Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 298 - Black Fiend Goblin

If the speed is faster, passing through this gap can save a lot of time, otherwise he will have to go down the mountain and bypass the forest below to avoid being contaminated by black air.

"Gu." The mushroom on its back let out a low cry of fear, its soft body seemed a little stiff under the coldness emanating from the black air.

"Forget it." Qin Ming thought for a while, taking into account the two little guys on his back, he decided to go down the mountain and bypass the forest. It just took more time, but it was better to be safe.

Just when he was thinking this way, the black air in front of him suddenly rolled, and then several black shadows appeared from the black air, floating towards Qin Ming's position.

"What the hell?" Qin Ming was startled.

The illusory black shadow like a ghost in front of him startled him.

name: none

Spirits: Black Sha Goblin

Combat power score: fifth-level top-rank

Growth Potential: Tier 6 Top Grade

As a result of investigation, these black shadows that appeared suddenly were also ghosts.

There are a total of more than a dozen of them, three of which are still fifth-order upper-grade, and the rest are fifth-order middle-grade, which is not considered low.

He didn't expect that there were still spirits living in these weird black air.

But after thinking about it, the black air might be made by these strange spirits.

No matter how you look at it, these erratic black images are extremely condensed by those black air.

After these black shadows appeared, they floated towards Qin Ming, like ghosts demanding their lives.

Fortunately, Qin Ming was able to remain calm, and opened his mouth to take the lead in spraying aura shells at the black evil goblins.


The first few black evil goblins were directly blown to pieces by the spiritual energy shells, but soon the scattered black air gathered again and returned to their original state.

Aura shells don't seem to be very effective against these illusory spirits.

Seeing this, Qin Ming immediately turned around and slipped away, running down the mountain.

The black goblins chased Qin Ming for a while, but he was not caught up because he went down the mountain very fast.

After a while, Qin Ming sensed that behind him, those black evil goblins had disappeared, and seemed to be hidden in the torrent of black air again.

It's really weird here, Qin Ming didn't want to stay any longer, he kept walking around the woods to avoid the black air.

After another two days, Qin Ming, who quickened his pace, finally climbed over the mountain and got away from the dark and gloomy place.

After that, he didn't come across any other similar places, but he found a few rare flowers and plants growing on the cliff, and it took a lot of effort before he picked them.

One of them was found by the little fox in a crevice of rocks. A three-color flower seemed to be useful to it, so Qin Ming simply let the little fox swallow it by himself.

As soon as he swallowed the little fox, he fell into a deep sleep. His two tails were tightly wrapped into a ball, curled up on Qin Ming's back, motionless.

Qin Ming could sense that the aura on it was a bit unsteady, and the aura and blood were even hotter.

This is not a bad thing, based on Qin Ming's experience, it is more like a sign of breaking through the rank.

By coincidence, the mushroom on the side also fell into a deep sleep after absorbing enough inner alchemy essence and aura.

The small mushroom head exudes a different kind of red light, like a light bulb.

For a lower-tier second-tier monster, the inner alchemy of the fifth-tier spirit naturally makes it extremely useful, and it also gives it a chance to break through in a short period of time.

Qin Ming didn't stop at all, he just took the two of them on the road.

As long as there is no battle, it has no effect on their breakthrough.

"Through this mountainous area, we should almost arrive at the place that the giant ape said." Qin Ming thought to himself, of course, the premise is that the giant ape is not talking nonsense.

A few days later, Qin Ming walked out of the mountainous area.

At the same time, the little fox and the mushroom also woke up one after another.

As expected, after swallowing the three-color flower, the little fox successfully broke through to the fourth lower level in one fell swoop. It seemed to be a little bigger in size, but basically there was no change.

The two tails behind her did not increase in number, but her eyes looked radiant.

The breath is much stronger.

It also seemed very happy that it was able to be promoted so smoothly. After jumping around for a long time, its two tails almost flew into the sky.

The little mushroom has also been promoted to the second-level mid-level, and it also seems quite satisfied. The appearance is also basically unchanged, and the breath is a bit stronger, but it is much worse than the little fox's step-up.

As soon as he walked out of this mountainous area, the barren scene was quickly restored, and large areas of green vegetation began to grow.

This phenomenon made him guess that the reason why the mountains were so desolate might be related to that strange black air.

Of course, none of this has anything to do with him at the moment, he is just a ghost passing by.

"It should be around here." Qin Ming walked forward, looking around in the distance.

The giant ape once said that the land of white jade is in a forest, protected by a layer of natural formations, and under normal circumstances, spirits and monsters cannot enter at all.

But in fact, some spirit monsters with special bloodlines are close to the treasure land, and can easily enter it regardless of the formation.

For example, the Celestial Jade Tiger clan that he possessed.

That's right, he can ignore the formation and enter the Baiyu Treasure Land, which is why the giant ape said that the opportunities there are very suitable for him.

Of course, the specific situation needs to go to the place to be clear.

After walking for a long time, there was still no sign of the forest. Qin Ming doubted the authenticity of what the giant ape said, but he still did not give up, and began to change direction and search around.

Finally, a day later, a vast and huge forest appeared in front of Qin Ming's eyes, with a blackness that could not be seen to the end.

Spooky roars echoed one after another in the forest, making it very lively.

Obviously, there are countless groups of spirits living in this forest.

This is probably the forest that the giant ape mentioned. As for where the white jade treasure land is in the forest, he needs to find out by himself. The giant ape didn't say too much in detail.

But the appearance of the forest gave him a lot of confidence, maybe the giant ape wasn't talking nonsense.

With a low cry, the little fox, who was running around in the distance, heard Qin Ming's call, and rushed back immediately, and returned to his back in a flash.


After being promoted to the fourth level, the little fox is obviously much more active than before. He can't stand on Qin Ming's back on weekdays, and always likes to run around and jump around.

Mushroom, on the other hand, is just the opposite. It won't leave Qin Ming until it leaves it, and is cautious about everything.

Seeing the little fox came back, Mushroom vacated a comfortable space for it, just like a younger brother on the saddle.

After entering the forest, Qin Ming soon discovered that there were a lot of high-level spirits living here.

If you are not careful, you will break into a territory of six ranks of spirits and irritate others.

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