Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 384 Xiantian in the mist


Qin Ming was very concerned about the introduction information on the task interface. After thinking about it for two minutes, he decided to go and see the so-called Xiantian that existed for thousands of years.

Even if this mission is really too dangerous, causing him to die here is nothing more than ending this trip to another world ahead of schedule.

It's not that he can't accept the result after completing the Monkey Mountain mission.

The mist is thick, and the spiritual energy is flying around like a mischievous child, and the speed is not slow.

When this task appeared on the interface, he didn't need to accept it or not, and he could faintly feel a faint induction after releasing his mental power.

Looking for this induction, Qin Ming walked around the mountains in the white mist.

Although the range of vision is limited, he can still have a general direction by virtue of the relevant sense of this task.

In the white mist in the distance, towering trees appeared one after another.

The emerald green shade seems to be growing quite well, and every leaf seems to contain a little spiritual energy.

After getting closer to the side, there is a towering and steep rock mass, extending all the way to the mountain.

This sense of Xiantian's position does not come from above the mountain range, but near the foot of the mountain.

In this fog of aura, he walked cautiously for about half a day.

The scenery in front of him suddenly changed, the surrounding fog seemed to recede by itself, and a natural place appeared clearly.

The mist of the outside world is shrouded around this natural place, without going beyond it.

It seems that this natural land is like an independent small world, isolated from the world.

"This is the so-called Millennium Immortal Field?"

Thinking of this, Qin Ming intends to enter it to find out what kind of magic is here.

However, he just raised his foot to step into the soft soil, but the result was that the surrounding fog bound his foot like a lock, preventing him from stepping into it.

Qin Ming had to stagger two steps and backed away.

The fog didn't show any aggressiveness, but it was like an invisible high wall, even if it found a place, no one could enter.

A little unbelieving, Qin Ming took another step forward, and suddenly exerted force under his feet. The violent force was so strong that he was about to smash the ground with his feet.

The aura leaked out, stirring up the surrounding fog.


More fog entangled immediately, and Qin Ming's feet had just dropped an inch before encountering astonishing resistance.

The resistance was unimaginable, and he was thrown out in an instant.

Stabilizing his figure, Qin Ming showed a bit of surprise on his face.

His current physical strength is only inferior to the spirit monsters of the seventh rank, and the power he erupts is even more powerful.

To make him feel helpless, this fog is definitely not a trivial matter.

"Could it be a naturally formed formation?" Qin Ming whispered to himself. He knew that it was unlikely that outsiders would force their way into this natural place.

Maybe there are other ways.

Qin Ming popped up the task interface of the login device again.

The condition for completing this seventh-level task is to obtain the sacred water of the Lingshan Mountain and pour this fairyland.

"Maybe the opportunity is this spirit mountain and divine water, or maybe it needs the help of other spirits."

Making a guess in my heart, I stood outside the field and looked out.

Although you can't get in, you can still see some of the appearance inside.

Some exotic flowers and plants that look dull in luster are scattered and growing everywhere, looking malnourished.

A green tree that seemed to have been eaten by ants and insects fell on the field, and the leaves withered all over the place.

There is also an old crooked neck tree that is still standing upright, but it seems that it is not in a very good condition. Since it is a little far away from where he is, it is not very clear.

What caught his attention most was a flower vine, which seemed to be planted here.

There are many colorful and gorgeous flowers blooming on the vines, which look extremely delicate.

The flowers are not yet the focus on this vine.

I saw eight small gourds about the size of a palm growing on this flower vine about seven meters long.

There is a mystical light passing over the surface of its gourd.

Just looking at these small gourds, one can tell that they must be a high-level spiritual creature.

Not only that, behind the eight gourds, there is also a piece of black black iron and a small bronze-colored square tripod hanging on the flower vine.

These are even more strange.

If gourds grow on flower vines, he can understand somewhat.

But a piece of black iron and a small bronze tripod grew out of the flower vine, which was beyond his comprehension.

Although he doesn't know the origin and quality of these things in the fairyland, it also makes him more curious, and he really wants to go in and use his exploration ability to see them one by one.

"That's why I have to get the Spirit Mountain Divine Water first, and then I'll see the situation."

After silently writing down the coordinates of the address of this fairyland, Qin Ming backed out and returned the same way.

Before he left, he also noticed that there were no signs of spirits and monsters in the vicinity of this fairyland. He may have found that the number of spirits here is quite small, and maybe even Qin Ming has been the only visitor in recent years.

He also found this place in the dense fog because of the mission, otherwise it would be really difficult to find this place without knowing it.

All the way back, has been back to the original location.

He only found the first path up the mountain.

Only that road is not blocked by the fog, and the sight and spiritual perception can be reached.

According to his own prediction, Qin Ming is going to go to this big mountain range to have a look, and find the location of the divine water as soon as possible.

Now seventy-two days have passed since his login time, and the remaining days are not too many.

Fortunately, the surrounding fog did not restrict his way up the mountain.

All the way can be said to be unimpeded, and I set foot on the mountain road and rocky land without any trouble.

The rich aura was so outrageous, Qin Ming took a few deep breaths in the mountains, feeling that all the blood in his body was being baptized, and he was very comfortable.

Baoshan, Lingshan!

The aura here is definitely the strongest place he has ever seen, not one of them.

"There shouldn't be more than one spiritual vein entrenched under this mountain range." I stomped on the hard rocky ground under my feet, thinking so in my heart.

The most important factor that constitutes Lingshan Treasure Land is the birth of Lingmai.

Spiritual veins often appear at the bottom of the mountain, formed by the condensing of infinite spiritual energy over countless years.

Only with the formation of spiritual veins can an ordinary mountain become a spiritual mountain that attracts countless spirits and monsters.

Generally speaking, there is often only one spiritual vein condensed under a spiritual mountain.

However, under some super treasure mountains, there may be more than two spiritual veins, and such treasure mountains will naturally have a higher level of spiritual energy.

He estimated that more than one spiritual vein was buried at the bottom of this large mountain range.

There may even be more than three spiritual veins, otherwise such a rich spiritual energy would not be achieved.

"I don't know if there is a treasure land of this level in the spiritual world outside..."

It is also a spiritual world, Qin Ming unconsciously compares this treasure mountain in another world with the spiritual world outside.

He is still very unfamiliar with the spiritual world, so he doesn't know much about it.

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