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Chapter 209: Ice Lotus

Qin Ming took two steps forward, and the eyes of other spirits all fell on him in an instant.

In their eyes, Qin Ming is also a formidable competitor.

At the same time, the gazes of the two rank-five elves looking at Qin Ming also changed a little. Like the frost weasel before, they showed longing expressions.

It's just that Qin Ming's fifth-level aura is not weaker than theirs, so they are a little afraid and dare not act impulsively.

After getting close to this ice lotus, Qin Ming inhaled some blue air that drifted out.

He only felt a chill all over his body, and then this blue air was transformed into strands of special energy in his body and merged into his blood.

Qin Ming's big eyes flashed with joy, "It's really like this!"

His auspicious animal bloodline needs to absorb a lot of natural energy if he wants to improve his transformation.

The blue air emanating from the ice lotus possessed the natural energy he wanted.

This natural energy is somewhat similar to natural elements, but there are certain differences between the two.

All kinds of natural elements can be said to be ubiquitous in the world, and they are the basis of everything in the world.

Natural energy can be said to be the secondary transformation of natural elements, and it often exists in the treasures of heaven and earth, and this ice lotus is one of them.

At the moment, Qin Ming mobilized his mental power, trying to draw a large piece of blue aura around him, and absorb it all into his body.

And the other spirits couldn't understand what Qin Ming was doing, they only saw the scattered blue aura begin to flock to Qin Ming one after another.

They didn't have any idea about the blue air, they just wanted to get the body of the ice lotus.

At this moment, the ice lotus is entering the final stage. On the blooming ice leaves, lines are slowly appearing, and it shouldn't be long before it fully grows.


At this time, the two fifth-level spirits suddenly raised their heads to the sky and let out a long howl.

The three third-tier elves around were suddenly frightened and turned around and ran away.

The remaining five rank-4 spirits were a little bit unwilling, and they growled twice, but they all retreated slowly in the end.

Tier 5 spirits are still too strong for the two of them.

A wave of clearing the field, if they stay any longer, I'm afraid they will fight with these two fifth-level monsters.

Just like that, only the two of them and Qin Ming were left on the top of the snow mountain.

From time to time, he looked at Binglian, and from time to time he looked at Qin Ming who was absorbing the blue energy.

The two fifth-level spirits seemed to be thinking whether it was the ice lotus that was more tempting, or Qin Ming's.

While Qin Ming was absorbing it, he was also wary of every move of the two fifth-level spirits.

Observing their demeanor at the moment, I have other thoughts in my mind.

It would be fine if it was just the Frost Weasel Wolf, but now even these two fifth-level elves had the same expressions, obviously the problem came from him.

After possessing the three-color auspicious beast, he was like a Tang monk, and everyone wanted to pounce on him and bite him.

Fortunately, the ice lotus has not yet fully formed, and they are in a peaceful state for the time being.

Qin Ming also took this opportunity to quickly absorb as much Youlan Qi as possible.

Afterwards, some ghosts came, but they were all of the third and fourth ranks, and they dared not approach after being yelled at by the two fifth-level ghosts.

Until the sky darkened and night fell.

A river of stars stretches across the night sky, and countless stars shine brightly.

A round of full moon hangs high, pouring a large piece of silver light.

The night on the ice sheet was illuminated by the dazzling starlight like daytime.

On the contrary, the surrounding temperature has become colder and colder, which has far exceeded the suitable temperature for ordinary human beings to survive.

At this time, the faint blue energy suddenly flourished and was continuously released, so that Qin Ming had no time to absorb it for a while.

And after the ice lotus was illuminated by the silver light sprinkled from the sky, the lines on the ice leaves were completely solidified.


Violent energy fluctuations followed, far exceeding any time before.

One of the fifth-order spirit monsters on the side reacted the fastest, exerting force on all fours, and rushed towards the ice lotus.

The reaction of the remaining fifth-order elf was a little slower, and it couldn't help roaring when it saw this. With its big claws lifted, a huge air blade shot out, stopping the elf that was the first to move.

The two spirits fought first, which was beyond Qin Ming's expectation.

Originally, he thought that he might be besieged by those two monsters later, but fortunately, the two didn't like each other first.

At the moment, Qin Ming also subconsciously prepared to fight for the formed ice lotus.

Since so much blue energy can be released, the natural energy contained in the ice lotus is probably immeasurable, and it is of great use to him.

However, at this moment, the energy fluctuations on the ice lotus became more violent and unstable.

"What's the situation!" Qin Ming sensed this phenomenon and was puzzled.

Logically speaking, after the smooth formation, the energy fluctuation should be stable, how can it be so unstable.

The hooves that had just been raised retracted with some worry.

This ice lotus looked a little unusual.

And the two monsters on the opposite side rushed towards Binglian again after fighting several times.

They didn't immediately notice the strangeness on the ice lotus.

The next moment, the aura energy inside the ice lotus was out of balance, and the whole ice lotus shattered immediately.

A huge energy shock rolled around uncontrollably.


On the snow mountain, all the snow was blown into the sky by this energy.

Qin Ming stayed where he was and made preparations, and immediately mobilized the inner alchemy to cover his whole body.

But this torrent of energy that poured in was so strong that he was thrown directly by the impact, almost falling off the mountain.

But the two fifth-order spirit monsters that were closer to the ice lotus were not so lucky. They drew two perfect parabolas in the sky and fell halfway up the mountain.

There was a big avalanche going on there right now, instantly engulfing the bodies of the two fifth-level monsters.

After the energy shock was over, Qin Ming felt that his surroundings were completely covered by the blue air, as if even the night sky was dyed with a layer of blue.

Qin Ming was well protected, but his body was not seriously injured. It would be a pity not to absorb the erupting blue energy.

With the mentality of not wasting, Qin Ming immediately started to absorb, and at the same time glanced at the place where the ice lotus was before.

There was no trace of the ice lotus there, and even some remaining fragments had already been washed away by the torrent of energy just now.

This ice lotus should have undergone some kind of mutation during its final formation, which led to the failure of the final formation, and the imbalance of internal energy to wither.

This is not the case, on the contrary there are quite a few.

Qin Ming also encountered similar situations in the previous several times of possessing other worlds, but the energy shock that erupted after the failure of the final formation was far less violent than this time.

He reckoned that the two Tier 5 spirit monsters should have been seriously injured in this energy shock, so he felt relieved to absorb the blue energy around him.

He had to absorb as much as possible before the blue air dissipated.

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