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Chapter 394 The Battle of Shenshui

Gradually, Qin Ming restrained his aura, and the surrounding swords also dissipated, making the scene calm.

"Thank you, senior." Qin Ming bowed slightly to Old Qingniu to express his gratitude.

In fact, he didn't expect that after drinking such a sip of water, he would directly break through the bottleneck and advance to the seventh rank.

In normal times, he would still be able to quickly leave the meditative state to defend against danger when encountering danger, but at the critical moment of promotion, if he stops forcibly, it will only make his breathing disorder and cause more serious injuries.

And after the breakthrough failed this time, the difficulty of breaking through the next level will rise sharply next time, and the harm will be huge.

If the red lion and the big snake wanted to do something to him at this time, his situation would undoubtedly be quite dangerous.

His spiritual power sensed that the old green cow had been protecting him since he woke up, helping him to break through and be promoted, and thanking him was a must.

"It's okay, I didn't do anything." Old Qingniu regained his human form, holding the jug, and said with a wave of his hand, with a look of indifference.

"Young people from the Sword Grass Clan, if you have any difficulties on Lingshan in the future, you can feel free to come to me. I still have a little right to speak in this area, including those gophers from Wuya Peak who come to trouble you. You can also come to me."

The red lion also turned into a human form, becoming a tall middle-aged man with awe-inspiring aura.

However, his attitude towards Qin Ming was quite friendly, as if he wanted to make friends.

Seeing the other party's kindness, Qin Ming thanked him in advance, although the other party's promise was of no use to him.

After all, his trip to another world will be over in a few days.

The other three-headed snakes were still very indifferent to Qin Ming, and had no intention of coming over.

If Qin Ming wasn't brought by Lao Qingniu, he might also have the idea of ​​making friends, but since Lao Qingniu brought him, he would only regard Qin Ming as a potential imaginary enemy.

Afterwards, the three big bosses had a heated discussion about the ownership of this spiritual spring. The scene was once very intense, and there was even a tendency to fight directly.

They all know very well that although this spiritual spring is useless to them, it doesn't mean that the spiritual spring is useless.

For other spirits, this is still a rare treasure, maybe they can use this spiritual spring to exchange valuable treasures with other spirits, or it can be used for other more purposes.

Qin Ming had no interest in this spiritual spring, so he planned to leave.

However, what he didn't expect was that the three big shots really fought in the end.

It was the three-headed snake that couldn't bear it first, and launched a sneak attack while Old Qingniu was not paying attention.

That is to say, the old Qingniu was so experienced that he forcibly avoided the opponent's fatal blow at such a close distance, but in the end he was bitten by one of the big snake's heads on the arm.

The poison invaded his body, paralyzing his body instantly.

Old Qingniu let out a pained snort, his eyes became cold and severe, and he slapped the snake's head with his palm.

The spiritual energy gushed out, and the powerful impact directly flattened the snake's head and collapsed a large piece, and a large amount of blood flowed out, mixed with other unknown liquids.

The big snake put away his head after suffering the pain, although he paid a price, but his eyes were still full of joy.

He knew how much damage his toxin could do, even if the old Qingniu was injected with such a large amount of toxin, he would feel quite uncomfortable.

Perhaps, he didn't have to wait until he was promoted to the eighth rank to have a chance to kill this old guy.

One head was sluggish, and he had two other snake heads, which opened their mouths and bit the old green bull.


In the battle between the bosses, the power of the aura collision is huge, that is to say, the rocky ground here has been squeezed by gravity for a long time and has become extremely hard, otherwise this peak will be blown down by them.

The Red Lion stepped aside temporarily, and it could be seen that he didn't want to do anything, but hoped to solve the problem through discussion.

It's a pity that with this surprise attack by the big snake, the situation shifted in an uncontrollable direction.

"Red Lion, if you help me this time,

The strange fire on the seventh peak belongs to you! "The big snake shouted suddenly.

The red lion showed a tangled look on the side.

Seemingly feeling unable to impress the Red Lion, Big Snake immediately said: "In addition, what you said to me last time, a deal!"

After hearing this, Red Lion finally felt a little moved. After hesitating for a while, he made a decision in his heart.

"it is good!"

Red lion is a simple word, but it makes Lao Qingniu fall into a completely passive danger.

When the old green cow came to this spiritual mountain, he had looked down on everything and chose to hide from the world, so he didn't compete with the big snakes for various resources on the spiritual mountain, but now he suffered a disadvantage.

For the ultimate benefit, the red lion chose to help the three big snakes kill the old blue cow.

With two against one, even though Old Qingniu's strength and combat experience are slightly stronger, he still can't win.

Soon, the old green bull was driven to a dead end, and even if he transformed into a green bull again, he couldn't gain the upper hand.

One bull fights one lion and one snake.

boom boom boom

The fighting movement was extremely loud, and this was definitely the highest level of fighting Qin Ming had ever seen.

If it weren't for the restriction of the forbidden area and the gravity of the Lingshan Mountain, this would be another scene of fighting between immortals flying into the sky and hiding from the ground.

Qin Ming wanted to leave to do the task, but at the moment he finally couldn't see it.

Old Qingniu helped him a lot, and in the current situation, he really didn't want to stand by and watch.

Cold air emerged from his hands, and an ice sword condensed.

The incomparable sword momentum shot out again, enveloping all directions, rivaling the aura released by the three big men.

Slashing forward with a sword, although he has just broken through to the seventh rank, his strength has undergone a qualitative change just as what Old Qingniu said.

The sword swings in all directions.

With one sword, cut all directions!

The three-headed snake was the first to appreciate Qin Ming's first sword after he was promoted, and the huge sword light mixed with endless cold air surrounded him in an instant.


Amidst the vibration of the spiritual energy, the three heads of the big snake roared one after another.

Its body was scratched by Qin Ming's sword light one after another, and blood flowed horizontally.

He originally thought that after persuading the Red Lion, it would be a certainty to win the Old Blue Bull today, and he paid a lot for it.

However, what he didn't expect was that Qin Ming's combat strength after being promoted to a higher rank could reach the point where he could threaten him.

The sword light cutting towards him was unavoidable, locking him firmly in place.

One of the snake heads was chopped off in half by Qin Ming's sword on the spot, and the remaining half was sprayed with blood like a shower.

"Damn it! I'll kill you!" The big snake roared angrily, letting the red lion deal with the old green bull, while he himself turned around and rushed towards Qin Ming.

Right now, he hates Qin Ming even more than Old Qingniu.

It has to be said that Qin Ming's ability to draw hatred is quite good.

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