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Chapter 366 Nine Condensed Body Jue 7th Turn

A round of exercise is over.

In the end, only a trace of pure and high-quality spiritual energy was refined and integrated into Qin Ming's muscles and bones.

It doesn't feel too much, this is just a round of kung fu practice, and the spiritual energy obtained is only a trace.

Just to replace the first layer of the reincarnation environment, I don't know how many times I need to perform the exercises and how much spiritual energy I need to absorb to complete it.

And then there is the first layer of small realm to nourish the internal organs, and the final sublimation of the blood, all of which require a large amount of pure spiritual energy to be injected into the body.

The road of practice is the process of water dripping through stone, and the daily accumulation of bit by bit can only complete the qualitative leap in the end.

Of course, if there are other natural treasures and spiritual objects to assist, this process can undoubtedly be greatly shortened, which is also the preciousness of resources.

Just like the five-tier spirit monster inner alchemy that Qin Ming bought, it can help him speed up the progress of his cultivation.

Of course, he planned to use this spirit monster inner alchemy to break through the realm of the Nine Condensation Body Art, not for cultivation.

It is undoubtedly a lot more convenient to buy spirit monster inner alchemy in the market here.

Swallow this inner alchemy directly, and skillfully operate the Nine Condensation Body Art.

The surrounding spiritual energy also began to rush in, and even made a light breeze blow in the house.

This is a vision that would not have appeared in his original world.

Just as Na Xingfeng said, the spiritual world is the big world that is really suitable for cultivation, and the Nine Condensed Body Art is originally from the spiritual world, and it is natural to get twice the result with half the effort in a place with spiritual energy.

These auras spontaneously integrated into the limbs and bones of the body, and the whole body began to feel warm. It was unknown whether it was the effect of the spirit inner alchemy or the effect of a large amount of aura entering the body from outside.

It's a pity that the breathing method that I just bought doesn't have such an effect, otherwise it wouldn't be just a middle-grade method.

The black Jiu Ning Gangback reappeared again, turning into a phantom floating on Qin Ming's body, becoming more and more solid and terrifying under the continuous infusion of spiritual energy.

After several hours like this, with the crackling sound of his muscles and bones, his Nine Condensation Body Art also reached the seventh rank.

A strange and surging power arose spontaneously, and a dark light suddenly appeared in his eyes, full of fierceness.

It was better than ever, Qin Ming restrained his momentum and was quite satisfied in his heart.

This expensive spirit inner alchemy was not in vain. His physical strength has been improved to a higher level, and his strength has also increased greatly.

In this aura world, he really needed the strength that would allow him to gain a foothold.

This is the premise of everything he does.

Touching Kong Kong's stomach, he hasn't eaten since he came to Dungan City for the past two days. Although he can't starve to death now, he still feels uncomfortable.

Tasting delicious food is one of the great pleasures in life, even if he can really live without food in the future and live by swallowing spiritual energy, he doesn't want to give up this pleasure just like that.

His cultivation skills improved, and he was in a good mood, so he made up his mind and walked out of the courtyard, and once again came to the inner city where the monks lived.

He had already stepped on it when he was wandering around.

Taste into immortals, the top tavern in the inner city, all kinds of delicacies are famous for its delicious food, and it is a place full of praise in the mouths of many monks.

Because I bought the exercise before, I was eager to go back and have a look, so I didn't go into the store to taste it. Now that I have nothing to do, I won't miss it.

Step up and walk into the store.

Although there are quite a few well-known monks here, the atmosphere is indeed quite good, and the monks will not yell and drink like ordinary people in the market, they will all communicate or taste delicacies in their private rooms.

"My lord, please come inside." After seeing Qin Ming walking in, an ordinary person dressed as a junior greeted him immediately, took him to a private room and sat down enthusiastically.

"My lord, what do you want? This is the menu of our restaurant." After the young waiter handed over the menu, he stood aside, looking very well-behaved, and didn't talk nonsense to displease the customers.

There are indeed quite a few dishes in the recipe, and some of them seem to be delicious, using exotic animal meat or other ingredients that Qin Ming has never seen before.

But due to the shyness of the pocket,

He didn't dare to order too much at once, so he could only sample a few of the most interesting ones to taste.

The consumption here must also be Yuanjing, otherwise he would not be like this.

"This, this, oh, and this Lanzhu venison, and..." Qin Ming calculated accurately, ordered seven dishes in total, and consumed the little gem crystal left in his pocket .

"Okay, I'll go to the back kitchen for someone to make preparations, my lord, please wait a moment." Xiaoer smiled respectfully, and slowly exited the private room.

This service attitude made him very comfortable. If he hadn't really had no money, he would have tipped him.

Indeed, being able to work as an errand waiter in a restaurant like this in the inner city is actually a good job for ordinary people.

After all, you can get in touch with all kinds of monks here, maybe some unruly guests will give him a chance or other rewards if they enjoy their meal.

This is not an advantage that other places can have. Maybe that kid was stuffed in by his own background.

After a while, the seven delicacies Qin Ming ordered were on the table.

Although the amount of each dish is not much, the tender fragrance exuded is really amazing.

It has to be said that there is a reason why so many monks remember this place.

"My lord, if you have any other orders, feel free to send me. I'll wait outside in the lobby." The young mistress said.

"Okay." Qin Ming nodded.

"In this way, I won't disturb your meal." After saying that, Xiao Er walked out of the private room, leaving Qin Ming alone.

Qin Ming immediately started tasting.

"good to eat!"

It was really delicious. I ate all seven dishes one by one, and none of them disappointed Qin Ming.

The main reason is that the ingredients are really good, and the chefs are also very skilled. It is said that in order to control the perfect heat, some chefs even buy fire skills for subliminal training, in order to keep improving their cooking skills.

These days, no one has any hobbies and ambitions, and those monks are no exception.

A gust of wind blew away the remaining clouds, and the seven dishes were emptied directly.

He smacked his mouth a little bit, these seven dishes were not enough to fill him up.

At this time, he felt that he had to find a way to get some Yuanjing, otherwise it would be really difficult to move an inch in the city.

There are many ways to earn Yuanjing, the most direct way is to plunder outside the city.

But the premise is that he is strong enough, otherwise he will be defeated by Qin Ming alone, just like the robber that day.

You can also choose to join forces, just like those guest officials in the Changwenxi Chamber of Commerce, you can get a lot of rewards for a little effort for the Chamber of Commerce, and there are many other benefits.

For other monks, this may be a good choice.

But Qin Ming is an outsider, and he possesses the biggest secret of a monster registration device. He doesn't want to join any force or family yet.

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