Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 226 Mixed into the Cave

Huge ice caves stand on top of the ice field, even from far away you can see the shadows.

This area is full of aura and is very suitable for the life of spirits and monsters. It is not unreasonable for the turbid ice python to occupy this place.

At this moment, many groups of spirits and monsters with strong auras slowly walked into the ice field.

They are all the top groups on the ice field, and they are daunting existences that make other spirits feel daunting wherever they go.

This is their first meeting, which is of great significance.

"I don't know how the gifts from other ethnic groups are. I hope ours will not be compared."

"If we can get the support of the new king this time, we will launch an offensive against the bastards of the spirit beasts, and we must not let them have an easy time on the ice field!"

"It is said that the new king has successfully transformed..."


Walking towards the ice cave, every ethnic group was talking with each other, creating a lively scene.

"That's the Zhuoming ice python family."

On an ice slope, Qin Ming watched from a distance a blue and white ice crystal python patrolling around the ice cave, and said slowly.

"That's right, the turbid ice python has lived on this ice field for hundreds of years, and each clansman is quite powerful. There are a lot of spirit monsters of the sixth rank, and the new king has even been promoted to the seventh rank."

Shi Yin Diao nodded and said, the small mung bean eyes kept staring at Qin Ming, swallowed and continued: "So you really want to do this?"

After Qin Ming told the conditions for letting it go, it was still very confused.

Now that it came here, it vaguely guessed Qin Ming's intentions, but it still didn't dare to believe that Qin Ming would do this.

Qin Ming glanced back at Shi Yin Diao, but didn't say anything.

Today is the day of the grand meeting. Many of the ethnic groups who walked into the ice cave have sent their clansmen to arrest him before.

Waiting quietly until all the invited spirits and monsters poured into the ice cave, and the sky gradually darkened.

"Let's go." Qin Ming said slowly at this moment, standing on the ice slope in the distance to observe.

Shi Yin Diao at the side was shocked immediately, with a very humane wry smile on the corner of his mouth.

"It's crazy..."

Apart from feeling crazy, Shi Yin Diao also felt faintly excited.

After tonight, I'm afraid they are going to stir up the entire ice field.

Qin Ming walked towards the ice cave first, and the little ice cube looked at Shi Yin Diao standing there, his bright eyes made Shi Yin Diao shudder, and immediately followed.

At the entrance of the ice cave, several turbid ice pythons are entrenched around and guarded.

Shi Yin Diao walked ahead, and Qin Ming followed behind with his head down.

"Stop." After seeing Shi Yin Diao and Qin Ming approaching, those Zhuoming ice pythons stepped forward and stopped them.

"I was invited to attend the King's Grand Ceremony, and this is my gift to the King." Shi Yin Diao tugged at Qin Ming and said.

"Three-colored auspicious beast!" Several turbid ice pythons recognized Qin Ming, and looked at each other in surprise.

"Is there any problem?" Shi Yin Diao asked, his expression unchanged.

"No, no, the grand ceremony is about to begin, please enter as soon as possible." One of the ice pythons spoke out.

Under Qin Ming's investigation, it turned out that it was a spirit monster of the sixth rank.

As Shi Yin Diao said before, there are many spirits of the six ranks in the Zhuoming ice python clan, and even the gatekeepers are guarded by six ranks of spirits.

The new king said before that whoever presents auspicious beasts as a gift will be its guest.

The ice pythons guarding the gate naturally knew about this, so after seeing Qin Ming, they didn't stop them too much.

In this way, let them mix in smoothly.

The entrance of the ice cave is not small, but when you walk into it, the huge inner space is fully displayed.

The mountain-like ice cave is almost completely hollow inside.

A series of transparent blue ice roads spread out, and igloos were built one after another, with icicles connected one by one above them.

There are no other spirits and monsters around at the moment, and it is empty as far as the eye can see.

I want to come here and gather at the place of the grand meeting, and prepare to go up one by one to present gifts.

Seeing this, Qin Ming said, "Let's get started."

A small ice cube drilled out from Shi Yin's fur, nodded and floated onto the ice.

The next moment, its figure melted into the ice surface and disappeared.

Walking to a slightly remote corner, Qin Ming opened his mouth and spit out an ice bead wrapped in aura.

The ice bead landed in a corner of the ice cave, and Qin Ming turned around and left.

If you observe this ice bead from a distance, you may not pay much attention to it.

But if you get closer and feel it carefully, you will find that this ice bead placed here by Qin Ming has two special cold energy stored inside it.

These two cold airs repel each other, forming a certain balance in the ice bead.

And this balance is not completely stable, both cold qi are absorbing ice elements and spiritual qi to strengthen themselves.

Once one cold air is too much stronger than the other, this balance will be broken.

As for what will happen after breaking, probably only the culprit Qin Ming and Xiao Bingkuang know.

These ice beads are made from small ice cubes.

"You promised that we would be safe..." Shi Yin Diao said a little uneasy when he saw Qin Ming place the ice beads one by one in every corner of the ice cave.

Qin Ming nodded, signaling for it to feel at ease.

The place where the grand event was held was in the largest igloo in the ice cave, but he was not in a hurry to get close, but kept wandering around in various areas of the ice cave, placing ice beads.

It was also thanks to the fact that the grand meeting had already begun, and all the spirits, including the entire clan of the Zhuoming Ice Python, were there, so no spirits discovered what Qin Ming was doing.

It didn't take long for Qin Ming to place the hundreds of ice beads in place, and he was constantly absorbing the surrounding aura and ice elements.

In the grand meeting place, many powerful spirit monsters are gathering here at this moment, dozens of spirit monster groups, hundreds of six-tier spirit monsters. Thousands of level five spirits.

They vary in size, large or small.

Their eyes fell on the front one after another.

On the highest ice platform, the snake-eyed man sitting cross-legged is the new king of the ice field.

Although all the bigwigs on the ice field were present, in front of the new king of the ice field, they all seemed respectful and did not dare to be presumptuous at all.

"My lord, there's a sixth-level monster with an auspicious beast." A giant python beside the snake-eyed man suddenly said.

"Oh?" The snake-eyed man smiled, and said unhurriedly, "Where is it?"

They didn't shy away from their voices, so they were all heard clearly by the ghosts below.

There is something strange in every spirit monster's heart.

That auspicious beast was undoubtedly the gift the new king wanted most, but unfortunately none of them were found. Now that they heard that it was brought by other spirits, they would naturally have other thoughts.

"Uh, according to the reports from the clansmen at the entrance of the cave, they should have brought the auspicious beasts in." The giant python said, looking around at the group of spirits and monsters below, it was also a little strange, and it really didn't see the auspicious beasts appearing now.

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