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Chapter 190 Invitation to Exploration of Meteorite Island

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Glancing at the dead Hagrid, Lu Lie looked at Qin Ming who was standing beside him, and said, "You killed him?"

"Yeah." Qin Ming nodded and briefly explained what happened.

"As expected of Mr. Gu's student, his strength is really amazing." Lu Lie praised from the bottom of his heart.

"It's all the children's own efforts." Regarding Lu Lie's admiration, Gu Qing didn't say too much, and he could see that he was not in a polite mood now.

"Qin Ming, have you considered joining the Security Bureau headquarters?" Lu Lie suddenly extended an invitation to Qin Ming.

This made Qin Ming startled, then shook his head and chose to decline.

Joining the Security Bureau also means stepping into an official career. Although he can gain a lot of benefits and rights from it, this is not what he is after.

If it were other students who were about to graduate from the college, and they could receive this invitation from the headquarters of the Security Bureau, they would probably think that they had gotten lucky. This is the path that everyone yearns for to reach the pinnacle of life.

"It doesn't matter. You can think about it after you go back. If you are interested in the future, you can contact me anytime." Lu Lie didn't care about Qin Ming's rejection and continued.

"Okay." Qin Ming nodded and thanked him.

Then, Lu Lie greeted Gu Qing, and took away Hagrid's body and the assistant.

On the same day, a huge news that shocked the entire Qingquan City came out.

Chuangshi Group was thoroughly investigated, its management team was captured and taken away by the Security Bureau, all properties under its name were blocked, and its assets were frozen.

This is a big incident, and the reason why the Security Bureau didn't make a thorough investigation public at the first time, which also caused different opinions on the Internet.

Some said that Chuangshi Group offended a certain big shot and was dealt with.

Some also said that Chuangshi Group did illegal things in private and was found out.

Qin Ming and the others returned to Gulan City.

After this incident, Gu Qing seemed to have finally let go of the boulder in his heart. After a night of drinking, his mood improved a lot the next day.

Gu Hong received the treatment immediately, and there was no major problem. He only needed ten days and half a month to recover.

The destruction of the cyborg organization this time was considered a mission of the Academy issued by the Security Bureau.

The three of Qin Ming got 80 credits each.

Gu Qing also gave each of the three of them two bottles of the highest quality Yunling Potion as a reward for this mission.

This Yunling Potion is a good thing, and the highest quality requires personal connections to buy it.

It is said that Ye Wen said that such a bottle of the highest quality Yunling Potion is worth at least one million credits.

Two bottles cost two million, which shows how expensive this thing is.

Of course, the effect is also worth the money, taking it can greatly enhance the spiritual power, whether it is Qin Ming Gu Tao who is in the Forging Realm, or Ye Wen who has a higher cultivation level and is in the Naling Realm, it is very suitable.

"Remember to take the second bottle after a week, otherwise there will be a burden on the sea of ​​consciousness." After giving the reward, Gu Qing reminded.

Ye Wen nodded and wrote it down.

Qin Ming didn't take it to heart, the side effect of this medicine was only for ordinary practitioners.

He has the property of swallowing spirits, and can quickly digest the effects of this potion, one bottle or two bottles is no different to him.

On the same day, he swallowed these two bottles of Yunling Potion, which directly increased the strength of his spiritual power in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, reaching the late stage of the Forging Realm.

Beckoning, the Shiling Banner appeared.

Compared with before, the release banner is now one meter long, and the patterns of several spirits on the banner are shining brightly.

There is only one last step away from the great achievement of Qi Ling.

On the Internet, the news about the demise of the reinvented people did not spread widely. Although the investigation of the Chuangshi Group caused a sensation in Qingquan City, it did not cause much disturbance in the whole country.

Right now, the most popular events are still the small meteorite island that fell in the Southern Ocean, and the movements of ancient barbarians in the world are the most eye-catching.

On this day, after Qin Ming finished his training, he saw Gu Qing holding a letter in his hand and thinking.

"What's the matter, teacher?" Qin Ming asked.

"Do you still remember the meteorite island that fell in the Southern Ocean?" Gu Qing said.

"Well, there's been a lot of noise on the Internet recently, did the teacher receive any news?" Qin Ming looked at the letter in Gu Qing's hand and said.

Gu Qing shook his head, shook the letter in his hand and said: "This is the invitation letter from Lu Lie, who wants me to go to that island to participate in the survey work."

Qin Ming understands that Gu Qing is a researcher with a wealth of knowledge, so it is not incomprehensible to be invited by the search team this time.

"What about the teacher's decision?" Qin Ming asked.

With Gu Qing's status, it doesn't matter even if he refuses this kind of job invitation, the other party can't force him to accept it.

Gu Qing thought for a while, then suddenly smiled and said, "Xiao Ming, do you want to visit that meteorite island?"

"Is it possible?" Qin Ming was taken aback, the island has been completely sealed off now, and no one else can enter it.

Now only people like Gu Qing who have been invited can enter.


Qin Ming thought about it, thinking that there would be nothing to do these few days, and it would be nice to have a chance to go to that meteorite island to have a look.

Everyone was curious about what secrets were hidden in that meteorite island, and Qin Ming was no exception.

"Then trouble the teacher."

"Well, it's okay." Gu Qing accepted the invitation.

In the evening, Qin Ming returned to his residence and paid special attention to the latest news from Southern Ocean.

The invisible force on that island still exists today, so the palace that was discovered has not been explored.

This time Gu Qing was invited mainly to be able to solve this invisible resistance, so as to explore the situation in the palace.

The next day, Gu Qing took Qin Ming with him, and the two flew to the Southern Ocean by plane.

Ye Wen and Gu Tao did not go with them this time. They accepted the same task two days ago and are currently going out to execute it.


In the Southern Ocean, on a coastline close to the Ming Xia Kingdom, many people gathered in a temporary survey base.

Many media reporters were also among them, interviewing some research scholars for the latest news.

"Old Sun, what is that invisible force blocking the palace?"

"Research in this area is still in progress, and it has not been identified yet. I can only say that this is a way of energy display that I have never seen. It is very novel and has a very high research value."

"I heard that Mr. Gu is coming this time, is it true?"

"Haha, you guys are very well informed. I just heard about it, so it should be."


On the other side, a small plane slowly descended from above.

Qin Ming got off the plane. Although he didn't see the ocean, he could already smell the salty and damp smell in the air.

Take the pick-up military vehicle and drive towards the coastline.

In a short while, the endless ocean appeared in front of Qin Ming's eyes, and from time to time there were waves of waves crashing against the rock wall.

The weather is comfortable today, and the sea doesn't seem to be churning, it's relatively calm, which is suitable for traveling.

The location where the meteorite island fell is still a long distance from the coastline here, so it is impossible for Qin Ming to see it now.

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