Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 358: Logger Update Completed

Two ancient roads lead to Donggan City, and you can get there along these ancient roads, so there is no problem of getting lost.

The trees around the ancient road have been nourished by spiritual energy for a long time, and after a long period of time, they are full of strong vitality inside, and they are extremely tall.

If it is the first time to come to this aura world, maybe you will be surprised by the aura environment here.

However, Qin Ming has been back and forth so many times in the different world in the log-in device, and he is already used to the changes in this aura world, so he didn't show much surprise, nor was he interested in wandering around.

His next destination is still going to Donggan City. As for the sacred tree in the North Sea that the village chief told him about, he plans to let it go for the time being, and then explore that sea area when he has time and interest. Not too late, there is no need to be in such a hurry.

He asked the pirate leader that it would take about three days to travel from here to Dungan City. Of course, this is at the speed of monks rather than ordinary people.

If Qin Ming was traveling at full speed, he would arrive in about two days, but he was not in such a hurry when he first came to this world.

Just like this, while looking at the scenery, while passing the ancient road, it took about half a day.

Suddenly he felt that the logger in his body seemed to have a change, which was caught by him at the first time, and he was shocked immediately.

During this period of time, the ghost logger has been closed for updates, and he tries to call up the interface almost every day to see if there is any response.

Now it seems to have finally come to fruition.

Qin Ming immediately slowed down the speed of his journey, concentrated his energy, and had a thought.

The next moment, a translucent panel popped up in front of my eyes.

[The logger has been updated and is ready for scanning and correction. 】

1%, 2%...

Qin Ming only felt a wave of energy suddenly spread out from his body surface, which disappeared in an instant.

In the pop-up interface, a series of numbers began to jump.

It took about half an hour for the number to become 100 percent.

[This update is over, the host should explore the function changes by himself. 】

After the last sentence popped up, the interface returned to its previous appearance.

The big characters of the ghost logger are displayed at the top of the interface, shining golden.

However, there are still some off-white spots at the end, indicating that the cooling has not yet ended.

After the update of the logger was completed, he didn't explain to him exactly what content was updated, and he needed to explore everything by himself.

But Qin Ming couldn't communicate with the logger, let alone put forward opinions.

Open the properties panel on your own.

Name: Qin Ming

Race: Terran

Age: 19

repair: no

Information: Host of the Spirit Logger.

Soon, he discovered the difference, first of all, his own attribute panel became different.

It is worth mentioning that the display of cultivation base has become nothing, which makes him a little confused, and vaguely feels that this has something to do with his coming to this world of spiritual energy.

Then another big discovery caused Qin Ming to immediately divert his attention.

Chilling iron tree

Quality: low-grade rare treasure

Information: With a hard shell bark, the wood is comparable to cold iron, and it is a good refining material.

In an accidental attempt, he used the detection ability of the logger on a big blue-black tree beside the road.

I thought it would be as ineffective as before, after all, this detection ability can only be used to detect spirit monsters.

However, the result surprised him, and the property panel about this tree soon appeared.

Although there are not many descriptions, it is enough for him to have the most direct understanding of this big tree that is not a spirit.

It's called the Hanxin Iron Tree, and its quality is shown as a low-grade rare treasure. According to the information, it is a high-quality refining material, which obviously has a certain value.

Qin Ming stepped forward to try it, and the tree was indeed of extraordinary quality, extremely hard.

When he punched it down, it was like hitting fine iron, and there was a muffled sound, but only a shallow fist mark was left on the tree.

Not broken.

Although he didn't know the quality of the so-called low-grade rare treasure, but in his own opinion, it was already a high-quality treasure of heaven and earth.

He was too lazy to continue to work hard on the tree, so he directly embraced his hands and pulled up the iron tree by the roots, putting it in his storage bag.

His eyes swept around again.

Qi Lanhua

Quality: unfinished

Information: The roadside flowers that can be seen everywhere have a pleasant fragrance and are suitable for placing at home.


Quality: unfinished

Information: Relatively rare grass, swallowed has a little medicinal effect of clearing the liver, and is occasionally used as medicine.

On a whim, Qin Ming inspected different plants around him one after another.

As a result, only the first chilling iron tree was a low-grade exotic treasure, and the rest of the plants were of unqualified quality.

Judging from the information given, the uses are average, they are just ordinary plants, not worth collecting by Qin Ming.

Then he walked into the forest beside the ancient road, and specially found some wild animals for investigation.

bush boar

Class: not entered

Information: An ordinary beast with a body length of 1.8 meters and a weight of 650 catties. It has a certain aggressiveness. Its meat is often served as a table dish.

Bamboo Snake

Class: not entered

Information: An ordinary beast with a body length of 2.2 meters and a weight of 120 jins. It has poison in its body and has a certain degree of aggressiveness.

After casually cutting the green snake into two pieces, Qin Ming also had a certain understanding of the updated detection ability.

This detection ability is no longer limited to spirits and monsters. Whether it is ordinary animals and plants, or high-grade treasures, he can now obtain relevant information through this detection ability.

It has to be said that this ability has become quite convenient.

Things that were uncertain or unknown in the past also have a source of information, and it can be predicted that this ability will be of great help to him in the future.

Among other things, this optimized detection ability is enough to make him quite satisfied. This update is not in vain.

But apart from this, he couldn't see any other changes just from the login interface.

He speculated that more updated content will only be reflected in a different world.

After researching alone for a while, and finding nothing else, Qin Ming put away the login interface, continued on the road, and headed towards Donggan City.

He estimated that it would take two or three days until the cooldown on the interface ended, and then he would be able to enter the different world with the spirit monster.

Then he hurried on the road until late at night, before he found a place to rest for a while.

The sky at night is similar to that during the day, and there are also two round moons hanging high, reflecting each other.

Qin Ming was leaning on a big tree, staring at the several galaxies above his head, his mind was full of thoughts.

There was a sudden silence, and suddenly, he had come to this strange world.

It was a little unreal, but he knew where he was and what he was going to do.

He doesn't regret coming here, if it is possible in the future, he even wants to take his parents, Gu Qing and others to live together.

Of course, the premise is that he can guarantee the safety of his family and Gu Qing after they come here, otherwise, even if there is a way, he will not do so.

There are so many benefits to living in the world of Reiki, even if you just stand here and do nothing, dry breathing is very beneficial.

Ordinary people here can even live to be one hundred and fifty or sixty years old without disaster or disease, or even longer.

Longevity and health, strong physique and exuberant vitality are the most basic characteristics of people in the Reiki world.

He naturally hopes that his relatives and friends can also have these benefits.

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