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Chapter 273 Golden Dagger Assassin

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In order not to attract attention, the five of them separated.

Qin Ming picked up a dessert from the dining table, sat on a sofa with a wide view, and looked for the target while eating.

In fact, he reckoned that if assassins of the golden dagger level really came, they would probably be dealing with matters at the top level of the restricted level, so how could they come to their level.

Ten minutes later, after eating two desserts, Qin Ming suddenly heard a sound of explosion from the upper deck of the cruise ship.

Several people put down the things in their hands almost at the same time, and looked at each other.

"Found the target!" Muyang's voice came from the communicator in a very appropriate manner.

"What do you want to do!" The two practitioners standing guard at the stairs shouted angrily when they saw Qin Ming and the others approaching again.

Sun Mingli stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, and the two practitioners fell to the ground limply as if they had been hit hard.

"I've wanted to do this for a long time."

A few people broke into the upper deck of the cruise ship just like that, and found that the movement was still on the upper deck.

Just when a few people were about to continue to force their way in, the upper compartment collapsed suddenly, and the energy impacted in all directions.

Mu Yang and a man fell from the collapse.

Before Qin Ming could look, the man turned into a cloud of black smoke and disappeared.

Qin Ming's mental power covered the entire cruise ship in an instant, but he couldn't sense the other party's breath.

"Tian Lanlan!" Mu Yang shouted.

Tian Lanlan understood, stretched out her right hand, and a lavender orchid suddenly appeared, and she twisted the flower stem autonomously.

Afterwards, a large piece of purple pollen floated out from the petals, and quickly scattered in all directions.

Make a tactic with both hands, "Purple Qi seal!"

The pollen spread all over the cruise ship, and countless flowers bloomed on the sandwich steel plate, and a layer of purple transparent luster appeared, as if layers of diamond-shaped films tightly wrapped the outer layer of the cruise ship.

"This..." Qin Ming didn't know what to say for a while due to this beautiful scene.

There is no doubt that the lavender orchid is Tian Lanlan's weapon spirit, and she is the only weapon spirit in Qinghong's first team.

Being able to create such a large-scale vision, it is obvious that her weapon spirit is also extraordinary, just like Ye Wen and Gu Tao, it is also a seven-mans weapon spirit.

"What's going on! What is this thing!" All the assassins in the cruise ship were horrified to realize that they couldn't break through this layer of purple brilliance.

No matter what violent acts hit this layer of purple brilliance, it seemed to be absorbed, and it didn't work at all.

With so many assassins trapped in the cruise ship, it has to be said that Tian Lanlan's move refreshed Qin Ming's understanding of her.

"How is it?" Yang Ji came to Tian Lanlan's side and asked while being vigilant about his surroundings.

Tian Lanlan, who had kept her eyes closed all the time, suddenly opened them. At this moment, her eyes were filled with a bright purple aura, and she even looked strange.

"There!" As soon as her words fell, Mu Yang punched out, and the surging energy swept away instantly.

The man who fell down before had to show his figure amidst the strength.

"Who the hell are you guys!" the man said coldly, he had an ordinary appearance, his skin was a little sallow, and he was probably in his forties.

"We only want the territory." Mu Yang didn't answer the man's question, but directly expressed his intention.

On the other side, Pang Xiao slowly approached the man with his fists clenched.

Sun Mingli covered the entire cruise ship with his mental force field, and locked the man's breath at the same time, giving double insurance.

Qin Ming thought for a while and then moved a few steps. Once the man made any changes, they would directly start a group fight.

"Oh? You also want that stone slab?" The man seemed a little surprised.

Mu Yang heard something, frowned slightly, and immediately asked: "Who else wants that stone slab?"

The man used the word Ye in his words, obviously they were not the only ones who wanted his slate.

"Mysterious group No. 1." The man said bluntly. He realized that the strength of these people was not inferior to his.

Therefore, it seems very frank to get out of the predicament.

"Then what about the slate now?" After hearing about this mysterious group, Mu Yang frowned even more, and continued to ask.

"After I realized that this slate was a hot potato, I handed it over to the organization, and it is not in my hands now." The man replied.

"Then I'm sorry, in order to find that stone slab, I need your cooperation." After a few seconds of silence, Mu Yang said slowly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Pang Xiao, who was already ready, let out a loud roar, like a raging beast, swung his muscular arms, and punched the man more than ten meters away.


His punch directly penetrated several layers of reinforced decks.

However, the man is a golden dagger-level assassin after all, with extraordinary reaction speed, he moved sideways in an instant, avoiding Pang Xiao's punch.

He saw that Muyang and the others were not going to let him go, so he was going to break through the purple film and escape from the cruise ship first.

"Crush!" Sun Mingli yelled, and the chicken nest heads on the top stood up as he released his mental power.

The next moment, huge gravity attached to the man's body, making it difficult for his feet to move as if filled with lead.

Although Sun Mingli is not far-fetched on weekdays, his control of mental power is definitely a master level, and his power is very powerful.

Before the man could break free from this bondage, Qin Ming appeared in front of the man.

"Little baby, you dare to block me!" The man was annoyed, with a stern look in his eyes, the people he met today were too powerful, so much so that he could have resisted the combination of these people by himself.

Even though Qin Ming was wearing a mask, he could still tell that Qin Ming was just a young man.

I thought it was just a newborn calf not afraid of tigers, but I didn't expect Qin Ming to be no ordinary calf.

"Jiu Ning rigid-backed bear, possessed!"

The black air lingered around the fist, and he punched out violently.

The man was completely restrained by Sun Mingli, unable to use his speed advantage, so he could only resist Qin Ming's punch.


Qin Ming was shocked by the force of the recoil, and the golden dagger assassin was sent flying by Qin Ming's punch.

Like a cannonball, the body pierced through the steel plate ship wall and smashed hard on the purple film.

However, the opponent was indeed quite strong. After resisting Qin Ming's punch, he was still able to move and disappeared in place again.

In just one breath, he appeared at the stern of the ship, holding a pitch-black dagger in his hand, and stabbed straight at the purple film.


Although the power of this stab is not small, it is not enough to pierce the blockade Tian Lanlan cast.

"At the stern." Tian Lanlan received the induction immediately and said.

Mu Yang's figure flashed, and then disappeared in place, Qin Ming and Pang Xiao immediately followed.

Tian Lanlan couldn't participate in the battle because she had to maintain her skills, and Yang Ji stayed to protect Tian Lanlan.

Although the purple film is difficult to break through, the caster is one of the flaws. As long as Tian Lanlan's spell is interrupted, the defense of this purple film will be greatly reduced.

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