and he rushed towards the experimental platform.


I saw this completely enclosed experimental platform moving quickly towards the rear along the track.

On the metal wall opposite Qin Ming, hundreds of gun barrels appeared, all spraying flames at him.

Countless bullets poured down on him, without giving him a chance to dodge.

He thought that the other party was still calm and calm, and maybe there was a way to escape, but he didn't expect that the entire experimental platform was a mobile fortress.

The ink meteor tree heart jade was activated instantly, and the protective shield appeared immediately.

Those bullets hit the protective shield, causing ripples in circles, bouncing off one after another as if hitting a metal plate.

In the hail of bullets, Qin Ming caught up with the moving test platform.

The metal wall parted, revealing a hidden passage. The test bench penetrated into the passage in an instant, traveling at a very fast speed. After accelerating, the kinetic energy even surpassed most energy vehicles.

Qin Ming grabbed the edge of the metal platform before it accelerated, and just followed the metal platform into this hidden passage.

The passage has an upward slope, obviously driving towards the ground.

Frowning slightly, he tried to destroy it.

He stretched out his fist and punched the metal shell violently.

There was only a bang, but the shell was extremely strong, with only a small indentation.

He was a bit uncomfortable holding the metal platform, and after two punches with no good results, he took out the power storage beads.

Although the power stored inside is not much, it is enough.

With the injection of mental power, a large number of blue arcs burst out, covering the entire metal experiment platform.

"My lord, there is something wrong with the operation device." The assistant said.

Hagrid's face was finally no longer calm, and he frowned slightly, looking at the blue current constantly flowing around him.

You don't need to think about it to know that it was a good thing that the kid outside did.

"What about the kinetic system?"

"It is still running, but we have no way to stop it." Assistant Hui reported.

Hagrid fell silent, not knowing what to think.

Qin Ming outside didn't know what was going on inside. Seeing that the speed of the console didn't slow down at all, and didn't show signs of stopping, he thought the electric shock had no effect.

After such a delay, Qin Ming estimated that the console had left the experimental base and was heading towards an unknown destination.

This also made all the siege and ambush operations done by the Security Bureau outside before all useless.

"Hey, Qin Ming, where are you!" Lu Lie's voice suddenly came through the communicator.

Obviously, both Qin Ming and Lu Lie had left the underground signal shielding area at this time.

"I caught a train, I was in a hurry, and now I'm still underground..." Qin Ming briefly explained his situation.

"Okay, save the contactor, there is a location on it, we will help them as soon as possible, before that, it's up to you to hold them back." Lu Lie responded.

"Okay." Qin Ming put away the communicator, and suddenly found a bright light in the distance, probably going to the ground soon.

More than ten seconds later, at a small mountain pass outside the suburbs, a rocky wall suddenly opened slowly, revealing a dark passage.

There was only a rumbling sound, and the next moment, the metal platform drove Qin Ming out quickly.

Slightly squinting his eyes, Qin Ming looked around, and the surroundings were indeed far away from the experimental base.

Just as he was about to think of a way to forcibly stop the experiment platform, the upper metal surface suddenly opened, and Hagrid jumped down with his assistants.

Qin Ming immediately followed and stopped the two of them.

"The data has been backed up, my lord, let's leave here quickly." The assistant glanced at Qin Ming and said to Hagrid.

"Yeah." Hagrid's gaze also fell on Qin Ming, "Young man, are you interested in becoming stronger? I can train you to be a rare top-level powerhouse in the world."

At this juncture, Hagrid suddenly offered an olive branch to Qin Ming.

"Use your transformation technique?" Qin Ming sneered. Although the transformation person is not weak, it is undoubtedly unrealistic to make him stronger with this transformation technique with huge side effects.

He thought Hagrid was simply painting a cake.

"What you have seen is only a half-finished product. If my transformation experiment is perfect, then everything will no longer be a problem." When Hagrid said this, his eyes almost burst into stars. quite confident.

Qin Ming didn't say anything, he just held the two of them back and waited for Lu Lie and others to arrive.

Seemingly seeing that Qin Ming didn't care, Hagrid shook his head and said, "You are just as stubborn as your teacher, and you won't tolerate the new cultivation system."

"You are just imposing your own experimental results on others, so there is no cultivation system at all." Qin Ming said slowly.

Brainwash, transform, exploit.

He is indifferent to the life and death of the experimental subject, he only cares about whether the experimental data during the period achieves the result he expected.

Knowing what he did, how could Qin Ming go with him, let alone agree with what he said.

"My lord." The assistant looked anxious. He could see that Qin Ming seemed to be stalling for time, and the pursuers might come over at any time.

"I know." After Hagrid said, he took off the hat on his head. Under his old appearance, his blood was quite surging.

A stream of red circled around him, forming an astonishing aura.

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