Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 294 The Hive and the Tier 6 Queen Bee

But in this way, the group of Thunderbees finally realized that the number of missing companions was not normal.

The bees that went out were all recalled one by one, and they didn't move again all night.

Until dawn, more than 20 bees almost came out of the nest, looking for the reason for the disappearance of their companions.

They are not too stupid, knowing that there may be potential dangers targeting their group, so the twenty or so bees acted in unison, and the group did not disperse.

Seeing this, Qin Ming really didn't dare to show his face in front of this group of bees again.

However, he also turned his target to the crystallized hive.

At this moment, there are only two big bees staying outside the hive, and there should be few in the hive. It is the emptiest moment.

Qin Ming restrained his voice, approached the hive quietly, and stopped when he was about to enter the opponent's cordon.

Two big bees are flying around the hive at random. Although a large number of clan members have disappeared recently and caused some panic, the errands arranged for them today are the most leisurely and safest, basically there is no danger at all .

Nothing would happen on weekdays, and basically no spirits dared to enter their territory.

However, at this moment, a Tier 2 little elf suddenly emerged from a bush not far away.

It's like walking here by accident.

Those two big bees never expected that such a little spirit monster who is not afraid of death would really dare to approach here, and after reacting, they walked towards this little spirit monster.

Although it is just an inconspicuous second-tier elf, or it may have just entered here by mistake, but since it has entered their territory, according to the rules, it should be sliced.

"Hey..." This little monster was just the magic mushroom that followed Qin Ming. When it saw the big bee flying, it suddenly turned pale with fright and wanted to run away.

Its lure mission has been completed.

After the two bees flew a little farther away, Qin Ming sprang out from the bushes and quickly approached the big tree.

The two big bees that were halfway through the chase, after sensing Qin Ming's sudden appearance, immediately turned around and wanted to stop it.

Qin Ming sprinted extremely fast, he crossed hundreds of meters with a few leg lifts, and quickly approached the hive.

After entering the range, he opened his mouth and condensed a powerful aura shell to bombard the hive.

It was too late for the two transferred bees to protect them, so they could only watch helplessly as the aura shell hit the hive.

With a loud roar, the cannonball exploded, and a large amount of spiritual energy shot out.

Accompanied by a series of electric lights, the hive was stronger than Qin Ming imagined, only a few cracks were blown on the surface, and it was not completely destroyed.

There is a lot of current rushing out of the crack, and there is also a little purple slurry flowing out at the same time.

Some are like honey, but in different colors and exude a lot of aura fluctuations.

Even though there was still a distance, Qin Ming could already smell the sweet scent emanating from the purple honey, which was very rich in the air.

There is no doubt that this is good stuff.

He opened his mouth and sprayed out another aura shell, trying to blast the hive down from the tree.

However, at this moment, the honeycomb suddenly opened a big opening from the inside, and then a white-bottomed Thunderbee several times its size came out of it, its whole body sparkling with lightning.

name: none

Ghost: White Thunder Queen Bee

Combat power score: Tier 6 inferior

Growth Potential: Tier 6 Middle Grade

This is a queen bee, whose rank has been promoted to rank six, and it is undoubtedly the No. 1 overlord-level spirit monster in this plain.

Qin Ming didn't expect such a sixth-rank queen bee to suddenly appear in the hive.

Without the slightest hesitation, he immediately turned around and slipped away.

Maybe the old nest was destroyed, the queen bee appeared very irritable, and aimed her tail at Qin Ming who was going away, and the sharp bee stinger condensed a flash of lightning, and shot straight at Qin Ming.


One of Qin Ming's mouths was accumulating aura, and when he sensed the lightning from the opponent, he immediately turned his head and spewed out the aura shells in his mouth as well.

The electric light and aura shells shot out a huge wave of energy in mid-air, and the ground seemed to be pulled by the energy of the explosion, and it shattered one after another, with stones and soil floating into the air.

Qin Ming backed away and looked back.

It was found that the queen bee did not chase after him in a rage, and did not even leave the hive.

It sent out a sound wave to the sky, as if calling other clansmen.

At present, only the two guard bees are still chasing Qin Ming.

Seeing that the sixth-rank queen bee didn't chase after him, Qin Ming was immediately relieved, but he didn't really care about the remaining two big bees.

After getting away from the hive, Qin Ming turned his gun and attacked the two bees that were chasing after them.

Through the previous battles, Qin Ming had some experience in dealing with these white thunder bees, so he quickly ended the battle with these two in only three minutes.

After taking out the inner alchemy, Qin Ming found the little mushroom and prepared to evacuate.

Originally, he still had thoughts about those aura honeys, but after seeing the queen bee, he gave up his thoughts and planned to leave without provoking them.

However, the other party did not intend to just let him go.

With the sound of buzzing, the Thunder Bee Brigade with White Background came after them in the distance. There were twenty-seven of them, a large number.

Qin Ming is not out of danger yet, he can't deal with so many monsters of the same level by himself, he has to think of a way.

The swarm of bees was still some distance away from him, but they had locked his breath, and it was almost impossible to escape with their speed.

Located in a plain terrain, it was difficult for him to find a place to hide.

Speeding all the way, passing through the plains.

Qin Ming kept thinking in his mind, recalling the many ghost territories he had encountered before, and picked out the one that was closest to his current location and most suitable for him to get out of the crisis.

The sound of the big bee flapping its wings gradually came to the ear, and the little mushroom on its back turned its head to look, and a group of big bees behind it could already see the figure, approaching them constantly, and could not help showing fear.


When a sea of ​​flowers appeared in front of him, Qin Ming's eyes lit up, and he rushed towards the sea of ​​flowers without slowing down.

In a short while, he entered the sea of ​​flowers, and the fragrance of flowers of various flavors permeated the air.


Behind Qin Ming, a beam of electric light shot at a little behind Qin Ming, stirring up a large area of ​​soil and flowers.

The opponent had already chased him within range, and the twenty-seven bees began to shoot at Qin Ming with lightning.

Qin Ming spread his perception to the maximum, trying to avoid the offensive behind him as much as possible, and the speed under his feet did not decrease at all.

"Come out quickly!" Qin Ming growled.

The lightning flashed one after another without interruption, and the large swath of flowers and soil was turned over, and the movement was not small.

Suddenly, the ground trembled violently.

Giant black-armored creatures broke out of the ground one by one, shaped like moray eels, rushed up to a height of more than ten meters with their huge mouthparts, and surrounded the group of white-bottomed thunder bees overwhelmingly.

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