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Chapter 387 The Green Bull Alcoholic

"Can you let me go?" Huang Guixie couldn't help asking when Qin Ming fell silent.

Qin Ming caught a glimpse of the malicious resentment in the eyes of the yellow ghost and scorpion, without saying much, he directly pierced its brain with a sword.

Unfortunately, the information provided did not satisfy him.

After taking away the inner alchemy, he continued to walk towards the top of the mountain.

He wanted to go up to the top of the nearest mountain to take a look, maybe there might be clues to the spirit mountain water there.

After this period of climbing, he was not too far from the nearest peak.

After another half a day like this, the top of the mountain was just around the corner.

The wave after wave of gravity made his legs feel unprecedentedly heavy, and every time he raised his legs, he exhausted his strength.

The muscles of the whole body were tense, and the aura gushed out against the gravity.

Another solid step, landing on the rocky ground with a dull sound, Qin Ming finally reached the top of a mountain.

In the eyes is a sea of ​​pink flowers, dotted with a few thick old crooked-neck trees.

The roots of the tree are coiled and extend in all directions. The leaves on the tree are also bright red and very bright.

The richness of aura here has also reached its peak.

In a white mist, Qin Ming sensed a calm breath.

The breath is long and strong.

"Hey, it's really strange that a baby came here." At this moment, a voice came out from the white mist, unhurriedly, like an old man.

Qin Ming can spot the other party, and the other party can naturally spot him immediately.

"Sudden visit, no offense intended." No matter what, this place should be the other party's territory, and his strength is unknown, so he is right to be polite.

"Hehe, it's interesting. It's your ability to come here. Don't worry, I won't do anything to you." The creature in the white mist seemed to see Qin Ming's consideration, and couldn't help laughing.

"In that case, thank you senior first." Qin Ming thought that the other party would not talk nonsense, and said.

"Xiaowa, what are you doing here? Although the environment here is good for cultivation, it is still too early for you. Staying under such gravity for a long time will not be good for your body."

The creature in the white mist was very talkative, and even thought about Qin Ming very kindly.

A gust of wind blew past at this moment, blowing away some of the white mist in the air.

Qin Ming took this opportunity to see a figure lying on an arched tree root.

After walking two steps forward, the appearance and figure of the figure gradually became clear.

It is indeed an image of an old man, with gray hair simply combed and tied behind his head, wearing an ancient blue shirt all over his body, with his hands behind his head, lying on the root of a tree, apparently contented.

name: none

Ghost: Hua Qingniu

Combat Rating: Seventh Rank Top Rank

Growth Potential: Eighth Grade Top Grade

After investigation, the old man in front of him was indeed transformed by a spirit monster, and his body was actually a powerful existence of the seventh rank.

If he remembered correctly, the Cang Jue who took away the little fox back then was a member of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan of the upper seventh rank.

That is to say, the monster in front of him is at the same level as Cang Jue back then.

The existence of this level is not something he can contend with now.

That is to say, this spirit has a gentle and friendly temperament, otherwise he might not even have a chance to escape on the top of Lingshan Mountain.

"Thank you for reminding me, senior. I came here to find something." Qin Ming hesitated for a moment, but couldn't help but say.

"Oh? What are you looking for?" The old man Qingniu moved his lying body, and seemed to be a little interested in facing Qin Ming.

"Senior, you can know the divine water on Lingshan Mountain." Qin Ming felt that someone like the other party probably knew something.

With the passage of time, the possibility of finding it has become more and more remote.

Just take a little risk and see if I can get anything out of it.

Of course, it was also because the blue cow old man showed no malice that he asked so bluntly.

If other spirits are more greedy or cruel,

He would never ask such a question.

"Spiritual Mountain Divine Water?" The old man of Qingniu seemed to know something, and was a little surprised that Qin Ming could tell the divine water.

"There is indeed a spring on this spiritual mountain, which contains a pool of spiritual water that has been silent for an unknown number of years, but the gravity there is also the strongest on the entire mountain, and even I can't get the spiritual water inside. Water, how do you know?"

Qin Ming said calmly, "I have heard about the existence of the divine water on this spirit mountain from other spirits outside. They say it has magical effects, and those who drink it can break through the realm and refine their souls, and be promoted to a higher level."

Naturally, he would not tell the mission, pretending to hear it.

The old man of Qingniu didn't delve into it. Although there are not many ghosts who know about the Lingshan spring, he is not the only one, so it is not surprising that the news spread.

At this time, the white mist drifted away again.

Qin Ming saw that the old green cow was still holding a wooden jug in his hand, looking at the wine pouring from his mouth.

The rich aroma of wine wafted out, making Qin Ming swallowed involuntarily.

He is not a person who likes wine, but this wine is so fragrant that he can still smell the mellow taste clearly even from a distance.

Rao even had the urge to drink a couple of sips.

The blue cow old man looked like a full-fledged alcoholic, he drank the remaining wine in the jug, not letting go of the last drop.

After confirming again and again that there was no wine in the jug, he just put it away with a disappointed face.

"I don't know the specific effect of that spirit water, but what you hear is just rumors after all, just trust three points."

When the old man Qingniu said this, he obviously thought that Qin Ming was just hearing it.

He was conceited that even he himself couldn't get the spiritual water, and other spirits would have no chance. Most of the so-called magical effects of the spiritual water were just boasted by others, and he didn't take it seriously.

"Senior, can you tell me the whereabouts of the spring?" Qin Ming asked.

"It doesn't matter if I tell you, but I've run out of wine right now, so I wonder if I can ask you to go to Wuya Peak to get some more wine." The old green bull waved the empty jug in his hand, and said with a smile.

It means to say as soon as you give a drink.

"..." Qin Ming didn't know what to say, this old drunkard.

Unexpectedly, many spirits have developed some hobbies similar to humans.

"Okay." But in order to complete the task, Qin Ming still agreed.

At present, only this old alcoholic knows the whereabouts of Lingshui, and he can understand the request. After all, there is no reason, and he has no obligation to tell him.

Walking down from the top of the mountain, Qin Ming looked into the distance, and his eyes finally fixed on another shadow outside the white mist.

Wuya Peak is a peak in this mountain range, on which grows a blue-purple fruit called Zuilihun, which is the material that the old drunkard usually uses to make fruit wine.

It wasn't too far from where the old drunkard was, and it didn't take much time to go back and forth.

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