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Chapter 197 Jianfu

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The giant sword is quite heavy, and it is really not so easy for ordinary practitioners to lift this sword.

Qin Ming let out a low cry, and exerted force with both hands. He lifted up the huge sword just like that, and it seemed to be able to handle it with ease.

"What is the background of this young man?"

"It's from Mingxia Kingdom!"

The old scholars in the rear were all attracted by Qin Ming, especially when he showed that he was not inferior to other strong practitioners, and even made the group of older people from other countries exclaimed, it was a great achievement. Return to the limelight.

Facing the bronze statue, Qin Ming performed his exercises, and his whole body was covered with black light energy. At the same time, the energy climbed onto the four-meter giant sword held in both hands.

Taking a step forward, the huge sword was swept out directly from the waist, mixed with a large gust of wind.


The huge body of the bronze statue was directly blown away by Qin Ming's giant sword, and smashed on the side stone wall.

This scene, I have to say, is too violent!

The other practitioners who witnessed this scene were staring.

After the waist of the bronze statue endured this, a large piece of the outer layer finally fell off.

"Good weapon!" Qin Ming praised the intact giant sword in his hand. It was too big to be used as a conventional weapon, but it was really powerful when swung.

The bronze statue got up and walked towards Qin Ming without knowing the pain. It had already locked onto Qin Ming.

As a result, he was knocked down by Qin Ming again.

After a violent smash, the bronze statue was quickly smashed to pieces and there was no movement.

Then he went to smash the bronze statue facing Jiu Ning Gangback Bear.

"Qin Ming, lend me the big sword in your hand." Lu Lie was distressed to see Qin Ming smashing so well, and said immediately.

"Oh." Qin Ming threw the big sword over casually.

Other cultivators were also inspired by Qin Ming, and seized the bronze statue's weapon to fight back.

It didn't take long for these bronze statues to be destroyed by them.

When the crisis was over, the researchers immediately stepped forward, picked up the broken pieces of the bronze statues, looked at them for a while, put them in their bags, and prepared to take them back for further study.

"How did these bronze statues move?"

"It's amazing to be able to talk just now."

Undoubtedly, these moving bronze statues gave them quite a shock, and they were even more curious about how it was done.

"What do you think, teacher?" Qin Ming put away Jiu Ninggang's bear, walked to Gu Qing's side and asked.

At this time, Gu Qing was squatting beside a torn bronze statue and observed for a long time.

Hearing Qin Ming's question, Gu Qing shook his head and said, "Just like that energy layer, this is a power system that we don't know about."

As he said that, he also picked up some of the bronze fragments.

"Do you want to continue walking in?" A member of the Security Bureau asked next to Lu Lie.

The dark stone road is still not finished, and God knows what dangers still exist inside.

After experiencing the bronze statue this time, many people have some scruples in their hearts.

"Continue." Lu Lie stared at the depth of the stone path and said slowly.

After finally breaking through that energy layer, it is natural not to be reconciled not to find out now.

In fact, no one wants to quit at this moment.

After resting for a while, another team continued to walk deep into the stone path.

Lu Lie also called everyone to set off.

This time, everyone's vigilance was heightened.

After a few minutes, the stone path finally came to an end.

Everyone came to a relatively spacious space, and an extremely thick bronze door stood directly in front.

There is also a stone tablet next to the bronze gate.

"Go to... do... the mansion?"

From a distance, Qin Ming could see the three big characters "Longfeifengwuwu" engraved on the stone tablet.

Reminiscent of the Taoist Dagan in the mouth of the bronze statue before, it seems that this is really his mansion.

But why did the mansion of Daoist Daoist fall from the sky,

What about the one that fell into the Southern Ocean?

In any case, this Daoist Daoist should be a remarkable figure.

The bronze statue and the outer energy layer are probably made by this person.

Come to the stele and look it over carefully.

The stele is extremely clean, without any dust.

When I reached out to touch it, I only felt cold, and tried to cover the stone tablet with mental power.

The next moment, an overwhelming pressure emerged from the stone tablet, making Qin Ming's eyes go dark, as if the sky was about to collapse.

"Damn it!" Qin Ming was also decisive, seeing that something was wrong, he immediately cut off the released mental power connection.

The terrifying pressure then disappeared. Although it was only a momentary encounter, his sea of ​​consciousness was still greatly impacted.

It was as if a tornado had blown on the sea, and it was so turbulent that even the Spiritual Banner that was contained in it was greatly affected.

Immediately, regardless of the outside world, he sat down cross-legged and calmed down the vibration of the sea of ​​consciousness as much as possible.

"Huh?" Gu Qing on the side also noticed Qin Ming's abnormality.

Things happened so urgently that Qin Ming didn't have time to explain too much to Gu Qing.

At this time, another Yun Lingshi was recruited, and he yelled and sat down cross-legged like Qin Ming.

Now, everyone felt that there was something wrong with the stele.

Gu Qing squatted down immediately, stretched out his fingers to touch Qin Ming's forehead, and probed Qin Ming's current state.

Soon, he discovered the problem, and immediately took out a small bottle of high-quality mental stability medicine from his bag, and gave it to Qin Ming directly, hoping to help Qin Ming calm the shock of the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

However, the medicine that usually has a significant effect has little effect at this time.

On the other side, Qin Ming was also a little anxious when he saw that Hai could not stabilize for a long time.

If the sea of ​​consciousness continues to turmoil like this, he may even be shocked into a fool who only knows how to play halazi.

At the critical moment, a stone statue of an ape suddenly appeared in his mind.

It was the stone statue of the Monkey Clan that he visualized every day.

The appearance of the stone statue was like a magic needle for calming the sea, which calmed his sea of ​​consciousness a little.

This made Qin Ming happy, and immediately took advantage of the situation to run the idea of ​​​​monkey clan, trying to restore the sea of ​​consciousness to normal.

Ten minutes later, Lu Lie looked at Gu Qing and asked, "How is it?"

Gu Qing withdrew his hand, got up and loosened his brows, "It shouldn't be a big problem, Xiao Ming's sea of ​​consciousness has returned to calm, and it may be a blessing in disguise."

"A blessing in disguise? What do you mean?" Lu Lie asked puzzled.

Gu Qing took out a few priceless pills again, put them into Qin Ming's mouth, and then explained: "Xiao Ming himself is in the late stage of casting, although his sea of ​​consciousness has been severely impacted this time, it also helped him to condense A wave of spiritual power is likely to help him complete a breakthrough in cultivation."

"Is this okay?" A member of the security bureau was a little surprised when he heard that.

It is not a joke that the Sea of ​​Consciousness was impacted, as far as he has seen, the sea of ​​Consciousness was severely injured, directly causing permanent trauma, and he could not continue to practice.

What's more, they have become idiots or vegetative states.

Why did this kind of situation come to Qin Ming's side, and it became a good thing that a cultivator such as a cultivation base breakthrough could only dream of.

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