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Chapter 392 Ultrapure Water Vapor

He only needs to get a small cup from it to go back to revive the mission Xiantian.

"Hurry up, the natural restriction here has been almost broken by us. Once the restriction is broken, you can enter it." One of the three-headed snakes said, the voice still could not hear the emotional fluctuations, making the listener feel cold and uncomfortable .

The other two snakeheads continued to stare at Qin Ming, still spitting out letters.

The reason why these two powerful elves of the seventh rank and above have been staying here is to study the natural restrictions here, to find a way to break them, and to obtain the spiritual spring inside.

It also took a lot of time and energy for the two of them, and this restriction was more difficult to lift than expected.

Fortunately, it is not without gains now, and it is already on the verge of being broken.

"Hehe, it seems that my trip is just in time." Old Qingniu said with a cheeky smile.

"Hmph, Old Qingniu, don't you think you can pick up the leak?" The three-headed snake said coldly.

"Why, don't you welcome me? I didn't make much effort in this restriction at the beginning." Old Qingniu said slowly, his feet were still approaching.

Although he wasn't very interested in that spiritual spring, but now that it was a coincidence, he naturally wouldn't miss the opportunity to check it out.

Of course, this still depends on strength.

If the strength is not enough, it is naturally impossible to intervene in front of these two monsters.

That is to say, his Qingniu old man is so strong that he makes these two ghosts of the same class afraid, that's why he is able to do this.

The big snake looked at the red lion beside him, thinking that this old man would stand by his side.

But who knew that the Red Lion did not object to the old Qingniu who came, "It was indeed the Qingniu who told me about the land of the spiritual spring, and he also thought up the way to break the formation, so he is qualified to enter it with us."

"You!" The big snake was choked up by the red lion for a moment, and almost said you stupid ass.

In his opinion, even though the old Qingniu is not inferior to them in strength, if they work together, it will be no problem to drive away the old Qingniu.

With one less person following up, they will be able to share more gains.

From this point, we can also see the difference in the personalities of these two powerful spirits.

Orochi is more concerned about self, and seeks as many benefits as possible.

And the red lion has the appearance of a king, so he doesn't care too much about these things. He is more willing to make friends with the powerful old man Qingniu and make plans for the long-term.

As a result, the big snake was isolated instead, and Lao Qingniu approached with a smile like Qin Ming.

The big snake was furious, but there was nothing he could do.

He can't do anything to Lao Qingniu by himself, and he may even be injured or even defeated, the gain outweighs the loss.

Right now, we can only accept the fact that one more person gets a share of the pie.

"How far has it come?" Old Qingniu walked up to the Red Lion and asked.

"We have wiped out more than half of the formation. If you come to help, it should be able to break through within two days." Red Lion said.

"Okay." Old Qingniu nodded and agreed.

The big snake on the side also put away his temper, ready to cooperate with the red lion and the old green bull. Right now, the most important thing is to break through the big formation smoothly, and it is also the major prerequisite for whether it can be harvested.

Qin Ming wiped the sweat stains on his forehead, resisted the tremendous gravity, and watched the behavior of these three powerful spirits.

From time to time, I also pay attention to the spring in front of me.

At this time, rays of light burst out from it, rising to a height of more than ten meters in the air, like countless carps leaping over the dragon gate.

The three ghosts of Old Qingniu also exerted their strength at the same time, and their aura rose.

The restrictions here were subject to external pressure, and then loosened.

A trace of water vapor came out from the crack, Qin Ming's heart moved when he saw this, and he opened his mouth to inhale immediately, taking the water vapor that floated out into his mouth.

Throat is slightly moist.

The next moment, he felt an extremely pure aura emanating from his body.

With one roll of Neidan, he digested the aura with almost no effort.

Although the amount of water vapor is not much,

The effect is not obvious, but this level of spiritual purity is the only thing Qin Ming has seen.

It was as if the aura of the small world he originally lived in was different from that of this other world.

"This Lingshan Shenshui is really amazing." Qin Ming thought in his heart, seeing some water vapor coming out again, he took it into his mouth again out of the idea of ​​not wasting it.

Both the old green bull and the red lion were engrossed in killing the natural restriction, only one of the three big snakes turned its head and stared at Qin Ming twice, with a dangerous aura in its eyes.

But he didn't say much, after all, Qin Ming was brought by Lao Qingniu, so it's impossible for him to do anything to Qin Ming now.

"What a big head." Tired of being stared at, Qin Ming felt a little upset, and walked to the side, hiding under a few banana leaves to block the big snake's sight.

Of course, he was also continuing to swallow the escaping water vapor.

The accumulated weight is quite considerable.

Three days later, with a buzzing sound, the restriction that had been strong for an unknown period of time was finally broken.

A large cloud of water vapor burst out, and this time it was not only Qin Ming who absorbed it, but even the three ghosts of Old Qingniu did not turn a blind eye and absorbed it.

Especially the three heads of the big snake are like three water pumps, constantly digesting the water vapor in the air.

With such strong competitors, and there are still three, Qin Ming can't continue to take care of everything. He only absorbs the surrounding water vapor, and does not participate in the competition of the three spirits.

However, even so, it is still difficult to keep the one-acre three-point land near him.

One of the big snake's heads suddenly turned in his direction and opened its mouth wide.

Immediately, great suction burst out from it, sweeping away all the water vapor around Qin Ming.

"Sixth-level monsters should be self-aware. The divine water here is not something you can get your hands on." One of the big snakes suddenly raised its head and said slowly while looking down at Qin Ming.

This kind of special feeling is obviously premeditated by Orochi, because he was dissatisfied with the arrival of Old Qingniu, and even hated Qin Ming, causing him trouble everywhere.

Although Qin Ming's strength is not weak, he does not have the slightest advantage in the competition for absorption in this area.

Soon, the burst of water vapor was divided up, because of the excessive interference of the big snake, Qin Ming only harvested a small part of it.

"Sooner or later, I will make you feel better." Qin Ming thought to himself about this three-headed snake.

"Let's go." The red lion didn't pay much attention to Qin Ming, and stared at the unimpeded bubbling spring with his eyes full of excitement.

The aura that rushed to their faces was worthy of their high expectations.

The red lion walked towards the spiritual spring first, and the three-headed snake at the side saw it, fearing that it would miss something, it immediately twisted its body and accelerated to keep up.

"Let's go too." Old Qingniu turned his head and said to Qin Ming.

"Okay." Qin Ming nodded, and walked forward with extremely heavy steps.

Seeing that Qin Ming still resisted the gravity here without his help, the old Qingniu praised him and walked towards the spring.

In the eyes of the spring, the endless rays of light seemed to be less suppressed by the prohibition, and suddenly they all rushed to the sky, as gorgeous as fireworks.

It also made other spirits on the mountain and down the mountain aware of the existence of this spring, and they thought that some kind of spiritual treasure was unearthed to attract such a vision.

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