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Chapter 211 Guiyang, in trouble

He knows that spirits can spit out human words, as long as their intelligence evolves to a certain level, they can do it.

Even the Nine-Tailed Fox clansman who took away the little fox back then was able to transform into a human form and fly into the sky to hide from the earth. There are so many things that high-level spirit monsters can do.

This big fish should be regarded as the second talking spirit he has encountered besides the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan member.

Obviously, after reaching the sixth level, this big fish has the ability to speak and not low intelligence.

Qin Ming stepped back vigilantly, the other party obviously wanted to swallow him in one gulp just now, full of malice.

If he hadn't reacted in time, it is very likely that his ending would have been the same as that eagle just now.

Seeing this, the big fish shrank back somewhat disappointed.

In this river, it is an existence of the overlord level, and its combat power is beyond the charts.

But if it is on the ice field, it will be hindered everywhere, and its combat power will be reduced by half, especially in terms of speed. It has no legs, so it is naturally impossible to catch up with Qin Ming by jumping.


If it didn't eat it the first time, it knew that it would have no chance to catch Qin Ming again.

Seeing that the other party seemed to have given up eating him, Qin Ming heaved a sigh of relief, feeling like he had escaped a catastrophe.

It was actually quite thrilling just now, if it wasn't for the eagle that flew down from the sky first, leading out this big sixth-order fish.

I'm afraid he will still stay by this river without knowing anything. If he is targeted by that big fish in this situation, he will probably go far away.

"It's really dangerous." Thinking like this, Qin Ming left the glacier far away.

After this encounter, he became more cautious.

This ice sheet was no different from the places he had crossed a few times before, the harsher the environment, the more dangerous it was.

And it's not just the spirit monsters of the fifth rank, even the spirit monsters of the sixth rank seem to want to eat him very much.

That big fish could tell at a glance that he was an auspicious beast, which also showed that his kind might be well-known among spirit monsters, even if he wanted to conceal his identity, he couldn't do it.

This also made him feel uneasy even walking on the ice field,

The mental power often spreads out to perceive everything around, whether there are other powerful spirits haunting or not.

Now he regretted choosing this spirit monster more and more as his object of possession.

It's acceptable to have low combat effectiveness. After all, he's still a level five spirit monster. If he didn't have the special auspicious physique that was often missed, he would be sure to try to complete more than two tasks in the end.

But now, he wasn't sure if he could survive for three months, and there was no guarantee that one day he wouldn't be eaten as a meal by a more powerful spirit monster.

One day later, at the foot of a snow-capped mountain, a rare small tree was growing, with several small fruits growing on the slender branches, and traces of spiritual energy emanated from the fruits.

Qin Ming came from a distance with cautious steps, looking around.

"Why is this place so quiet..." Qin Ming muttered to himself.

However, there were no spirits in sight, so he was a little relieved.

Soon he came to the surrounding area of ​​the snow mountain, and turned his eyes to see the small tree at the foot of the snow mountain and several spiritual fruits growing on the tree.

"Huh?" After being amused at first, he soon felt a little strange again.

Those few spiritual fruits are fully ripe, and it seems that they have been hanging for some time, and this place is not very remote.

It stands to reason that it should have been devoured by other ghosts found by passing by, how could it stay on the tree for so long.

"Is it really my luck?" Qin Ming thought to himself.

It's not impossible, maybe it's true that no other spirits discovered the spirit fruit here before him.

The surroundings were too quiet, and he slowly approached the small tree a little.

Suddenly, his nostrils fluttered, and he smelled a bloody smell left in the air.

Immediately, he stopped vigilantly, feeling more and more strange in his heart, and instinctively paced back two steps.

At this moment, a certain snowdrift in the mountains suddenly moved.

The next moment, several tall figures jumped out from the snowdrift.

The feeling in Qin Ming's heart is not wrong, there is really something wrong here.

Looking closely, the appearance of these tall figures is very strange.

It has the shape of a human being, but its feet are animal hooves, its body is covered with brown hair, its head is a brown sheep's head, with a pair of horns curled up.


It was the first time for Qin Ming to see this kind of spirit monster in another world.

How should I put it, it feels a bit nondescript, neither human nor animal, it looks very awkward.

name: none

Ghost: Guiyang

Combat power score: fifth-tier top-rank

Growth Potential: Tier 6 Top Grade

name: none

Ghost: Guiyang

Combat power score: Tier 6 inferior

Growth Potential: Tier 6 Top Grade


These half-orcs are named Guiyang, and there are five of them in total, four of which are of the fifth-rank upper rank, and one is a sixth-rank spirit monster.

The result of the investigation made Qin Ming feel cold in his heart.

Not to mention the sixth-level spirit monster, the remaining four fifth-level upper-level spirit monsters are enough to capture him.

The other party seemed to be squatting here to ambush him, knowing his movements like the back of his hand.

"I heard that a three-color auspicious beast appeared in this area, but I didn't expect it to be." A fifth-order Gui sheep spoke in a low voice.

"The power of the bloodline has not been activated at the lower level of the fifth rank. It seems that we have made a big fuss this time, and there is no need to set up this trap." Another fifth-rank Guiyang said slowly after taking a look at Qin Ming.

At this time, although Qin Ming already felt that he was cold in his heart, he turned around and ran away at the first moment, making the last struggle.

"Will this tricolor auspicious beast satisfy the patriarch?"

"Take it back first, then we'll talk about it." Seeing Qin Ming running away, the sixth-grade Kui sheep immediately said in an unhurried manner.

On the other side, Qin Ming had already run far away, and there was no movement behind him.

Just as he was about to look back, the ice under his feet suddenly shook, and the next moment it shattered inch by inch.

"Oops!" Qin Ming realized that there was a dark river under the ice where he was.

The ice surface crumbled and there was no point of leverage. It was inevitable that he would fall into this glacier.

However, when he jumped high and suspended in the air, the water flow revealed below suddenly shot out several water pillars, wrapping him tightly in an instant.

The jets of water in all directions were connected together to form a cage to lock him in.

At the same time, a large amount of cold air emanated from the water column and penetrated into all parts of his body. Even if he circulated the inner alchemy spirit energy, he could not completely suppress the infiltration of this cold air, and his body soon became a little stiff.

He tried to break through this water cage, but the resistance on the water column prevented him from passing through it, and he could not destroy it.

At some point, the five Guiyang half-orcs approached from the side and looked at the restrained Qin Ming with an expected expression.

The sixth-order Guiyang beckoned, and the water cage was instantly frozen into an ice prison, and the cold inside became even worse.

Qin Ming could see that the ability to manipulate glaciers to make cages came from this sixth-order Guiyang.

It is somewhat similar to his ability to manipulate wind elements, except that he manipulates water elements, and his attainments are much higher than his.

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