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Chapter 201 Changes in the General Environment

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"Teacher." Qin Ming looked at Gu Qing.

Gu Qing did not make a statement, staring at the distant sea area, and did not choose to leave for refuge like the other survey teams.

Their current location is not in Port No. 3, but it's not very far away.

At this time, Lu Lie had already mobilized the army, and was rushing to the No. 3 port to deploy, hoping to prevent the giant beast from approaching.

"I want to take another look at that giant beast. You go to the city and wait for me." Gu Qing suddenly said to Qin Ming.

Hearing this, Qin Ming immediately expressed that he wanted to go too. When he encountered such a large spirit monster in the real world, he didn't want to, so he just left.

Gu Qing had no objection and took Qin Ming with him.

As long as they don't get too close, it is still possible to evacuate in time before danger occurs.

After asking for a car at the base, they drove to the No. 3 port.

"Teacher, where did this giant beast come from? Did it really fall from the sky as the outside world said?" Qin Ming couldn't help asking in the car.

What he wants to know most now is where this spirit came from, and whether it is related to the different world he traveled through.

"I don't know exactly where this giant beast came from, but it probably really doesn't belong to the world we live in." Gu Qing said slowly.

"Since a long time ago, we have been unable to verify the existence of other worlds, so other worlds may exist, maybe they are outside the sky, and maybe the environment there may be similar to here, or it may be completely different."

"Perhaps, this giant beast came from another place, and fell to our side for some unknown reason."

Gu Qing made a bold assumption.

They have witnessed with their own eyes that the meteorite that fell from the sky turned into an island, and now it has turned into such a monstrous monster. No matter how outrageous the hypothesis is, it will not seem strange under this change of result.

"In the past hundred years since the era of cultivation began, we have discovered many relics from the ancient times, most of which appeared after natural disasters such as tsunamis and earthquakes, and among these relics, some information from that era remains."

"This information is extremely precious to researchers like us. Unfortunately, most of the information is very fragmented and useless, but there are also some information worth pondering and thinking about, including information about giant beasts of similar size."

"Perhaps, in this world we live in, there used to be such huge monsters like mountain islands. As for why they don't exist now, the biggest possibility is the change of the general environment."

As Gu Qing was talking, he actually talked about some secrets.

When Qin Ming first started practicing, he kept silent about it.

Now that Qin Ming has not weak strength, he has not shy away from it anymore, maybe because he thinks that Qin Ming should know something.

"Changes in the general environment?" Qin Ming listened carefully. Gu Qing and other researchers will not release these more important research results, so he doesn't know much about them.

"Aura, before entering the cultivation era, the aura in our place was very exhausted, and there was no concept of aura. It wasn't until we entered the cultivation era, after the martial artist came out, that everyone knew about aura and cultivation."

"And the aura has gradually become stronger in the past hundred years. The cultivation environment in the early years was not good, and the aura was scarce, so the number of strong people born was limited."

"In recent years, the spiritual environment has grown rapidly, which has also led to potential new stars and powerful practitioners springing up like mushrooms."

Qin Ming realized a little, and said, "So those giant beasts couldn't survive because of the exhaustion of their spiritual energy?"

"Well, it's very likely so." Gu Qing nodded.

"Then what is the reason for the spiritual energy to recover in the past hundred years?" Qin Ming asked the doubts in his heart.

Gu Qing smiled wryly and shook his head, "This is also a major research topic today, and there is no most reasonable explanation yet."

Why is the aura revived,

no one knows.

At least Gu Qing hasn't found any results yet.

Therefore, a long time ago, there were spirit monsters in this world, but because of the lack of aura, the spirit monsters could not continue to evolve, and thus disappeared in the long river of history.

Qin Ming thought so in his heart, only he knew that the giant beast was a spirit.

Now that the aura is gradually recovering, there is no guarantee that a new batch of spirits will be born someday.

Gu Qing said a lot of secret information, which gave Qin Ming a different understanding of the world.

Even with him, he has a certain understanding of the spirit world.

At Port No. 3, a large number of troops are ready, and then they can launch artillery strikes on the sea.

Sitting in the car, Qin Ming saw a huge shadow on the sea level from a distance, slowly approaching here.

There is no doubt that it is undoubtedly the ghost mountain and the black turtle.

"It's really here." Gu Qing murmured and stopped the car.

They were not far from the port, and since they had already greeted Lulie, the army did not stop them.

As the Big Mac approached the port, its face was clearly revealed.

Even though the steel division was stationed at the port, the soldiers couldn't help swallowing their saliva after seeing this giant beast they had never seen before, and a little panic flashed in their eyes.

Anyone who sees this giant beast will inevitably be terrified.

A row of tanks lined up on the side, and the missiles ready to be positioned on the chariot were also aimed at the behemoth swimming in the distance, ready to go off.

"How long will it take for the warship to arrive?" Lu Lie asked in a deep voice.

"Ten minutes." An officer replied immediately.

"Order, let the navy come at full speed, regardless of energy consumption!" Lu Lie frowned.

Now is the critical moment, and it is good to increase the number of troops.


There was a roar overhead.

Qin Ming looked up, several fighter planes sprayed blue tail flames, and flew towards the giant spirit monster in the sea at an extremely fast speed.

Gu Qing also noticed those fighter planes, and said: "It seems that the support from the country has arrived."

These fighter planes are the top research results in China, they are expensive to build, and consume a lot of energy.

If it wasn't for a major event, they would generally not be easily mobilized.

"Whether to launch an attack immediately if the target is found."

Hearing the attack request from the fighter plane, Lu Lie clenched his fists.

The giant beast was already very close to the port, and even a martial artist as strong as him couldn't resist the huge sense of oppression.

If possible, he didn't want to provoke this giant beast.

But if this giant beast is allowed to land smoothly, the result will be absolutely unimaginable and irreversible.

Behind him is the city, and the safety of countless people rests on him, and the giant beast cannot be allowed to approach again!


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