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Chapter 345 The Road to Heaven

There were no other accidents, the biggest obstacle has been overcome by them, and the rest will be as smooth as water.

The patriarch firmly pressed the complete map in his hand into the stone platform.


The next moment, the beam of light suddenly expanded, covering the entire peak.

Warmth, endless warmth filled his whole body.

Not only him, but everyone on the peak, they are already inside the beam of light.

Looking up again, from this angle of view, the beam of light looks like a road covered with golden light, lying between the two worlds.

"Is this the Tongtian Road?" Qin Ming and the others had this realization almost at the same time, and thought to themselves.

Suddenly feeling that his body was floating in the air, Qin Ming's expression changed.

Muyang even shouted loudly, "Quick back!"

Members of several teams reacted quickly, retreated to the stone steps as soon as they moved, and escaped from the peak covered by the beam of light.


A strange wave of energy emanated from the beam of light, and then Qin Ming clearly felt the mountain peak under his feet tremble, as if it was bearing or supporting something.

Under the beam of light, countless ancient people did not resist, but obediently floated under this invisible energy.

"Not yet."

The ancient barbarian patriarch suddenly roared in the beam of light.

The next moment, a figure suddenly jumped out from the cloud-covered stone steps below, leapt past Qin Ming and the others, and jumped into the beam of light.

Qin Ming took a look and saw that it was a little boy.

Wearing an old dark green cloth, the slightly wide sleeves fluttered in the wind.

The boy's eyes shone like diamond stars, and there were two dark green scales on the shiny forehead between the brows.

"This aura?" When the little boy passed by his side, the aura Qin Ming felt was very similar to that of the mountain turtle, and it could even be said to be exactly the same.

It is clear in his heart that this little boy is probably the appearance of that high-ranking black turtle incarnation.

I thought it didn't have the ability to change form, but I didn't expect it to show its appearance in the end.

And the image was not in line with what he thought in his mind. The Xuangui, who had lived for an unknown number of years, thought that he would be an old man after being transformed.

The boy floated up soon after entering the beam of light, and stood beside the patriarch, his eyes were full of excitement, as if he couldn't wait to go back.

It is not the life of this world, and it does not want to stay here too much. It has been helping the ancient barbarians in order to return to the original world as soon as possible.

The ancient barbarian patriarch then turned his gaze to the people on the stone steps, and fixed his frame on Qin Ming.

"Everyone, this road to heaven will last for fifteen days. Only monks who have reached a certain level of cultivation can go to the outer world through it. After half a month, this road to heaven will disappear again. Every ten years Open once, little friend, don't make me wait too long."

The ancient barbarian patriarch seemed to have expected Qin Ming to embark on the road to heaven, and the last sentence was obviously directed at him.

Qin Ming nodded, but didn't say much.

Although he was curious about the world outside that day, he also yearned for it.

But his parents and family members are still in the native world, so he can't make this decision for him to go alone.

In the beam of light, hundreds of thousands of ancient people floated up to a height of 100 meters one after another, and their figures gradually became blurred.


The shaking on the entire island became more and more intense.

There was also a sudden change in the sky, and a large number of black clouds gathered from all directions, covering the sky and covering the sky, showing a strange twisted and circling shape, as if the gate of time and space had been opened.


There was a thunderclap, and with the thunder, all the figures of the ancient people in the beam of light instantly disappeared.

"So, they have already gone to the outer world?" Sun Mingli asked in confusion.

One time is enough for hundreds of thousands of people to travel through the world. Although it is not clear how much energy is consumed, it is enough for everyone to appreciate the extraordinaryness of this road to the sky.


"Everyone is not sure.

"Captain, Le An, and Duan Rui also disappeared!" A member of the team suddenly realized that the team was missing two people, and immediately said in shock.

People from various countries inspected each other immediately, and found that many strong members of the team did not come out of the beam of light.

Everyone was silent. According to legend, the outer world is the world of spiritual energy, and it is the real place of practice.

The more you practice at home, the more you will be aware of the limits brought by the environment. Those who stand at the top of the world will have to pay a very high price if they want to make further progress.

They can feel themselves bounded by the reality of lack of aura.

Therefore, the road to heaven in front of them is a road to upgrade for them, and they are willing to let go of everything here to seek the way of heaven and become stronger.

Those strong men who left together had obviously already made their decisions.

Not only them, but even the powerhouses from other countries standing on the stone steps showed fascinated expressions, including Yang Ji, Pang Xiao and others.

But they still have responsibilities, and they can't leave alone.

After a wave of transmission, the vision in the sky eased up again, and even the beam of light shrank slowly, returning to its original form.

According to what the ancient barbarian patriarch said, there are still 15 days before the opening of this road to the sky, and after 15 days, if you want to go to the outer world again, you will have to wait ten years later.

"Go back first." There was an unspeakable meaning in Mu Yang's eyes, and he finally said slowly.

Fifteen days, there is still time for them to think about it.

After confirming that the territory could not be taken out, he headed down the mountain.

Qin Ming was also in a complicated mood. He took one last look at the light beam on the top of the mountain and then left.

"If the matter of this road to heaven is made public, I am afraid that a large number of practitioners will choose to go." Yang Ji said as he walked.

Correspondingly, there will inevitably be a large loss of top practitioners in various countries. If this is the case, the impact will not be insignificant, and it will even change the national power rankings of various countries.

This is indeed a very serious and thought-provoking matter.

Qin Ming even felt that if it weren't for the restrictions on cultivation in the outer world, there would be no more than half of the remaining cultivators left in this world.

"It would be great if we could go back and forth, but unfortunately it's just a one-way ticket." Qin Ming sighed.

"Yeah." Several people agreed very much. If you go, you can't go back, at least for now, and this is the main reason for people's entanglement.

"I've decided." Pang Xiao walked halfway, and suddenly said very calmly.

"What to decide?" Sun Mingli looked at the big man beside him and asked casually.

"After going back and explaining the matter, I will embark on this road of no return." Pang Xiao opened his mouth wide, showing a relieved smile.

"Really." Mu Yang nodded lightly, not surprised, obviously Pang Xiao had already made a choice in this short period of time.

None of them are indecisive people. Once they make a decision, they won't struggle with it, let alone change it.

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