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Chapter 236 Exhausting the power of the blood

A wave of mental power suddenly covered Qin Ming's body.

The next moment, a huge howl came from the sky.

"Got you!"

Mixed with a gust of wind, the figure of the ice dragon appeared in front of Qin Ming's eyes, and the huge coercion descended again, locking onto Qin Ming below.

Qin Ming had already escaped once before, and Bingjiao could not accept being escaped by Qin Ming for the second time.

"The bloodline has completely transformed, hmph, it's not worth looking for in vain." Bingjiao noticed the change in Qin Ming's body and said coldly.

To him, an auspicious beast that has only completed one or two bloodline upgrades is just a relatively rare spirit monster, but it is not very useful.

And if the bloodline is fully activated, the three-color auspicious beast is a great supplement to anyone, and he is no exception.

"It just so happens that I have just evolved into a dragon. Eating your flesh and blood can strengthen my dragon bloodline." Bing Jiao still meant to swallow Qin Ming alive.

"Call out your companions as well. I was careless last time, and I will never let you escape again this time."

The companion in his mouth obviously refers to the small ice cube.

"I'm the only one who destroyed your ice cave. If you want to catch me, I won't sit still." Qin Ming uttered words, and responded to the ice dragon for the first time, appearing rather stubborn.

Naturally, he would not mention the sleeping little ice cube.

This time he was going to face this ice dragon alone, no one could help him anymore.

After all, he quickly activated his auspicious beast bloodline, and the three-color brilliance reappeared, and his powerful aura faintly resisted the coercion of the ice dragon.

Although he is only a middle-level fifth rank, but in terms of blood power, as an auspicious beast, he is no worse than the Ice Flood Dragon with the blood of a dragon.

Ignoring the coercion, Qin Ming moved and turned into a three-color streamer on the ice ground, quickly rushing to the distance.

At this moment, the speed he displayed was far faster than the spirit monsters of the fifth rank, and even faster than most of the spirit monsters of the sixth rank.

This is from his completely transformed bloodline ability, which is exclusive to Auspicious Beast.


Seeing this, the ice dragon

Immediately swinging its huge body followed closely.

He opened his mouth wide, and the aura gathered in his mouth, condensing into a huge cyan light ball, and shocking energy fluctuations emanated from the light ball.

After gaining momentum for a few seconds, the ball of light was sprayed out by him, and shot straight at Qin Ming who was moving at high speed below.

Accompanied by a violent roar, the ice surface began to shatter one after another as if it had been hit by an earthquake.

At the center of the explosion, a huge crater was blasted out by the ball of light.

Even the unfrozen ice water at the bottom is like a fountain, opening a gap and spraying out.

Qin Ming staggered a few steps and rushed out of the pothole. The three-color splendor around him dimmed a bit under the impact of the spiritual energy.

Although the power of the blood was activated, the opponent was a spirit monster of the seventh rank after all, and the level was still far behind.

Not to mention fighting, even escaping is quite difficult.

Qin Ming glanced at the flat ice surface not far away from the corner of his eye. In order to prevent the ice dragon from discovering the entrance to the ice palace, he had to lure the ice dragon away as much as possible.

The speed under his feet did not decrease, and he continued to rush in one direction.

With his current running speed, he felt like he was about to fly.

"Hmph, let's see how long you can last." Bingjiao was disdainful in her heart.

The anger brought to him by this auspicious beast almost drove him crazy, and now seeing the auspicious beast fleeing in a hurry made him very happy physically and mentally.

Before eating Ruishou, he wanted to appreciate the other party's struggle for a while.

One after another, the aura light balls spewed out, making Qin Ming really uncomfortable.

Although the three-color colorful protection similar to the protective cover on the body offsets a lot of spiritual energy impact, the power of the ball of light is too great.

After three times, his body was still injured.

Those encountered along the way, whether they were the turbid ice python family or the frost and cold spirit monsters, many were also bombarded by this light ball, and they were seriously injured in an instant, and their appearance was bleak.

Qin Ming also somewhat felt the anger of the ice dragon in the air.

After all, even his own clansmen are not spared, which shows how angry Bingjiao is now.

"It's almost there." Qin Ming looked at the surrounding environment and thought to himself.

Although he hadn't left the wave layer of ice yet, he had already led the ice dragon away from the entrance to the ice palace, and his goal had been achieved.

"Then..." Qin Ming had already made the decision to have a good fight with this ice dragon. Anyway, he couldn't escape this wave even if he wanted to.

Brake under your feet and stop in place.

The power of the blood in his body became stronger and stronger, and the surging feeling filled his whole body in an instant, and even made him feel a strange tingling pain in his internal organs.

It was as if a ball of flame had completely ignited all parts of his body, and then a special energy fluctuation completely erupted, which moved the ice dragon in the air.

Among spirit monsters, the strength gap between different levels is quite obvious, and it is very difficult for low-level spirit monsters to defeat high-level spirit monsters.

It was the first time for Qin Ming, the new king of the ice field, to experience such a sudden explosion, and it felt quite unbelievable.

Qin Ming's aura became more and more intense, and the radiance on his forehead was faintly flickering with divine light.

At the same time, on his back, a pair of large colorful wings suddenly grew out, and a slight flap caused a storm to circle in all directions.

"This!" The ice dragon suddenly became vigilant, staring at the changed form of the auspicious beast below, it didn't understand why the opponent's aura suddenly became so strong.

Name: Qin Ming

Ghosts: Three-color Auspicious Beast

Combat power score: Seventh-level inferior (abnormal)

Growth Potential: Tier 6 Top Grade

On Qin Ming's own personal attribute panel, the column of combat power score now impressively shows as the lower grade of the seventh rank.

Before that, it was only the fifth-order mid-level. Obviously, with his sudden outbreak, great changes have taken place in the level.

The reason for this is because he completely ignited the power of the blood, and obtained this short-lived outbreak at the cost of consuming his own vitality.

The seventh rank is only temporary, and when the power of the bloodline is exhausted, his trip to another world will be over.

Even if the ice flood dragon didn't kill him, he couldn't survive.

This is a combat ability that he only possessed after the third transformation of his blood power, and it is often used when the auspicious beast is cornered.

"Is this the combat power of the seventh rank..."

Although he knew that the power of burning blood can greatly improve the combat effectiveness, but he didn't expect that it would directly make his level reach the seventh level.

Feeling this strange and huge power in his body now, he is still a little uncomfortable.

Try flapping your wings to make yourself fly high into the sky, even a head higher than that ice dragon.

That gleaming appearance, at first glance, really looks like a mythical beast in a legend.

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