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Chapter 192 The Mystery of the Island

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It can't be said that they are exactly the same, but Qin Ming feels that they are almost the same.

His gaze fell below, and he could also perceive that this invisible energy came from the ground.

But there is nothing else on this ground except rocks.

Gu Qing also tried to reach out to touch this invisible energy and feel the resistance.

"I heard that forced blasting was tried, what was the result?" Gu Qing asked.

"It's useless." Lu Lie shook his head and replied: "No matter whether it's gun bullets or grenade shells, there is no way to blow up this layer of invisible energy. It's like an indestructible protective shield. Ordinary thermal weapons can't destroy it at all." It worked."

Gu Qing fell into deep thought. This was the first time he had come into contact with this way of displaying energy. Looking at Qin Ming who was at the side, he found that he was observing the disordered aura above his head, and seemed to have discovered something.

"Huh?" Following the direction of Qin Ming's gaze, he quickly discovered something.

This invisible energy resistance will disappear when it is not invaded by the outside world, and at this time, the disordered spiritual energy around it will slowly float into the rocky ground and disappear.

"Xiao Ming, is there any way?" Gu Qing suddenly asked about his students.

This made Lu Lie on the side stunned for a moment, and then looked at Qin Ming.

"Eh..." Qin Ming didn't expect Gu Qing to ask him suddenly.

At the beginning, he relied on the 10,000-ton giant whale of the fifth-level top grade to forcibly smash through the invisible energy outside the piece of spiritual grass.

But even though the situation was similar now, he couldn't find another five-thousand ton giant whale.

And maybe the invisible energy layer is stronger this time, even the giant whale may not guarantee that it can break through.

"If you compare this invisible resistance to an energy shield, then every time you activate this shield, you must consume energy. Since we can't forcefully break this shield, can we consider cutting off its energy supply? "

"Well, this is a good starting point, let's continue." Gu Qing nodded, agreeing with Qin Ming's statement.

Lu Lie on the side also looked lost in thought, staring at the mountain.

"But the question is how to cut off the energy supply of this shield?"

Qin Ming squatted down, touched the rocks under his feet, and then said: "I guess the source of this invisible energy layer comes from under the rocks on the top of the mountain, and the energy needed is the disordered aura around it."

"Every time the invisible energy layer is triggered, a considerable amount of spiritual energy will be automatically integrated into the rocky ground on the entire mountain, which may be the energy consumed to replenish the energy layer."

"This can also explain why the spiritual energy around the island does not drift away from here. Maybe this energy layer is affecting the external spiritual energy."

"So, as long as we can isolate the aura from the outside world, we will have a chance to break through this energy layer?" Lu Lie added after understanding what Qin Ming meant.

"En." Qin Ming nodded, "This is just my idea, but I don't guarantee it will be successful."

The reason why he thought of this was that he had a super perceptual ability, and he immediately sensed the strangeness of the rocky ground.

The second is that the invisible energy layer covered by the spiritual grass area in the different world is like this, it can absorb the spiritual energy dissipated by the spiritual grass, and thus continuously restore the strength of the energy layer. This is what he has seen with his own eyes.

"I think you can try it, after all, what Xiaoming said is a way to crack it." Gu Qing said.

In fact, he had also seen some clues just now, and he had considered starting from the aura here, which coincided with Qin Ming's thoughts.

"Okay." Hearing what Gu Qing said, Lu Lie was decisive and took this method into consideration.

At this time, another speedboat galloped from the distant sea.

"Long time no see, Lao Gu." A few well-known research workers got off the speedboat.

Like Gu Qing, they were also invited to come.

Gu Qing also smiled when he saw it,

Greetings one by one.

As outstanding figures in the country, there will naturally be many intersections between them, and they are old acquaintances.

Qin Ming walked around the mountain, and the invisible resistance covered the entire mountain, and there was really no way to enter.

On the top of the mountain, between several huge rocks, the ruins of the palace are among them.

Qin Ming looked from an angle, just in time to see the palace.

It looks like it is built of stone bricks, and the overall look is a bit dilapidated, and it doesn't give people an extraordinary feeling.

However, it exists on this meteorite island, which is of great exploration value, otherwise Lu Lie would not have always wanted to enter it.

Go back to Gu Qing.

At this moment, the greetings of the few of them have also ended, and the research work has been carried out around the energy layer.

"Ah Xin, come and try." One of the old scholars told a powerful practitioner who was traveling with him.

"Okay." A tall middle-aged man stepped forward, his whole body pumped with energy, obviously not weak.

Qin Ming reckoned that this person was at least a martial artist at the Tongmai level, which was considered a rare powerhouse in the outside world.

The man stood still, clenched his fist to gather momentum, and then punched out suddenly. The huge fist force instantly swept across this energy layer.


A huge energy shock appeared immediately, and the middle-aged warrior's complexion changed suddenly. The recoil from his fist directly shocked him and staggered back, almost not falling off the hill.

And that energy layer quickly calmed down after bearing the punch of the middle-aged warrior, as if nothing had happened.

"Sure enough, it is as solid as the information on the intelligence report." The old scholar said.

"Looking at this posture, it is far from reaching the limit that this energy layer can bear. The difficulty of forcibly destroying it is quite difficult."

"Don't you guys think this energy layer is somewhat similar to the anti-shock shield of Master Yunling?"

"It's just that the appearance and function are similar, and there are still big differences inside."


Several people talked about each other, and the topic became more and more in-depth. Qin Ming was confused and sneaked away again.

Walked around the rest of the island.

The entire island is oval in shape, with the largest and highest hill in the center, and then the front and back rows of hills gradually become shorter.

If you look down from a high place, you can find that the tops of these islands have formed a straight line in the middle, dividing the entire island into north and south sides.

When he came to the edge of the island, Qin Ming took off his coat, revealing the swimsuit and swimming trunks he was wearing inside, which he had prepared before he set off.

The rock he was standing on was more than ten meters high from the sea below, which was not a safe height for ordinary people.

But it was no problem for him, he jumped straight into the sea.

Maybe it's because he's not bad at water, or maybe he's possessed by a demon fish that has lived on the bottom of the sea for three months.

Now that he entered the water again, he felt extremely relaxed.

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